Ryūto Kondō

Ryūto Kondō

Рождение : 1976-01-01, Aichi, Japan


Ryūto Kondō


Once upon a time...
The Center Lane
Director of Photography
Diagnosed with leukemia in February 2019, Japanese competitive swimmer Rikako Ikee returns to her destiny: the center lane, in Hirokazu Kore-eda's short film for skincare brand SK-II.
Ora, Ora Be Goin' Alone
Director of Photography
In 1964, Momoko came by herself to Tokyo from her hometown. She met Shūzō and married him. They raised two children together, but Shūzō suddenly passes away. Momoko is dumbfounded by being alone again. She begins to go to the library and borrows books. This changes her life.
Исповедь «неполноценного» человека: Осаму Дадзай и три женщины
Director of Photography
Послевоенная Япония. Известный писатель Осаму Дадзай ведёт беспутную жизнь — пьёт и при живой жене не прочь завести интрижку на стороне. Ему написала Сидзуко Ота, обеспеченная поклонница западной культуры, и тот в поисках вдохновения жаждет прочитать её дневник. Пока супруга ожидает третьего ребёнка, Дадзай «работает» над новым романом и обольщением молодой красавицы.
Hanalei Bay
Director of Photography
A single mother receives a phone call saying her son had died from a shark attack in Hanalei Bay, Hawaii, where she now visits annually on her son’s death anniversary. One day, she meets two young Japanese surfers who tell her about a young Japanese surfer with one leg.
Магазинные воришки
Director of Photography
После очередной воровской ходки в магазин, Осаму и его сын натыкаются на маленькую девочку, мёрзнущую на холодной улице. Поначалу жена Осаму протестует, но узнав о её тяжелой жизни, соглашается приютить девочку. Их семья и без того бедна и они едва сводят концы с концами, промышляя мелким воровством в магазинах. Тем не менее, живут счастливо, до одного происшествия...
A Beautiful Star
Director of Photography
A family believes they are aliens from other planets and tries to save Earth from impending calamity.
Белая лилия
Director of Photography
Несколько лет назад муж известной керамистки Токико подобрал на улице девушку Харуку, которой некуда было пойти. Та стала учиться гончарному ремеслу, увлеклась этим и осталась жить в их студии. После смерти мужа Токико Харука клянется никогда не покидать свою наставницу, всегда быть рядом и исполнять все её просьбы.
Через забор
Безработного Ёсио бросает жена, после чего он возвращается в родительский дом на Хоккайдо. Пособие по безработице не даёт умереть с голоду, но развлекать себя приходится самому. Ёсио начинает ходить в школу вокала, где знакомится с ещё одним трогательным бездельником. Вскоре Ёсио и Кадзухиса встречают молодую хостесс Сатоси, с которой у одного из них начинается роман.
The Sun
The story is set in the early 21st century with the population decimated by bio terror. Two kinds of humans now exist. One is the Nokusu who were infected with a virus but survived and consequently they carry an antibody. Most are young, healthy and have high intelligence, but they have a high sensitivity to ultraviolet rays and are active mostly during the night. The other group are the Kyurio. They survived by never having the virus. The Nokusu discriminates against the Kyurio. Tetsuhiko Okudera is a Kyurio. He was born in a poor village. He isn't happy with being a Kyurio and wishes he could be a Nokusu. Yui Ikuta is Tetsuhiko’s childhood friend. She tries to revive the poor village.
Somewhere in Kamakura
Nakata Hideo enlists Kagawa Kyoko, who immortalizes the youngest sister Kyoko in Ozu’s "Tokyo Story", to play an 80-year-old who suddenly receives a letter from her first love.
Хроники подопытных
Director of Photography
В начале 1990-х в Японии проводились тайные эксперименты по созданию сверхчеловека. В своих экспериментах учёные использовали два метода. Первый метод заключался в том, что родители будущего ребёнка постоянно находились в стрессе. Тем самым это состояние провоцировало развитие мутаций у младенцев ещё в утробе матери. Второй метод состоял в том, что путём генных манипуляций новорождённым детям внедрялись гены насекомых. В результате этих экспериментов на свет появилось несколько детей-мутантов.
Солнце, восходящее над Ванкувером
Director of Photography
Бейсбольная команда "Ванкувер Асахи" состоит из второго поколения японских эммигрантов, живущих в Канаде. Они играют в местной любительской бейсбольной лиге. Команда стала популярной благодаря своей приверженности честной борьбе. Но в обычной жизни игроки вынуждены противостоять дискриминации и бедности. Фильм основан на реальных событиях и повествует о бейсбольной команде "Ванкувер Асахи", существовавшей в Ванкувере до начала Второй мировой войны. Информация о ней и бейсболистах хранится в Ванкуверском музее бейсбола.
Ondine's Curse
Seizo, a doctor, and his beautiful younger wife, Reiko. At first glance, they appear to be a respectable and amicable couple, but Seizo suspects that Reiko has a young lover. One day, the couple goes to see a new Noh play, "The Curse of Ondine," organized by a medical association. At the venue, Reiko catches the attention of a man, and even the young man at the reception desk gives her a heated look. "Reiko says, "Noh is boring," but Seizo warns her not to fall asleep, since the audience is all related. However, when the Noh play begins and Reiko looks at Seizo, she finds that he is asleep. From this point on, the world of death in the Noh play and the world of life in which the two people exist become parallel. Reality and unreality intersect as if the two are acting out a Noh play, and the secrets hidden in their daily lives begin to seep out.
The Light Shines Only There
A man has thrown away love and a woman has given up on love. The two souls meet in a brief summer in the northern city of Hakodate.
Mourning Recipe
A widower and his daughter deal with the death of the man's wife.
The End of Summer
The story, set in the heady post-war 50s into the early 60s , revolves around a love triangle between Tomoko, long playing the mistress to married older writer Shitto and the new stud who comes into her life, Ryota Kinoshita. Tomoko is sick and tired of her relationship with writer Shingo, who is married and has children. Shingo is a talented writer, but has yet to be recognized by the public. Tomoko then enters into a sexual relationship with younger man Ryota Kinoshita, but Tomoko is not satisfied.
История Ёноскэ
Director of Photography
1987 год. Ёноскэ Ёкомити покидает свой родной город Нагасаки и уезжает в Токио, чтобы учиться в столичном университете. Наряду с учебой, Ёкомити ведет в Токио активную жизнь, он пользуется популярностью среди своих сверстников. Однажды в автошколе он знакомится с девушкой Сёко.
Blazing Famiglia
"Blazing Famiglia" centers around a family of former teenage gangsters. Tetsu Hino (Yoshimi Tokui) was once the leader of the most feared motorcycle gang in the Kanto area. Now, Tetsu Hino is middle-aged man who is looked down upon by his rebellious son Shuhei (Kento Hayashi). One day, Tetsu and his old biker gang gather together again after the daughter of a member is assaulted. Tetsu, worried about his day to day life, nevertheless regains the passion from his biker days. Tetsu then finds out that Ken Igarashi (Jun Murakami) is the man behind the attack. Ken Igarashi has had a grudge against Tetsu for a long time.
The Kirishima Thing
Director of Photography
A story about the disappearance of Kirishima, a star athlete of the volleyball club, and how his disappearance affects every person in school.
Tokyo Drifter
Tokyo Drifter acts as an ode to Tokyo, with a very simple premise: a musician (Kenta Maeno) wanders around various darkened areas of the city on a rainy night in May with his guitar, singing songs about life, love, and Tokyo itself. Matsue and Maeno together take the city in all its gritty glory and attempt to shine a light on the darkness.
Scabbard Samurai
Kanjuro Nomi is an aging samurai who only has a scabbard. Deserting his lord to wander the land with his daughter Tae, Kanjuro is captured and sentenced to an unusual punishment: he has 30 days to bring a smile to the sad prince who has lost his mother — or else he must die.
My Back Page
In 1969, Sawada is filled with idealism that permeated that era and starts working as a gonzo journalist for a weekly magazine. Two years later, Sawada interviews activist Umeyama with senior reporter Nakahira. Umeyama boasts that his group will steal arms and take action in April. Sawada doubts Umeyama's claims but is attracted to his personality. An incident occurs... Sawada hears news that a man was killed at a army post...
Sketches of Kaitan City
Director of Photography
The bittersweet events in the lives of people in Hakodate, a regional city connected by a streetcar network. A laid-off man and his younger sister go up a mountain to see the first sunrise of the year. Meanwhile, Haruo has inherited his family's gas business, but things aren't going well in his new endeavor and he becomes increasingly frustrated.
Director of Photography
Буддийский монах Дзёнэн служит в храме Рюундзи, расположенном в маленьком городке на северо-востоке Японии. В прошлом он мечтал стать рок-музыкантом, но утратил смысл жизни и впал в депрессию. Он даже пытался покончить с собой, прежде чем стал монахом. Внезапно его опять охватывает идущее из глубины души желание быть музыкантом. Что если его жизненное призвание – музыка, а не религия?
Permanent Nobara
Naoko returns home with her young daughter, where her mother Masako runs the only beauty parlor in town. The local women go there to pass the time lamenting their bad luck with men and laughing over dirty jokes. Unbeknownst to them, Naoko has been secretly seeing her former teacher, Kashima.
Director of Photography
Meiko Inoue is a recent college grad working as an office lady in a job she hates. Her boyfriend Taneda is permanently crashing at her apartment because his job as a freelance illustrator doesn't pay enough for rent. And her parents in the country keep sending her boxes of veggies that just rot in her fridge. Straddling the line between her years as a student and the rest of her life, Meiko struggles with the feeling that she's just not cut out to be a part of the real world.
Director of Photography
Nobuko tried to be successful as an actress in Tokyo (stage name ‘Nonko’), but wasn’t popular. She married her manager and soon divorced. Now a once-divorced woman in her mid-30s, she returns home to the Shinto shrine that her family runs, to help out with domestic chores. Her father is always in a stubborn rage, her mother is always trying to calm things down. However, Nonko’s married sister, who already has a daughter, scathingly says of Nonko, “It’s all over for her.”
Director of Photography
Ren Osugi plays a middle-aged salaryman whose life falls apart when he’s laid off from his job, but finds solace in adopting a stray cat.
Тэннэн Кокэкко
Director of Photography
Based on a popular manga, the film is a tender coming-of-age love story set deep in Japan's countryside. When eighth grade cool guy Hiromi transfers from Tokyo to a small elementary/middle school with only six kids enrolled, wholesome and honest Soyo becomes enthralled with his sophisticated world.
Family Secrets
Director of Photography
Kenji Shimamura has trouble being intimate with his girlfriend Noriko after a lifetime of watching his parents bicker over his father’s infidelity. After he spurns her advances, causing her to storm off in an offended rage, he decides it’s time to seek psychological help. Unfortunately that costs money and the best way to earn some quick cash in his family is to spy on his dad for his mother. He quickly discovers his dad has a young girlfriend named Yukari. Figuring the best way to deal with this gracefully is to come clean with Yukari he tells her all about their family and the real estate business his parents run together. Unfortunately, however, his plan backfires. Instead of being scared off Yukari applies for a job at the family business and befriends Kenji’s mother, setting up a chain of events that makes things awkward for everyone involved.
Cream Lemon
Director of Photography
Based on the classic adult manga of the same title, this film depicts the love between a stepbrother and sister discovered one weekend when their parents go away. The relationship must come to an end, but not before it changes their lives forever.
Director of Photography
Tsuboi and Kinoshita have just arrived at a desolate town. Both of them are amateur filmmakers. Tsuboi is a screenwriter and Kinoshita a director. They have come to this town because Funaki, an actor, has tempted them to come here, but he has yet to arrive. Tsuboi and Kinoshita start wandering around the town and happen to meet a young woman, Atsuko. The three of them go on a journey together and become friends. But one day, Atsuko disappears.
No One's Ark
Director of Photography
Daisuke and his girlfriend have failed at selling a smelly health drink named Akajiru in Tokyo, amassing five million yen in debts. In order to recover financially, they retreat to Daisuke's island hometown.
Hazy Life
Director of Photography
Tsutomu meets Kee outside a Pachinko hall. The two strike up an unlikely friendship.