Charlotte Lewis


Ограбление Лондона
Джек Криган - профессиональный преступник и грабитель. Он хочет отомстить людям, которые убили его отца и присвоили себе деньги от последнего грабежа. В попытке мести его жизнь оказывается под угрозой. Преследуя виновных и скрываясь от полиции, он перебирается из мрачного Лондона в испанскую Марбелью, где продолжает разгадывать тайны, окружающие его семью.
Worth The Price
Art Ache
Alex despises Modern Art but when he falls in love with an adorable French artist, he understands that the only way to conquer her heart is to pretend he is an artist. He now must win a Modern Art contest in order to win her heart.
White Collar Hooligan 3
On the hunt for the Russian mobsters that murdered their best friend, football hooligans turned career-criminals, Mike and Eddie are led to Brazil where a major drug deal is set to take place under the cover of the World Cup. Looking to hijack the deal and gain the ultimate redemption, the pair become caught between international drug cartels, local thugs and corrupt police as they are plunged into the murky depths of the Brazilian underworld.
Посрами Дьявола
Лондонский детектив расследует дело о серийном убийце, который убивает своих жертв при помощи детектора лжи.
The Hooligan Wars
Stacey Blake
A bar fight leaves up-and-coming professional footballer Andy injured and out of the game. Needing money to support his pregnant wife and himself, he buys an ice cream van and gets to work. When a gang of Polish drug runners starts to irritate him, he joins a British gang involved in football hooliganism for protection.
The Warning
We were warned in an ancient Mayan prophecy that the 21st December 2012 would be the beginning of the end, but not how and where this new era would unveil itself. Until now.