Ralph Byrd

Ralph Byrd

Рождение : 1909-04-22, Dayton, Ohio, USA

Смерть : 1952-08-18


Ralph Byrd


Dick Tracy Special: Tracy Zooms In
Dick Tracy (archive footage) (uncredited)
Film experts Leonard Maltin and Ben Mankiewicz interview famous detective Dick Tracy about his life and career, with a surprise appearance by legendary actor and director Warren Beatty.
Lightning Strikes Twice
Jack Ross
Sent to a dude ranch in the west to recover her health, a New York actress falls in love with a ranch owner recently acquitted of the murder of his wife.
The Redhead and The Cowboy
Capt. Andrews
Gil Kyle finds himself caught up in the politics and unrest of the American Civil War and soon gets himself framed for a murder. His only alibi is Candace Bronson, who is aiding the Confederate cause and has left the territory to deliver a vital message about a Yankee gold shipment. So he sets off in pursuit, running into desperados, government agents, and guerrilla fighters, who are more interested in profit than ideals. Written by Alfred Jingle
Union Station
Priest (uncredited)
Police catch a break when suspected kidnappers are spotted on a train heading towards Union Station. Police, train station security and a witness try to piece together the crime and get back the blind daughter of a rich business man.
Radar Secret Service
A federal agent and his partner track uranium-ore hijackers with radar.
Thunder in the Pines
'Boomer' Benson
Loggers Jeff Collins and Boomer Benson compete for a mail-order bride by means of a timber-cutting contest.
Jungle Goddess
Bob Simpson
When a plane carrying the daughter of a millionaire crashes in an African jungle, two pilots set out to collect the reward. They discover that she has become the goddess of a primitive tribe. An insurgent witch doctor and fierce wild animals make escape from the jungle difficult for the trio.
Canon City
Officer Gray
Prisoners battle each other -- and the police -- when they escape the Colorado State Penitentiary.
Stage Struck
Police Sgt. Tom Ramey
The murder of nightclub hostess leads an investigator (Kane Richmond) to seedy nightspots.
The Argyle Secrets
Lt. Samuel Sampson
A framed reporter and the crooks on his trail scramble to locate a book containing the names of American war profiteers and traitors who collaborated with the Nazis during the war.
Дик Трейси: Встреча с Ужасным
Dick Tracy
Преступники узнают о секретном газе, который парализует человека. Один из бандитов случайно вдыхает газ и падает в обморок. Полицейские, думая что он мертв, относят его в морг, откуда он, ожив, убегает. Этот случай привлекает внимание Дика, и когда преступники используют газ, чтобы ограбить банк, Трейси начинает действовать.
The Vigilante: Fighting Hero of the West
Greg Sanders / The Vigilante
Columbia's 33rd serial (made between "Jack Armstrong" and "The Sea Hound") was based on the character that first appeared in "Action Comics" No. 42.
Дик Трейси: Дилемма
Dick Tracy
Дик расследует кражу меховых шуб, надувательство со страховкой и несколько убийств. Все это связано с огромным головорезом, который имеет крюк вместо правой руки.
Stallion Road
Richmond Mallard
A veterinarian and a novelist compete for the heart of a lady rancher.
They Came to Blow Up America
Based on a true incident that occurred in 1942 when nine Nazi saboteurs were put ashore on the coast of Long Island, New York, by submarine, with orders to blow up various defense installations.
Margin for Error
Pete - Dice-Playing Soldier
When police officer Moe Finkelstein and his colleague Officer Salomon are ordered to serve as bodyguards to German consul Karl Baumer by the mayor of New York City, Finkelstein turns in his badge, convinced he has to quit the service because the man is a Nazi.
Three Cadets
Medical Officer
The story of Three Cadets and sexually transmitted diseases.
Reconnaissance Pilot
Documentary/training film depicting the duties of a pilot in the Pacific Theatre of the Second World War as he flies reconnaissance missions over enemy-held islands.
December 7th
Reporter (uncredited)
"Docudrama" about the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941 and its results, the recovering of the ships, the improving of defense in Hawaii and the US efforts to beat back the Japanese reinforcements.
Guadalcanal Diary
Ned Rowman
Concentrating on the personal lives of those involved, a war correspondent takes us through the preparations, landing and initial campaign on Guadalcanal during WWII.
Time to Kill
Lou Venter, bodyguard
Lloyd Nolan is back as detective Michael Shayne who's in search of a stolen coin.
Manila Calling
During WWII, a group of brave Americans spy on the Japanese after their invasion of the Philippines and became the first U.S. Guerrilla fighters.
Careful, Soft Shoulders
Elliott Salmon
In this espionage movie, set in Washington during WW II, the daughter of an ex-senator has become a dress model. She is approached by an American counter-espionage agent who offers her a chance to serve her country. The carefree son of a naval official receives a similar offer. He is asked to secure secret Naval plans. Unbeknownst to them, the man they work for is actually a Nazi spy. The two dupes finally figure it out, and the spy kidnaps them. Somehow they escape and break up the spy ring.
Ten Gentlemen from West Point
This historical drama tells the story of the first class to graduate from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. In the early 19th Century, Congress appropriated the money to build the school, but opponents who believed it to be an illegitimate expansion of the powers of the federal government decided to sabotage the school. They put the hard-as-nails Major Sam Carter in charge of the academy, and he ruthlessly put the recruits through grueling training -- until only ten prospective soldiers remained. They include Dawson, a patriotic farm boy and Howard Shelton, a selfish playboy who has come to West Point only because of its prestige. The two vie for Carolyn Bainbridge, while they, along with the other eight, try convince Carter that the school is worth keeping.
Лунный прилив
Reverend Wilson
Докера Бобо терзают страшные мысли а не убил ли он того человека, с которым столкнулся сегодня на набережной. И тем же вечером он спасает очаровательную девушку, которая хотела утопиться...
Книга джунглей
История мальчика Маугли волею судьбы оказавшегося в джунглях, и воспитанного стаей волков, стала для многих поколений настольной книгой и любимым фильмом на все времена. Вы окажетесь в мире джунглей, встретитесь с отважными и храбрыми героями, переживете с ними необычайные и опасные ситуации и увидите сокровища затерянного города обезьян.
Broadway Big Shot
Jimmy O'Brien
This drama chronicles the extreme measures taken by a determined young crime reporter to get an interview with a notorious convict. The zealous journalist, also a star quarterback on the town college team, decides to become a convict himself. He gets into the prison, becomes president of the prisoners' union, does his interview, successfully woo's the warden's daughter, and gets out in time to publish his story before anyone else does. His career is off to a tremendous start.
Duke of the Navy
Breezy Duke
A fake general sends two sailors on a wild-goose chase for buried treasure.
Dick Tracy vs. Crime Inc.
Dick Tracy
Dick Tracy goes up against a villain known as The Ghost, who can turn himself invisible.
Янки в королевских ВВС
Al Bennett
За несколько месяцев до вступления США во Вторую Мировую войну эгоцентричный американский пилот Тим Бэйкер ищет приключений и деньги, подряжаясь переправлять бомбардировщики из Канады в Англию. Во время пребывания в Лондоне он встречает свою бывшую подругу Кэрол, которая работает по вечерам певицей в ночном клубе, а днем санитаркой по уходу за ранеными. Тим решает приударить за бывшей подругой, но неожиданно узнает, что у него есть соперник - командующий эскадрильей Джон Морли. Ревность вскипает в нашем герое, и он вновь пробует завоевать сердце бывшей подруги, совершая подвиги один за другим...
Desperate Cargo
Tony Bronson
When two showgirls decide to leave South America and head for home, they sweet talk the purser of a clipper ship into giving them berths. In the course of the voyage, a band of thieves attempts to take over the ship and make off with its cash cargo. The heroic purser has other ideas and weighs in to save the day.
Power Dive
Jackson - Draftsman
The story concentrated on a group of test pilots, busily experimenting with a revolutionary all-plastic airplane. Ace flyboy Brad Farrell (Richard Arlen) is determined to prove the practicality of the new aircraft, designed by Professor Blake (Thomas Ross), father of Brad's sweetheart Carol (Jean Parker). Back on solid ground, Brad must vie for Carol's attentions with his own brother, engineer Doug Farrell (Don Castle).
Wings of Steel
A football hero joins the Army Air Corps.
The Penalty
In this crime drama, a ruthless gangster's son is soon following in his father's footsteps. When his daddy kills an FBI agent and a cabby, the boy sees it all. Fortunately the courts intervene and send the lad off to live with a family of farmers.
Misbehaving Husbands
Bob Grant
Marital comedy in which a department store mannequin is mistaken for "the other woman".
Сын Монте-Кристо
William Gluck
1865 год. Войска Наполеона III готовятся к вторжению на Балканы для поддержки диктатора генерала Гурко Лейнена. Чтобы обеспечить содержание войск на своей территории, а так же для организации пышных свадебных торжеств с местной красавицей Зоной, диктатору нужны деньги. Он надеется получить их у одного банкира. Но финансист, которого по всем канонам не должно волновать ничего, кроме собственного благополучия, оказывается благородным героем с горячем сердцем. Он поднимает народ на борьбу, призывая свергнуть диктатора, и освобождает Зону от брака, который так страшит её.
Dark Streets of Cairo
Dennis Martin
A rapid series of murders occurs when a professor disrupts a tranquil Egyptian tomb by removing some precious jewels.
Знак Зорро
Student / Officer (uncredited)
Молодой щёголь Диего Вега возвращается из Испании в родную Калифорнию, где его отец был алькальдом (мэром) Лос-Анджелеса. Однако те времена давно прошли: сейчас в этой местности заправляет новый алькальд Луис Кинтеро, поддерживаемый войсками капитана Эстебана Паскуале. Они беззастенчиво повышают налоги, ввергая и без того не богатых крестьян в настоящую нищету, а пытающихся сопротивляться подвергают жестоким наказаниям. Однако вскоре после приезда Диего в окрестностях появляется некто Зорро, решивший бросить вызов творящимся несправедливостям…
Северо-западная конная полиция
Constable Ackroyd
О сотрудничестве техасского ковбоя с канадской конной полицией в поисках убийцы, сбежавшего из Канады.
Drums of the Desert
Paul Dumont
On his way to a post as special adviser of the new parachute troops of the French Foreign Legion in Morocco, Paul Dumont meets the beautiful Helene on the ship. A romance ensues, but the two decide to part when Paul learns that Helene is the fiancée of his best friend and fellow officer Raoul. Raoul is wounded during an Arab attack and the wedding is postponed, and Helene and Paul are thrown together and find it impossible to hide their feelings. The meet in the tent of Hassan, a fortune teller, not knowing the tent is a storage place for arms and ammunition belonging to Addullah, an Arab leader determined to avenge the death of his brother Ben Ali.
Ховарды из Вирджинии
James Howard
Середина 18 века. Мэтт Ховард, осиротевший сын фермера из Вирджинии встречает сестру богатого плантатора Пейтона Джейн. Для них обоих это - вечная любовь, и несмотря на классовые различия к, и вражду семей, Джейн выходит замуж Мэтта. Так начинается история, рассказывающая о родственных связях, о любви и дружбе, а также о том, как изменила жизнь семьи война с британцами.
Buyer Beware
Officer Halligan (uncredited)
This entry in MGM's "Crime Does Not Pay" series deals with shady companies selling fake merchandise.
The Golden Fleecing
Larry Kelly
A mild-mannered insurance salesman gets mixed up with gangsters.
Dick Tracy's G-Men
Dick Tracy
A mad doctor named Zanoff uses a drug to bring himself back from the dead after his execution in prison. Dick Tracy sets out to capture Zanoff before he can put his criminal gang back together again.
Mickey the Kid
Dr. Ben Cameron
A bank robber and his boy make a run for it during winter in a bus full of children.
S.O.S Tidal Wave
Jeff Shannon
A news reporter-commentator at a combined radio-television broadcasting station gives up his stand against the election of a corrupt mayoral candidate after a gangster threatens his family. Features tidal wave stock footage from RKO's "Deluge" (1933), q.v.
Fighting Thoroughbreds
Ben Marshall
A prize-winning stallion breeds off-guard with a mare owned by his rival. The colt is trained to race from birth, eventually running in the Kentucky Derby against another horse owned by its sire.
Down in 'Arkansaw'
John Parker
A government representative travels to the backwoods of Arkansas to convince the people there of the benefits to them of a proposed dam on their river.
Dick Tracy Returns
Dick Tracy
Dick Tracy battles spies and saboteurs in his efforts to bring to justice the Stark gang, a criminal family led by the vicious Pa Stark.
Army Girl
A young captain hoping to replace the U.S. Army's horses with mechanized vehicles faces court-martial after his commanding officer, who's opposed to modern changes, is killed.
Born to Be Wild
Steve Hackett
Truck drivers Steve Hackett and Bill Purvis are fired from their jobs with the West Coast Trucking company for not using second-gear going down steep grades. Davis, the company vice-president, surprisingly asks them to carry a load of merchandise to Arrowhead and offers a $1000 bonus. He tells them it is a load of lettuce. Several miles out of Los Angelese, they are stopped by a mob of lettuce-farm workers on strike. When the first crate is tossed off the truck, it explodes and the two pals learn their merchandise is a cargo of dynamite. The workers let them proceed and they crash into a car driven by Mary Stevens, whom they had met at a restaurant. She and her dog, "Butch" (played by a Credited dog named Stooge), join them and they deliver their cargo, and learn unscrupulous real-estate operators have jammed the locks on the dam in order to ruin the ranchers and farmers and take over their property.
Paid to Dance
Nickels Brown
Government undercover agents William Dennis and Joan Barclay are working to solve the disappearances of girls working as "taxi-dancers" from dance halls operated by Jack Miranda and his henchman Nifty.
The Trigger Trio
Larry Smith
In this western, the Three Mesquiteers must find a killer and his band after they murder an official from the State Agricultural Service who had come to investigate an outbreak of hoof and mouth disease. The killer is fearful that the official would quarantine his entire herd. Unfortunately for the foolish rancher, if the herd is not isolated, all of his cows and those of his neighbors will die anyway. The heroes are assisted by Buck the clever Great Dane.
SOS Coast Guard
Lt. Terry Kent
An internationally-notorious criminal scientist returns to the US to sell his latest invention, a disintegrating gas, to a foreign power. When he arrives, however, he is spotted by a young Coast Guard man, whom he kills - and thus earns the enmity of the entire US Coast Guard, but especially the murdered Guardsman's older brother who, together with his reporter-girlfriend and her comical photographer, vigorously sets to tracking him down and interfering with his plans to develop the city-melting gas in quantity. A Republic Serial in 12 Chapters.
They Gave Him a Gun
Wounded Soldier (uncredited)
With no other prospects, a World War I veteran puts the skills they taught him in the War to use.
Criminals of the Air
Undercover agent Mark Owens is sent to aid the Border Patrol in the trans-border town of Hernandez in breaking up a well-organized band of smugglers.
Dick Tracy
Dick Tracy
Dick Tracy's foe for this serial is the crime boss and Masked Mystery Villain The Spider/The Lame One and his Spider Ring. In the process of various crimes, including using his Flying wing and sound weapon to destroy the Bay Bridge in San Francisco and stealing an experimental "Speed Plane", the Spider captures Dick Tracy's brother, Gordon. The Spider's minion, Dr. Moloch, performs a brain operation on Gordon Tracy to turn him evil, making him secretly part of the Spider Ring and so turning brother against brother.
Blake of Scotland Yard
Dr. Jerry Sheehan
A 15 episode serial in which Blake battles the "Scorpion" over possession of a 'death ray' machine.
Blake of Scotland Yard
Jerry Sheehan
Sir James Blake has retired from Scotland Yard so that he can assist his niece Hope and her friend Jerry in developing an apparatus they have invented. Sir James thinks that their invention has the potential to prevent wars, and plans to donate it to the League of Nations. But a gang of criminals led by the elusive "Scorpion" steals the device, and Blake and his associates must recover the invention and determine the identity of the "Scorpion".
We Who Are About to Die
Police Lab Technician (uncredited)
John Thompson is kidnapped by mobsters after quitting his job. Then he is arrested, tried, and sentenced to death for murders they committed. A suspicious detective thinks he is innocent and works to save his life.
A Tenderfoot Goes West
Prankster Cowhand
Wellington Pike, author of 'Wild and Bloody Tales of the West', has never been away from the sedate and civilized East, so he takes a vacation to see the land he knows nothing about. Rancher Ann Keith and her cowhands, who have read and laughed at Pike's "wild" west, decide to give him a shock impression that is even wilder than depicted in his imaginative literary flights. Gang leader "Killer" Madden and his bandits decide to make the staged robberies real ones and Pike is arrested for the crimes Madden has pulled. Written by Les Adams for IMDb.
Alibi for Murder
Cop (Uncredited)
A radio commentator named Perry Travis fancies himself a brilliant amateur detective. The cops wish he’d stick to his microphone and let them do the detecting. This proves impossible when a famed scientist is murdered in Perry’s studio, right in the middle of the interview. All evidence points to Perry, and he sets out to clear his name before the Shadow-like villain roaming the hallways of the radio station gets away with murder.
Killer Dog
A dog accused of murdering sheep is brought to trial.
Border Caballero
Tex Weaver
Tex Weaver is working under cover to bring in a gang of bank robbers. When he is killed, Tim Ross, a marksman with Doc Shaw's traveling show, takes over. Posing as a Mexican he lays a trap for the gang.
Hell-Ship Morgan
A fishing-boat captain's bride eyes his first mate at sea.
The Adventures of Rex and Rinty
Forest Ranger Jerry Morton
A 12 episode serial starring Rex, the King of the Wild Horses and Rin-Tin-Tin, Jr. Rex is brought from the island of Sujan, where he is worshiped as a God-Horse, to the U.S. to be trained as a polo pony. He escapes, meets Rinty and with the help of Frank Bradley is returned to Sujan. The natives have been persuaded to turn against their God-Horse, however he is rescued just in time before he is burned as a sacrifice.
Chinatown Squad
Desk Sergeant
Police search for the killer of a man who misused $700,000 intended for the Chinese Communists.
Red-Headed Woman
Driver, at Film's End, with Mustache (uncredited)
Lil works for the Legendre Company and causes Bill to divorce Irene and marry her. She has an affair with businessman Gaerste and uses him to force society to pay attention to her.