Adam Cywka

Adam Cywka

Рождение : 1968-09-23, Wrocław, Poland


Adam Cywka


Letters to Santa 5
Wojciech, who does not feel the ubiquitous joyful atmosphere, meets someone who changes his holiday plans. In turn, Karina and Szczepan get embroiled in a fight for an inheritance that may divide even their loved ones. They will see if the only thing that comes out well with the family is in the photos.
Playing Hard
Taksówkarz Płock
Stories of three women struggling with alcohol. Dorota is a great prosecutor. Using her immunity, she tries to avoid responsibility for her offenses committed under the influence of alcohol. Her husband, a famous politician, helps her keep the problem secret and rescues her from many troubles but he slowly loses patience. A respected children surgeon Teresa has lost her family due to drinking problem, all she is left with is her job at the hospital where she is the main doctor. The situation goes out of control when the woman comes drunk to the hospital. A student, Magda, likes to party hard and because she is a good student and has a great job, no-one opposes that. At one moment, the girl loses control. A tragedy happens.
Back Home
Prowadzący talent show
Ula, a young girl from a small town in Poland is kidnapped and taken to a brothel in Germany. Luckily she manages to escape and return home. However, the welcome she receives is far from warm, as the girl is ostracised by the local, conservative community.
Piotr comes home on the day of the 16th birthday of his daughter Kamila. He finds the girl unconscious, in a pool of blood. Doctors’ diagnosis is a shock for the man. From now on, their life will not be the same. The father takes care of his daughter in the cruel world.
Plan B
Pawel, husband of Natalia
A film about love, full of emotions, humor and life truth. We get to know our heroes before the Valentine's, when something completely unexpected happens in their lives - something that turns them upside down. Situations with which they confront lead to surprising solutions. Natalia, Mirek, Klara and Agnieszka meet on their way people (and animals!), Which give hope that difficult beginnings sometimes lead to finding true feelings and authentic bonds, and in life there is always a plan B.
Тихая ночь
Wujek Jurek
Сочельник, где-то в восточной части Польши. Адам, молодой парень, работающий за границей, узнаёт, что скоро станет отцом. Он решает изменить свою жизнь. Хочет вместе со своей девушкой уехать из Польши и начать бизнес за границей. Адам приезжает к родным в провинцию, чтобы убедить их продать землю, которая является их единственным состоянием. Во время рождественского ужина Адам узнаёт, что цена за осуществление мечты гораздо выше, чем он ожидал.
80 миллионов
SB-ek Zubek
История антикоммунистической борьбы во Вроцлаве в 1981 году. События фильма происходят за десять дней до того, как в Польше вводят военное положение. Владислав Фразинюк, лидер местного движения Солидарности, вместе с четырьмя товарищами похищает из банка 80 миллионов, чтобы организовать подпольное движение сопротивления.
Operation Dunaj
Operation Danube was the cover name for the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact armies in August 1968. The fleet of Polish tanks which arrive to liberate their neighbor, ostensibly threatened by a counter-revolution, includes the old tank nicknamed Ladybird, which is the last to leave the barracks.
Włatcy móch. Ćmoki, Czopki i Mondzioły
Maślana (głos)
Klasa II B jako zadanie domowe otrzymuje do napisania wypracowanie pod tytułem: "Kim zostanę, gdy dorosnę". Anusiak, Konieczko, Maślana i Czesio cały wieczór spędzają więc na przelewaniu na papier swych marzeń. Następnego dnia rano, dumnie niosąc swe wypracowania, przechodzą obok przybytku Wróźki Jowity. Jest to doskonały sposób by sprawdzić, czy ich marzenia się spełnią. Czwórka przyjaciół przenosi się więc w czasie o trzydzieści lat naprzód. Widzą siebie, jako dorosłych.
Królowa chmur
Piotr manages to buy a splendid though dilapidated villa from the eccentric 80-year-old painter Mimi. The woman treats him like her long-lost only son whereas Piotr tries to send her away to old people's home.