Matamba Joaquim

Matamba Joaquim

Рождение : 1982-08-21, Angola


Matamba Joaquim


Os Vivos, o Morto e o Peixe Frito
Um Filme em Forma de Assim
Organized like a dream, structured like a musical and with texts, both spoken and sung, that lead us to unexpected, chaotic and exciting situations, which try to grasp part of what the unattainable Alexandre O'Neill left us.
Жёлтый зверь
Cesarino Boavida
Как снять фильм в стране, теряющей свою идентичность? Этот вопрос стоит перед Фернандо, разорившимся 30-летним белым режиссером из Бразилии.
A Ilha dos Cães
Preso 1
Two Angola, the colonial and the contemporary, spaced 60 years, share the curse of a mysterious island. In the past, the epicenter of the tragedy is an evil fortress, tomb of revolutionaries deported from the mainland. In the present, the building of a luxurious resort awakens the relentless jaw of justice. Soon after, workmen lacerated dead bodies, begin to appear. The horror spreads rapidly. Pedro Mbala is sent to the island to solve the problem. His target is a pack of stray dogs.
The Train of Salt and Sugar
In 1989, Mozambique is a country ruined by civil war. The train that connects Nampula to Malawi is the only hope for people willing to risk their lives to exchange a few bags of salt for sugar. Running slowly over sabotaged tracks, the journey is filled with obstacles and violence. Mariamu, a frequent traveler, shares her trip with her friend Rosa, a nurse who is going to her new hospital, living the reality of war for the first time, Lieutenant Taiar, who only knows the reality of his military life, and another soldier, Salomão, with whom he doesn’t get along. Amongst bullets and laughter, stories of love and war unfold as the train advances towards the next stop.
A Pedra
A young girl, traveling in the south of Angola, meets a retired doctor who deals with the memories of war and its perpetual waste. An adaptation of the short tale "The Dragonfly", by Ondjaki.
Стефан Цвейг
Стефан Цвейг подобно сотням европейцев в предчувствии Второй мировой бежит из Старого Света. Из Рио-де-Жанейро в Буэнос-Айрес, из Нью-Йорка снова в Рио. И пусть ему и нравится новая жизнь в уютном бразильском предместье, душа его осталась дома.
The Room You Take
We stare at mirrors as if 'image' was a weapon of self-defense. At night, I hide in actors' dressing rooms for a working class experience. By day, I face an old theatre being razed to the ground, making way for a parking lot. Graffitis have curtains, the nose cap of an umbrella arises from a mount of sand. Oh, Happy Days! No need to stage anything! The bulldozer is a dinosaur whose teeth and gracious neck swings by a EU flag. In the boxes, we await the audience. Sometimes, nobody comes. Lost in a symbolic show of reality, I can only watch the world's end because all the endangered species perform and a reflecting labyrinth of life stories breaks through the glass of the Economic Eating Machine. Even when the sky is falling, theatre will always happen. So, choose the right place.
The Portuguese Falcon
Capitão Preto
A satire on anti-communist paranoia in the days of fascist dictatorship in Portugal. The series follows the adventures of the "Lusitanian superhero", the ultra-patriotic Captain Falcão, a man who follows the direct orders of António de Oliveira Salazar in the fight against the "red menace".
A new film from Bruno Gascon.