Felix Lok Ying-Kwan

Felix Lok Ying-Kwan

Рождение : 1953-10-03,


Felix Lok Ying-Kwan


New Kung Fu Cult Master 2
Wudang master Zhang Cuishan who lives in the Shangri-La Ice and Fire Island with his family, away from the dissension and bloodshed, ambushed and leaving his young son Zhang Wuji orphaned.
New Kung Fu Cult Master
White Brows
Wudang master Zhang Cuishan who lives in the Shangri-La Ice and Fire Island with his family, away from the dissension and bloodshed, ambushed and leaving his young son Zhang Wuji orphaned.
A young man is accused of killing the daughter of Hong Kong’s richest tycoon after a drunken tryst. His poor shop owner grandmother insists he is innocent and seeks legal aid.
The Legend of The Condor Heroes: The Dragon Tamer
王重阳 Wang Chongyang
Alien Invasion
Inspired by the myth of Cthulhu, it tells a fantasy adventure story triggered by a mysterious quantum mechanics experiment.
Unexpected Love 2
The movie tells a sweet love story about an anchor guild boss, Su Xiaonian (Wang Li Xin), and a popular anchor, Li Mu Zi (Pan Shi Qi), who meet, fight and fall in love with each other.
The Love of Immortal
The film tells that Yan Xian's master passed him a demon catcher before he died, but the demon catcher was stolen by the three cat demon. The stranger caught the "demon in the ear" inside the king. Yan Seventeen caught a rat demon who had stolen his money and treasure, and this rat demon named Rat Laibao was the real successor of the demon catcher.  
Dragon Descendant: Demon Busters
On the way to Beijing poor student Li Xiuyuan meets professional demon catcher Yin Pingzhi who imprisoned soul of three-year old white dragon Xiao Qinglong. After accidental mistake white dragon essence entered in Li'body and student take two sets of souls. But Li Xiuyuan continues his journey to the capital and befriends a depressed female demon hunter, Sansheng, who is at the bottom of the list. At first, Sansheng wants to catch the Dragon Demon to fulfill his wish to be in the top ten, but after getting to know Li Xiu Yuan and the Little White Dragon, San Sheng is forced to take a closer look at their relationship.
The Proud Smile
Вина по умыслу
Fong Hin Fai
Фильм рассказывает о присяжном по громкому делу, которого шантажом заставляют вынести вердикт после похищения его дочери.
Chen Zhen Legend
LI Ligo
Проект «Гутенберг»
Сидящего в тюрьме мошенника Ли Маня вызывают на допрос в полицию. Его бывшая подруга Юэнь, а ныне — всемирно признанная художница, хочет внести за него залог, и теперь полиция пытается выяснить всё, что тот знает о своём бывшем подельнике по кличке Художник. Некоторое время назад Ли Мань жил в Канаде и безуспешно пытался стать настоящим артистом, но арт-агенты хотели выставлять только работы Юэнь. Парень уже почти отчаялся, когда на него вышел Художник и предложил вместе с командой профессионалов создать супердоллары — неотличимые от настоящих подделки.
Большой брат
Guan's Father
Мистер Чэн приходит устраиваться учителем в обычную гонконгскую школу. Учебное заведение находится на грани закрытия, так как поступаемость в вузы у её выпускников почти нулевая. Но мистер Чэн, обладающий полезными знаниями, эффективными умениями и необычными методами преподавания, начинает бороться с неуспеваемостью и хромающей дисциплиной в классе.
Monkey King and the City of Demons
Demon Catcher
Monkey King and the City of Demons
Happy Ghost vs Young & Dangerous
After leaving Chan Ho Nam (Ekin Cheung character from Young and Dangerous weries) his brother Banana joins Chiu Tze Hung to become the main force of the new crime society. In the struggle for power Chiu kills Banana. But with the help of the Happy Ghost, the ghost of Banana is resurrected in the flesh of a bitter woman and turns into a big sister, seeking revenge
Phantom of the Red Creepy Village
Zhang Xin'an
Ударная волна
Lok's father
Семь лет назад полицейский сапёр Чун Чойсан был внедрён под прикрытием в банду торговца взрывчаткой Хуна. В тот день банда была полностью обезврежена, но главарю удалось сбежать, оставив в руках полиции подельщиков и младшего брата. Теперь Хун возвращается в Гонконг, чтобы отомстить. Разместив бомбы в крупных общественных местах, преступник вступает в опасную игру с офицером Чуном, возглавившим за это время городской Отдел по утилизации взрывчатых веществ.
Улетная ночка
Alan is a rich kid looking forward to a busy 24 hours: his birthday celebration tonight and attending court as witness in a criminal trial the next morning. Gal pal Wendy gets things rolling with plans for a night of non-stop partying. Alan's lawyer knows his client's unreliability, so he pressures Alan's dependable chum Chris to tag along. Chris's friend Sam, an entrepreneur eager to do business with Alan's crowd, also joins in for fun and profit. As they make the rounds, Alan gets increasingly plastered while searching for his latest infatuation, Ayaka. By sunrise, he's hardly in condition to testify and even the hangover-curing skills of bartender Cherry prove ineffective. As the deadline looms, another solution is sought. In the process, the guys discover their twilight craziness provided each with a new self-perspective that has intangibly changed their lives.
Шторм Z
Tsui Wai-King
История о самой крупной финансовой махинации, произошедшей в Гонконге, соучастниками которой стали все 7 миллионов его жителей.
Подслушанное 3
В последние годы чиновники Гонконга проводили политику, отстаивающую интересы, в первую очередь, коренных обитателей города, в то время как приезжие испытывали дискриминацию. Естественно, такое положение дел вызывало недовольство у многих жителей города и напряжение в общество нарастало. Но только активное использование «жучков» позволило в полной мере осознать, насколько сложная и взрывоопасная ситуация сложилась в Гонконге.
Tales From The Dark 1
Chu (segment "Stolen Goods")
In the first of a two-part film project, three short stories from acclaimed Hong Kong horror writer Lilian Lee are adapted for the big screen in this horror anthology.
Young and Dangerous: Reloaded
Gordon Lam
On a dark Mongkok night, May, the cousin of Dai Tin-yee (Dominic Ho), was gang-raped to death by Med King (Deep Ng) and his men. The furious Tin-yee, together with his buddies, Ho-Nam(Him Law), Chicken (Oscar Leung), Pou-Pan (Jazz Lam) tracked down Med King to revenge May’s death. As Med King was under the wing of Ugly Kwan (Sammy Sum), a leader of the Hung Hing triad, Kwan gave orders to get rid of Ho-Nam by all means….
Fairy Tale Killer
Commander Chan
When a bloodied and incoherent Jun (Wang Baoqiang) confesses to five murders that have not occurred, the police assume that he's mentally unstable and ignore his claims. Police detective Han (Lau Ching-wan) is investigating a series of gruesome murders, but soon discovers that all is not as it seems and that not only are the murders connected, but that Jun is tied to them in some way.
Наступление ночи
Chief Yu
20 лет назад было совершенно страшное преступление: молодая девушка была изнасилована и жестоко убита в собственном доме. Убийца пойман на месте преступления и пожизненно отправлен в тюрьму. Но спустя 20 лет был освобождён досрочно. Сразу после его выхода не менее жестоко был убит отец девушки - известный музыкант. Стареющий и спивающийся инспектор Лам считает, что между двумя убийствами существует взаимосвязь.
Подслушанное 2
Jim Chan
Знаменитый биржевой маклер Мэнсон в Гонконге попадает в автомобильную аварию. Полиция во главе с инспектором Джеком Хо расследует это дело и обнаруживает жучка, который подложили военные в авто. Между тем, на прослушке сидел инспектор спецслужбы Джо и обнаружил, что готовится большой заговор против таинственного финансового конгломерата. Судьба этих парней закручивает их в полную интриг игру, которая называется «кошки-мышки». Последствиями этой игры может стать крушение рынка акций.
Дом мечты
Cop Man
Шеунг всю жизнь копит на собственную квартиру. Причем, квартира ей нужна не абы какая, а в конкретном доме и с окнами на залив — о такой она мечтала с детства. Но стоят квартиры очень дорого, поэтому процесс накопления затянулся на десятилетия — а цены растут быстрее, чем Шеунг успевает копить.
Love in a Puff
Cop in car park
When the Hong Kong government enacts a ban on smoking cigarettes indoors, hard-core smokers are driven outside and a budding romance develops between two co-workers.
Robert Ha
Джoнни, Джин и Maкc, пoлицeйcкиe из oтдeлa paccлeдoвaний экoнoмичecкиx преступлений, вeдyт пpocлyшкy и нaблюдeниe зa кpyпнoй кoмпaниeй, зaнимaющeйcя мaxинaциями нa рынке цeнныx бyмaг.
Pearl has quietly fallen in love with her boss Tom, who’s married with a family. Without warning, Tom asks Pearl to interview for another job. Wounded, Pearl demands that Tom terminate her. The gauntlet has been thrown down. In a space as small, crowded and claustrophobic as the office, love doesn’t grow - it incubates and breeds, like a virus.
Headmaster (as Felix Lok)
Грейс Вон — дизайнер. Однажды утром ее похищают и запирают в сарае. Случайно там находится разбитый телефон, и наугад набранный номер оказывается номером обычного парня по имени Боб. И именно Боб становится спасательной соломинкой Грейс.
Sammi (Athena Chu) and her husband Chan (Francis Ng) try to find ways to salvage their dying marriage after Sammi is injured during a robbery. The second chance at resolving their marital issues is embraced, but it also creates a dangerous situation for Sammi as she begins to have terrifying premonitions of brutal murders. Her intuitions are helpful to Chan, who's a detective, but they also put the couple at the top of the murderer's list.
Happy Go Lucky
Snowie's father
Happy Go Lucky is a Hong Kong Comedy-Drama starring Kent Cheng.
Hero of City
Cheung Jo / "Tuen Mun"
Gordon puts together a team of criminals to execute the bold robbery of a jewelry store. Before the team can get away, alarms go off and the police arrive. An intense gun battle turns into a deadly encounter. The survivors escape, only to begin questioning how the police knew about the robbery. Suspecting an undercover operative in their midst, they begin turning on each other.
Рождённый диким
Brother Chu
Молодой человек расследует смерть своего брата-близнеца и открывает темный мир подпольного бокса.
Hong Kong History Y
Hong Kong History Y is a Hong Kong crime movie starring Danny Lee.
45 Days Lover
Ng Siu-Kei
Comedy - A hit-and-run accident puts Rose in a coma. When she awakens with amnesia, Rose is asked by her rescuer Kam to stay while she gets her memory back. Rose gradually falls for Kam, but soon realizes her relationship to him and his horrible truth. - Chow Chun Wing - Director, Lui Fong, Teresa Mak Kar-kei, Gwen Lok Ying
Баллистический поцелуй
Наемный убийца Кэт Ли работает не за деньги, а по большей мере за идею. Когда-то давно он был полицейским, но его напарник предал его, подставив и отправив в тюрьму на шесть долгих лет. Именно после этого Кэт и решает, что на свете нет справедливости, так же, как нет и невиновных людей. С тех пор он работает на мафиозную группировку, однако рано или поздно всему приходит конец, и очередное дело, как решает Кэт, станет последним в его карьере. И кто бы мог подумать, что именно в этом деле окажутся замешаны личные мотивы, когда одним из его участников становится его бывший друг, некогда подставивший Кэта.
Iron Butterfly III: Tomorrow
Tomorrow is a Hong Kong made-for-TV movie starring Tony Leung Chiu-Wai
Rhythm of Destiny
Chan Kwan
Two brothers Ah B and Dee live in two different worlds. Ah B decided to quit his smuggling business for a new life. He opens a nightclub to put his younger brother's singing talent in the limelight. Confrontation and fighting in the club at a singing contest unfolds drug deals of partners of Ah B. Innocently involved in the smuggling case Ah B is sentenced for a long-term jail. Misunderstandings override love of the siblings. As time goes by, in the name of love can the two brothers live under the same sky?
The Undercover
The Undercover is a made-for-TV movie starring Anthony Wong
Blue Lightning
Danny Lee is a retired cop investigating the murder of his wife, witnessed only by his son.
Legend of the Dragon
Fong's realtor
Chow plays a naive young kung fu student who leaves his rural home on a small island to find his fortune in Hong Kong under the dubious guidance of his uncle who cons him into using his natural skills as a snooker player for financial gain. This film also starred six-time world snooker finalist Jimmy White as Chow’s final opponent.
BB 30
Brother Chiu
A romantic comedy starring Kenny Bee as a not-so-hot but righteous lawyer and Carol Cheng as a beautiful doctor who is called upon as an opposing witness in several court cases. Their love affair goes through numerous bumps for an entertaining climax.
The Big Score
Officier Jeff Lau
Wong Jing wrote and directed this film, he also co-stars as a shady and bumbling individual who's forced to confront the people who have maimed his best friend and killed the poor guys family. They've also made his life extremely miserable. Danny Lee plays a cop who's job is to protect Wong Jing from a gang of sadistic gangsters. As in all of Wong Jing films, the villains are just plain rotten and they love to hurt and kill people.
My Neighbours are Phantoms
Master Vampire
Chingmy starts noticing some very odd things about the neighbors and it turns out they they are evil spirits needing the blood of 49 humans. Cheung Man is one of these spirits - but a kind hearted one who falls in love with Natalis Chan
Ghost Busting
Maggie's Brother
Salesmen Bangladesh and Robert once worked in countryside and came across a female ghost and a sissy ghost, but their driver was killed by the ghosts unfortunately. Bangladesh and Robert were rescued by a Taoist Master, Cheung. They were so scared that they had to find a new job. The boss of the new company, Mr. Kan, authorized his daughter to be the manageress. His son, Tin Wai, was jealous and requested various ghosts to make a mess of the company in order to usurp power. So, the staff receive special training on exorcising ghosts.
Nobody's Hero
Heroic Bloodshed movie from 1989
A newlywed couple die in a car accident. He is resurrected into another man's body and begins a love affair with someone else while she remains a wandering spirit. Meanwhile, an evil sorceress sets out to capture them.
A Hearty Response
Restaurant manager
During their last (botched) operation, Hong Kong cops Ho Ting-Bon and Long Man accidentally cause the slight head injury of a pretty young woman. Because she has entered the country illegally and has no other place to live, she pretends that she has amnesia and that she thinks Ting-Bon is her husband. He feels guilty about her "condition", so he lets her stay in his house. But there is someone from her past stalking her, with bad intentions...
Car dealer
Hsia and Lei Kung are two bumbling cops assigned to protect the gorgeous Rosa, girlfriend to a missing informer named Lee. But Rosa's wanted by more than just the law - the bad guys want her for leverage, and Lei Kung just wants her to be his girlfriend! Meanwhile, Hsia attempts to romance Lei Kung's sister, and the bad guys prepare for a final blow-out fight sequence!
The Unwritten Law
A lawyer becomes involved in a murder case concerning the bizarre killing of a rich businessman.
Love with the Perfect Stranger
Ah Bo's boss
shaw production
Wives and Lovers
shaw production
The Happenings
Drunk at petrol station
A group of teenagers stop at a service station after a leaving a disco. In a fight resulting from their inability to pay, the staff on duty are killed by the group, which leads to a desperate night of cat and mouse with the police.
The Saviour
Inspectors Tong (Shaw Brothers regular Pai Ying) and Cheng (Kent Cheng) are investing a psychopathic serial killer who has been raping and murdering prostitutes. With the help of a young prostitute, they follow the bloody trail to...