Executive Producer
Еврейская девочка Анита живет с мамой в Буэнос-Айресе. После бомбежки мама пропадает, и Анита отправляется ее искать. Эта лента – не о девочке с синдромом Дауна, а об окружающих людях, без поддержки которых она одна бы просто не выжила
Production Manager
Joaquín Góñez, a novelist in his sixties recalls his emotions, his wild years in Buenos Aires, the memories of old friends, the meaning of loyalty and the intimate relationship with his mother, Roma.
Line Producer
Joaquín Góñez, a novelist in his sixties recalls his emotions, his wild years in Buenos Aires, the memories of old friends, the meaning of loyalty and the intimate relationship with his mother, Roma.
Bonnie Bedilia stars in this psychological thriller about a woman who witnesses a murder and then flees. During her escape, she has a car accident. She becomes an amnesia victim and although, she doesn't know her own identity, is able to describe the murder, but doesn't remember where it occurred or who was involved.
Executive In Charge Of Production
Returning to Argentina, an engineer trained in Europe visiting a friend of his father and meets the teenage daughter, who begins a relationship of love and passion.
Mendizábal, a hit man, its ordered by his anonymous clients to murder a man. But in the precise and obsessive persecution, he will discover that he is only part of a game that doesn't belong to him, a web at the service of greater interests.
Assistant Director
Первоначально Элисео Субиела хотел экранизировать роман кубинского писателя Алехо Карпентьера «Потерянные следы», но не смог купить права на текст. И только через два года режиссёр написал оригинальный сценарий, по которому в 1981 году был снят фильм «Завоевание рая», ставший первой полнометражной картиной Субиелы и заложивший основу его неповторимого стиля. С той поры в каждом своём фильме режиссёр говорит о любви и смерти, о невероятном переплетении прошлого и будущего. И непонятно, чего в этих фильмах больше: музыки, поэзии или космоса.
Assistant Director
To forget his girlfriend a young man is taken to a beach by his brother and a friend.