Heinz Rühmann

Heinz Rühmann

Рождение : 1902-03-07, Essen, Germany

Смерть : 1994-10-03


Heinrich Wilhelm "Heinz" Rühmann (March 7, 1902 – October 3, 1994) was a popular German film actor. Rühmann was born in Essen, Westphalia. His role in the 1930 movie Die Drei von der Tankstelle (Those Three from the Gas Station) led him to film stardom. He remained highly popular as a comedic actor (and sometime singer) throughout the 1930s and early 1940s. He remained in Germany and continued to work during the Nazi period, as did his friend and colleague, Hans Albers. Description above from the Wikipedia article Heinz Rühmann, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Heinz Rühmann


Hitler's Hollywood
Various Roles (archive footage)
Film journalist and critic Rüdiger Suchsland examines German cinema from 1933, when the Nazis came into power, until 1945, when the Third Reich collapsed. (A sequel to From Caligari to Hitler, 2015.)
Kleiner Mann ganz groß
Documentary feature about German actor Heinz Rühmann made shortly before his death in 1994.
Die schönsten Geschichten mit Heinz Rühmann
Varius Characters
Небо над Берлином - 2
Международное признание и открытый для продолжения финал фильма "Небо над Берлином" не мог не надоумить Вима Вендерса снова обратиться к истории про ангелов. Нам, по сути, предложили идентичную схему материализации ангела на земле, которую на этот раз претерпел напарник известного нам по оригиналу Дамиэля, Кассиэль. Все с той же грустной улыбкой наблюдает он за миром людей, не имея права вмешиваться в их жизнь под страхом превращения в простого смертного. Но однажды он переступает черту и спасает упавшую с балкона девочку. В тот же момент все вокруг становится ярким и разноцветным, и Кассиэль понимает, что теперь он человек. Божественная сущность в облике У.Дефо, а также ангелица Рафаэла пытаются образумить его, но Кассиэль уже поставил себе целью изменить реальность в лучшую сторону. Так, он встает на защиту попавшего в переплет бизнесмена, как оказалось впоследствии, промышляющего торговлей оружием.
Humor ist eine ernste Sache - Der Filmregisseur Kurt Hoffmann
Es gibt noch Haselnußsträucher
Heinz Rühmann - Schauspieler, Flieger, Mensch
Ein Zug nach Manhattan
Kantor Leon Sternberger
Aller guten Dinge sind drei. Serenade für Spieldose, Cello und Orgel
Friebe, Eberts, Weber
Balthasar im Stau
Noch 'ne Oper
A musical comedy written by Heinz Erhardt and his son Gero Erhardt.
Diener und andere Herren
Kirchendiener / Butler / Edward / Ehemann
Max und Moritz
Summa Summarum - Sondersendung zu Heinz Rühmanns 75. Geburtstag
Scrounged Meals
Alfred Eisenhardt
Das chinesische Wunder
Kein Abend wie jeder andere
Roeder, Antiquitätenhändler
Treffpunkt Herz
О, Йонатан, о, Йонатан!
Konsul Jonathan Reynold
Der Hausmeister
Der Pfandleiher
Der Kapitän
Kapitän Wilhelm Ebbs
Captain Ebbs is an older, experienced seaman who has, however, only sailed on freighters. While his current old barge, the Martin Luther, has to go into the shipyard for an overhaul, the shipping company gives him command of the elegant cruise ship Julia to temporarily replace a colleague who has fallen ill. The rough Ebbs finds his way into his new job only with difficulty and initially puts his foot in his social mouth.
Sam Kinsale mit 80 Jahren
Mein Freund Harvey
Elwood Dowd
Sag’s dem Weihnachtsmann
Leslie Darwin
Die Ente klingelt um halb acht
Dr. Alexander
Der Tod eines Handlungsreisenden
Willy Loman
Televised version of Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman.
Operation San Pietro
Erik Braun
Small time crook Napoleone falls into an unlikely gang made up of a gangster, called The Baron, and his two cohorts, Agonia and The Captain, where Napoleone takes them to Rome where they shack up with a shady used car dealer caled Il Cajella to help finance their new life of crime by planing to rob a statue from the Vatican. But a big-time American gangster, named Joe Ventura, hears about the heist and wants the priceless statue for himself by having his mistress, Samantha, come onto and betray the woman-hungry Cajella to give the statue away to her.
Самое громкое дело Мегрэ
Kommissar Maigret
Во время захватывающего художественного ограбления ценный Ван Гог был украден из парижского музея. Богатый английский коллекционер Холовей кажется подозрительным, пока однажды не найден мёртвым в своем гостиничном номере. Когда Мегрэ узнает, что убийство Холовея не имеет никакого отношения к краже произведений искусства, в этом сложном деле появляется решение...
Once a Greek
An extravagant comedy with Heinz Rühmann.
Кошелек или жизнь
Henry Schmidt
Люсьен Пелепан, бизнесмен из Тулузы, должен доставить парижскому нотариусу десять миллионов франков. Казалось бы простое дело оборачивается полной катастрофой; путешествие таило в себе множество сюрпризов.
Peer Bille
Kurt Hoffmann's remake of his own 1953 movie based on the play by Curt Goetz.
Das Liebeskarussell
Professor Hellberg
An episodic film, telling four erotic tales: Angela isn't sexually satisfied by her husband, so she simulates sleep-walking to visit her neighbor across the street every night; when his bathtub runs over, shy Peter gets to meet his sensuous neighbor Lolita; at a high-school reunion his former students pull a prank on Prof. Hellberg and make him believe he cheated on his wife while being drunk; Sybill has a good time during a break at the opera with the famous conductor Cramer.
Корабль дураков
Место и время действия жестко ограничены; герои — пассажиры корабля — люди разных национальностей, представители разных слоев общества, и команда гигантского лайнера «Вера». Один из пассажиров философствующий карлик Глокен, дает лайнеру новое имя «Корабль дураков». Им предстоит совместно совершить рейс из порта Веракрус (Мексика) в Бремерхафен. Они «обречены на совместное путешествие», которое продлится несколько недель. Чужие друг другу люди, предстают неким символом человеческого сообщества, отягощенного пороками и низменными страстями, которые, в конечном счете, по мнению Портер, и сделали возможным приход к власти Гитлера.
Dr. med. Hiob Prätorius
Dr. Hiob Prätorius
Vorsicht Mister Dodd
Dr. Lancelot Dodd / Dr. Ivor Marmion
The House in Montevideo
Prof. Dr. Traugott Hermann Nägler
A respectable professor inherits a house and money in Montevideo from his wild sister, on the condition that he himself behaves in a disreputable way.
Meine Tochter und ich
Dr. Robert Stegemann
Пагубная страсть
Father Brown
И снова в приходе отца Брауна происходит внезапный случай смерти. Отец Браун не может смотреть на бездействие полиции и начинает расследование…
Max der Taschendieb
Max Schilling
Max, a small time pick-pocket, has nothing to do with the ‘big’ crimes. But then he must find the murderer of Fred, his wife's brother.
The Liar
Sebastian Schumann
When the wife of Sebastian Schumann left her family, he told his little daughter that her mother has died, because he thought that this was the easiest way for her to accept that her mother is now gone. But this was only the beginning of a lot of lies he tells her continuously, mostly about himself and his job. This way he also tries to hide away from her the fact that he had to quit his job as a traveler and is now paid much less than before.
Паршивая овца
Pater Brown
В приходе отца Брауна происходит таинственная смерть. Отец Браун подозревает, что это убийство и начинает расследование…
Бравый солдат Швейк
Он скромно идет своей дорогой, ни к кому не пристает, и к нему не пристают журналисты с просьбой об интервью. Если бы вы спросили, как его фамилия, он ответил бы просто и скромно: «Швейк». И действительно, этот тихий, скромный человек в поношенной одежде - тот самый бравый солдат Швейк, отважный герой, имя которого еще во времена Австро-Венгрии не сходило с уст всех граждан чешского королевства и слава которого не померкнет и в республике. Я искренне люблю бравого солдата Швейка и, представляя вниманию читателей его похождения во время мировой войны, уверен, что все будут симпатизировать этому непризнанному герою. Он не поджег храма богини в Эфесе, как это сделал глупец Герострат для того, чтобы попасть в газеты и школьные хрестоматии. И этого вполне достаточно.
Сумасшедший поневоле
Ludwig Fuchs
Рейхсмаршал Геринг решил спасти от смертной казни своего школьного товарища, почтальона Фукса, обвиненного в государственной измене. Фукса признали сумасшедшим, выдали соответствующую справку, освободили из заключения Прикрываясь справкой о невменяемости, Фукс вволю насмехается над фашистскими порядками. После окончания войны почтальон вознамерился заняться своей любимой работой. Но...фиктивная справка не потеряла своей силы. Тогда по совету адвоката Фукс устраивает дебош. Его отправляют на судебно-медицинскую экспертизу и признают здоровым. К счастью, наказание назначается условное, и почтальон становится почтальоном.
The Judge and the Sinner
Dr. Ferdinand Bluhme
A drama directed by Paul Verhoeven.
Человек проходит сквозь стену
Herr Buchsbaum
Чиновник налогового управления Бухсбаум жил спокойной, однообразной жизнью и чувствовал себя даже счастливым. Но в один не очень прекрасный день в отдел был назначен новый начальник, сразу же возненавидевший чрезмерно деликатного Бухсбаума, а в квартиру рядом с той, где жил Бухсбаум, вселилась беспокойная соседка — учительница музыки. Неожиданно Бухсбаум обнаружил у себя сверхестественный талант — он может проходить сквозь стены! И он пользуется этим не только для того, чтобы насолить своему придирчивому начальнику, но и для собственного удовольствия.
Menschen im Hotel
Carl Kringelein
Der Eiserne Gustav
Gustav Hartmann
Der Pauker
Dr. Hermann Seidel
Der Mann, der nicht nein sagen konnte
Thomas Träumer
A man takes in three a dog and three runaway girls.
Это случилось при свете дня
Oberleutnant Matthäi
В лесу, поблизости от дороги, была найдена убитая девочка. Полиция в растерянности, два похожих убийства, произошедших несколько лет назад, так и остались нераскрытыми. Уличный торговец Жакье сразу попадает под подозрение, несмотря на то, что это именно он указал полиции на местонахождение тела девочки. Но комиссар Маттей уверен в его невиновности. Он поклялся родителям убитой Гритли, что найдет убийцу.
Vater sein dagegen sehr
Lutz Ventura
Margot is looking forward to moving into the old defense tower with her fiancé Lutz, a writer. Then the writer receives the news of his sister's death. Lutz is supposed to take in their children Traudl and Rudi and the dog Leo. Margot did not expect so much attachment...
Das Sonntagskind
Anton Wibbel
Сила мундира
Wilhelm Voigt
Его имя Фридрих Вильгельм Фойгт, и он — один из самых знаменитых мошенников мира. Когда-то он был простым сапожником — правда, с незаурядным воображением. Однажды он купил у старьёвщика форму гауптмана и, нарядившись в неё, приказал двум отделениям прусских гвардейцев сопроводить его в ратушу Кёпеника. В результате ратуша была захвачена солдатами под его командованием, бургомистр арестован якобы за растрату, а касса с кругленькой суммой изъята «для нужд армии».
Тётка Чарлея
Dr. Otto Dernburg
Торговый атташе Отто Дернбург приезжает из Южной Америки на деловые переговоры в Германию. На приеме он знакомится с привлекательной миллионершей Карлоттой Рамирес. Позже он посещает своего младшего брата Ральфа, который живет со своим другом Чарли на чердаке. Друзья пригласили в гости двух очаровательных шведок Уллу и Бритту, но боятся их сурового дяди Нильса. Девушки не хотят оставаться наедине с молодыми людьми. Должна приехать тетушка Чарли, но ее нет. Ради своего брата и чтобы спасти вечер, доктор Дернбург переодевается в тетушку Чарли. Ситуация становится все более сложной, когда на вечеринке появляются отец Чарли и дядя Нильс…
If the Father and the Son
Teddy Lemke
After Clown Teddy lost his son, he lost his gift for laughter. He opened a joke shop and lives above the shop. His landlady has had a foster son since birth, and Teddy decides to raise the child, who always believed that Teddy was his father. When the mother suddenly appears five years later and wants her son, Teddy decides to run away with the child and goes back onstage with his son. Will the family catch up with them, or will the mother never get her son back?
Escale à Orly
Albert Petit
On the Reeperbahn at half past midnight
Pittes Breuer
After many years on the oceans, sailor Hannes Wedderkamp has finally returned to Hamburg. On St. Pauli, Hannes sings songs from the sea in the hippodrome of his best friend Pitter Breuer on the Reeperbahn with the "Quetschkommode" songs and cares for the audience.
Mailman Mueller
Postman Titus Müller returns from his daily rounds with a letter that will change the course of his modest provincial existence.
Mailman Mueller
Titus Müller
Postman Titus Müller returns from his daily rounds with a letter that will change the course of his modest provincial existence.
Keine Angst vor großen Tieren
Emil Keller
Schäm' dich, Brigitte!
Dr. Felix Schneider
Das kann jedem passieren
Hugo Brinkmeyer
City of Violence
Amore e sangue (released in the U.S. as "City of Violence"), the 1951 Marino Girolami (billed as "John Wolff") West German/Italian romantic action adventure war thriller.
Ich mach Dich glücklich
Ich mach Dich glücklich
Peter Krüger
A wayward young woman running from her past is reunited with her sister after they became separated during the war. While she worked on the streets, the sister established a professional career as a psychologist.
Das Geheimnis der roten Katze
Das Geheimnis der roten Katze
The Berliner
Long before he played the corpulent Goldfinger, German actor Gert Froebe was a scarecrow-skinny comedian. In Berliner Ballade, Froebe makes his screen debut as Otto, a feckless Everyman who tries to adjust to the postwar travails of his defeated nation. Stymied by black-market profiteers and government bureaucrats, Otto begins fantasizing about a happier life at the end of that ever-elusive rainbow. Director R. A. Stemmle doesn't have to strive for pathos: he merely places his gangly star amidst the ruins of a bombed-out Berlin, and the point is made for him. Filmed in 1948, Berliner Ballade was later released in the U.S. as The Berliner.
Die kupferne Hochzeit
Die kupferne Hochzeit
Der Herr vom andern Stern
Der Herr vom andern Stern
Der Herr vom andern Stern
Quax in Afrika
Otto 'Quax' Groschenbügel
The Angel and the Lyre
Achim and Vera are friends and live an uncomplicated and happy life .... that is, until they get into their first serious argument on how they should spend New Year's Eve. Vera wants to celebrate with friends, while Achim wants to go off to a lonely mountain hut. And so, he goes off alone into the mountains. In the hut, he meets the student Susanne, with whom he spends New Years' Eve; gets to know well; and falls in love with. Unfortunately, through misfortune, they lose sight of each other afterwards...
The Punch Bowl
Die Feuerzangenbowle from Director Helmut Weiss is based on the novel by the same name from Heinrich Spoerl and Hans Reimann that has turned into a cult German film. The film tells the story of a writer Johannes Pfeiffer who goes undercover as a student in a high school after his friends told him that he missed out on a great life experience since he was home schooled.
The Punch Bowl
Dr. Johannes Pfeiffer/Hans Pfeiffer
Die Feuerzangenbowle from Director Helmut Weiss is based on the novel by the same name from Heinrich Spoerl and Hans Reimann that has turned into a cult German film. The film tells the story of a writer Johannes Pfeiffer who goes undercover as a student in a high school after his friends told him that he missed out on a great life experience since he was home schooled.
Ich vertraue Dir meine Frau an
Peter Trost
The successful writer Erich Eckberg lives with his wife Sigrid and their three children -- the twins, Knut and Michael and the daughter Gabriel -- on their estate "Sophienlund". On their sons' 21st birthday, Eckberg tells them the great family secret: Knut and Michael aren't his children (happy birthday, kids ... oh! and did I mention Santa Claus doesn't exist either?). But thankfully, the news gets better: their real mother died giving birth to them (guilt trip ... guilt trip!) and the Eckbergs decided to adopt the boys and bring them up in a proper family (no doubt so they could shatter their lives with this tale on their 21st birthday). But hey: it made everyone forget about the War going on outside the theatre, right?
Quax, der Bruchpilot
Otto Groschenbügel
Der Gasmann
Hermann Knittel
A man comes into money unexpectatly. That's when the trouble starts.
Hauptsache glücklich!
Axel Roth
Request Concert
German propaganda film spinning a story around the popular radio broadcast "Wunschkonzert".
Clothes Make the Man
The daydreaming tailor Wenzel is fired from his job, because the fancy frock he was supposed to cut for the mayor, he instead made for himself. He is allowed, however, to take the frock, which he appropriated for himself and he puts it on as he leaves the shop. A puppeteer picks him up in his coach and addresses Wenzel as "Count". So is he received in Goldach, where people think he is Count Stroganoff, the ambassador to the Czar of Russia.
Clothes Make the Man
Schneidergeselle Wenzel
The daydreaming tailor Wenzel is fired from his job, because the fancy frock he was supposed to cut for the mayor, he instead made for himself. He is allowed, however, to take the frock, which he appropriated for himself and he puts it on as he leaves the shop. A puppeteer picks him up in his coach and addresses Wenzel as "Count". So is he received in Goldach, where people think he is Count Stroganoff, the ambassador to the Czar of Russia.
Lauter Liebe
Hurra, ich bin Papa
Peter Ohlsen, Student
Paradies der Junggesellen
Hugo Bartels
The Leghorn Hat
Executive Producer
Der Florentiner Hut (The Leghorn Hat), a 1939 German film directed by Wolfgang Liebeneiner
The Leghorn Hat
Theo Farina
Der Florentiner Hut (The Leghorn Hat), a 1939 German film directed by Wolfgang Liebeneiner
Many Lies
The stories' setup: a bunch of passive weaklings being dominated by two strong and ambitious women who fight for the same man.
Nanu, Sie kennen Korff noch nicht?
Niels Korff
13 стульев
Friseur Felix Rabe
Владелец парикмахерской Феликс Рабе едет в Вену, чтобы получить наследство своей умершей родственницы, тёти Барбары. Однако на месте выясняется что тётя завещала ему только 13 стульев. Чтобы купить обратный билет, главный герой вынужден продать полученное наследство старьёвщику Алойсу Хофбауеру. Вернувшись ночью в дом покойной тёти, он обнаруживает письмо, согласно которому всё состояние, оцениваемое в 100.000 марок было зашито в один из стульев...
Five Millions Seek an Heir
Peter Pett / Patrick Pett
According to his last will, the rich American uncle of vacuum cleaner salesman Peter Pett only leaves his 5 million dollars to Peter if he is married happily. Otherwise the five million will fall to Peter's Scottish cousin Patrick.
Die Umwege des schönen Karl
Karl Kramer - Kellner
Der Mustergatte
Heinz Rühmann plays the "model husband" who, when his bored wife threatens to leave him, embarks on an adventurous night.
Der Mustergatte
Billy Bartlett
Heinz Rühmann plays the "model husband" who, when his bored wife threatens to leave him, embarks on an adventurous night.
Человек, который был Шерлоком Холмсом
Dr. John H. Watson / Macky McPherson
В погоне за удачей Моррис Флинт и его напарник Мэки останавливают поезд, чтобы под видом Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона добраться до Парижа, где они надеются поправить свои дела. Так начинается невероятная история, в которой им предстоит спасать Всемирную Парижскую выставку от грандиозного скандала, обезвредить банду грабителей и фальшивомонетчиков, стать наконец знаменитыми и найти своё счастье.
The Man Who is Talked About
Toni Mathis
The Man Who is Talked About is the overly agreeable Toni Mathis (Heinz Ruhmann), a gent constitutionally incapable of saying the word "no" (or "nein," this being a German picture). Though he'd rather breeze through life without responsibilities or obligations, Toni agrees to study zoology in college because his uncle (Hans Moser) wants him to. Alas, despite the Herculean efforts by Toni's servant Hassler (Theo Lingen) to prepare his master for his final exams, Toni forgets to show up for the finals and is expelled post-haste. In desperation, his uncle arranges for Toni to get married, and once again our hero just can't say no. Trouble is, he falls in love with trapeze artist Bianca (Gusti Huber), whose father won't let her marry anyone except another entertainer. Undaunted, Toni studies a book on show business and tries out for the vaudeville stage, and the picture isn't even halfway over yet!
Schneidergeselle Zwirn
If We All Were Angels
Christian Kempenich
Best friends David and Philip have to end their love affair with their mistress Aimée which they - not knowing of each other - share, because they are going to marry their sweethearts Gaby and Viola. Of course Aimée will not accept her defeat. She interferes the engagement of Gaby and David, which lead to some turbulence and change of horses before they all end up in their honeymoon.
Wer zuletzt küßt...
Franz Angerer
On the occasion of a charity ball in Vienna a kiss of a famous actress should be auctioned. Misunderstandings between the manager of the film star, a record producer and a student lead too all kinds of mistakes, during which a student is mistaken for a prince in disguise and almost breaks his hapiness. - Quickly and expertly produced mistake comedy with a lot of singing desposits and an at than popular comedian line-up, which offers amusing surface entertainment.
Der Außenseiter
Peter Bang
Eva, the Factory Girl
Willibald Riegele
A famous racing driver must give up his sport and take over the management of the porcelain factory on incentive of the vigorous grandmother as the last shoot of an old businessman's family. Unrecognized he is regulated as a worker what a love story with a 20-year-old worker arises from, who leads after incidents in the happy end. - After Franz Lehar's operetta produced comedy
Wer wagt – gewinnt
Paul Normann
Heaven on Earth
Peter Hilpert
A poor composer who should buy a property for his ambitious father-in-law finances with the money, nevertheless, an opera. Together with his friend who must play a husband to his strict rich aunt, he makes to himself a fun from the mistakes which cause her feints.
Heinz im Mond
Aristides Nessel
A Waltz for You
Benjamin Cortes
Ruritanian power struggle with opera singing.
Czechoslovakian opera star Jarmila Novotna plays the title role in the Austrian tunefest Frasquita. Based on a Franz Lehar operetta, the story is the usual frothy nonsense. Dolly (Charlotte Daudert) is engaged to marry Hyppolit (Heinz Ruhmann), but she's really in love with Harold (Hans Heinz-Bollman). Hyppolit is likewise enamored of another, namely Frasquita (Jarmila Novotna). Alas, Dolly and Hyppolit must go through with the wedding, despite the dictates of their hearts. That there's a happy ending all the same comes as a surprise only to the characters on the screen.
Pipin, der Kurze
August Pipin
So ein Flegel
Dr. Hans Pfeiffer/ Erich Pfeiffer
First adaptation of Heinrich Spoerl's novel.
Die Finanzen des Großherzogs
Es gibt nur eine Liebe
Ballettmeister Eddy Blattner
Three Bluejackets and a Blonde
Kadett Heini Jäger
While out dancing, two sailors fall for the same girl.
Heimkehr ins Glück
Laughing Heirs
Peter Frank
After the death of his uncle, the owner of the Rhine based Bockelmann Sparkling Wine, Peter turns up for the reading of the will. Justus Bockelmann, a producer of mineral water, is confident he will inherit the business, but ‘for reasons of moral rectitude’ he has no intention of running an ‘alcoholic business’. The opening of the will comes as a surprise to all the potential heirs.
The Only Girl
A dashing marquis bends from his horse when he discovers a lost garter in the woods and falls. During his delirium he is serenaded by a little hairdresser. She is the person who lost the garter to begin with and has only come to get it back having borrowed it from her employer--the empress of France. The marquis mistakenly thinks he was nursed by the empress, herself, and decides to woo her.
Strich durch die Rechnung
Willy Streblow - Rennfahrer
Things Are Getting Better Already
Fred Holmes
The fast-driving daughter of a car manufacturer keeps Berlin's most pricey lawyer busy as she keeps getting into scrapes.
The Pride of Company Three
Gustav Diestelbeck
The adventures of smart soldier Gustav Diestelbeck include managing his superior officer, competing for the canteneer's daughter, evading punishment for discipline faults and hosting Prinz Willibald during his visit to the regiment.
We Need No Money
Heinz Schmidt
In this German comedy, an enterprising American uncle comes from Chicago goes to the tiny town of Groditzkirchen to make a fortune on credit even though he only has $10 to his name. To do so, he enlists the aide of a bank clerk and begins posing as a millionaire.
The Upright Sinner
Leopold Pichler is a very orderly and trustworthy chief cashier who is asked by his boss to get a large sum of money from the bank which the boss urgently needs on a trip to Vienna. Due to some circumstances, getting the money takes a little longer than expected and the director leaves for Vienna without it. But Pichler sees himself as a reliable man, and so he and his assistant Wittek follow the director to Vienna with the money kept in a bag. In Vienna, the two provincials however are mistaken for guests of the director and spend an evening at a posh night club. But when it transpires that the director actually won't come to the night club that evening, Pichler and Wittek have to pay the bill with the money from the bank. And their subsequent attempts at reimbursing the money lead to situations of ever-increasing hilariousness...
My Wife, the Adventuress
Peter Bergmann
A mousy bank clerk is married to an ambitious woman.
Bombs Over Monte Carlo
Erster Offizier Peter
The captain of a battleship of a small Balkan country is fed up with following strange orders from the country's queen.
The Man in Search of His Murderer
Hans Herfort
A man in bad sorts hires a burglar to later kill him, then changes his mind when his fortunes turn and must find the contracted murderer before it is too late.
Молодая и красивая Рене несчастлива в браке со своим уже немолодым супругом. Ее мечты о романтических приключениях не спешат сбываться, и однажды, после семейной ссоры, она решается завести интрижку с совсем не похожим на ее идеал поклонником. Однако первое же свидание прерывается самым неожиданным образом, и весьма необычное знакомство с таинственным молодым человеком непредсказуемо меняет скучное течение ее размеренной жизни...
The Three from the Filling Station
Die Drei von der Tankstelle, meaning The Three from the Gas Station, was advertised as a German operetta when release and with it’s star studded cast would become the forerunner of Musical films. Even today the soundtrack of the comic harmonists is popular in Germany.
Das Mädchen mit den fünf Nullen
Das deutsche Mutterherz
Ein Walzer für Dich
Benjamin Cortez, Kapellmeister