Несколько судеб связываются в одну нить: полицейского на грани нервного срыва от измены жены, любовницы его жены, вежливого грабителя банков и двух бездельников, мечтающих о легких деньгах. Как сложатся их жизни, когда они узнают, как тесен мир?
A young foreign girl comes to LA to learn English but learns instead that life in the States is not what she saw on TV and film. She finds herself being dragged into a world not only foreign in language but completely outside her cultural values. Her only savior is the one person who does not rely on language for communication, a deaf artist.
A young foreign girl comes to LA to learn English but learns instead that life in the States is not what she saw on TV and film. She finds herself being dragged into a world not only foreign in language but completely outside her cultural values. Her only savior is the one person who does not rely on language for communication, a deaf artist.