Stefan Maria Schneider

Stefan Maria Schneider

Рождение : 1980-12-28, Uerdingen, Krefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany


Stefan Maria Schneider


Finn has some bad luck. First, the paddling trip with his father falls through, and then he is robbed on the train to Berlin. On top of that, neither the conductor nor the police believe that his backpack and ticket have disappeared. Luckily, he meets the adventurous Jola, who quickly hijacks a rickety tractor. An exciting journey to the sea begins, where a brazen gang of rockers, a real wolf and many other fist-pumping adventures await the two runaways.
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Original Music Composer
Повелитель Драконов
Original Music Composer
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Белая змея
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Original Music Composer
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Original Music Composer
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