Mircea Anghelescu

Mircea Anghelescu

Рождение : 1927-09-27, Vlașca, Ilfov, Romania


Mircea Anghelescu


The Recruitment
Lured by a delusional offer, a young geologist ravels abroad where he falls in the tentacles of an economic spying multinational, that forces him to play as its agents sing for him. Well endowed morally and physically, our geologist passes with flying banners the tests, more so, he even resists the charms of an irresistible lady agent, only to be able to return home, where it's very obvious for him what he has to do! —Tudor Caranfil & Mihnea Columbeanu
The Last Assault
The film tells about the period when Romania joined the Allies against the Axis in WW2.
Mireasma ploilor târzii
Paul Vasiliu, a geologist, returns to his native village. Excavating for irrigation works gives him the opportunity to discover some valuable minerals. Now he has to convince the villagers to postpone theirs lifelong dream of having irrigations in their fields to examine if the mineral deposits are economically viable. A common communist propaganda item of those times.
Sand Cliffs
The plot confronts an influential surgeon and a carpenter accused to have stolen the doctor's personal belongings from the beach. The neurotic doctor involves himself in the inquiry, ultimately directing the interrogation. The burglary victim, Theodor Hristea, a surgeon at the peak of his career and social life, self-confident and well connected, his girlfriend, Cristina and their common friend, Stefan - find themselves on holiday near the summer resort of Mamaia. The doctor has a detective passion and accuses – just on account of a physical resemblance with the real thief - a young carpenter who happens to come at the same beach the day following the burglary. The police is summoned and The Kid is sent to trial. The doctor plays an active part in the investigation. Although the doctor's girlfriend and his friend doubt the identity of the accused, the surgeon insists in being right and succeeds in sending the innocent young man to prison.
Like in Films
An untalented writer attempts to achieve a "lifelike" scenario fail in a dozen policier.
Prof. Oltescu
Professor Cristian conducts research on a citostatic. He is still dealing though with the unjust condemning he suffered in the 50s. Some of the people around him try to bring him down with same type of accusations.
Personal Issues
Communist activists have to let out steam due to increased pressure in their professional life.
История наиболее важных эпизодов жизни Буребиста — царя Дакии в 82 г до н. э. — 44 г до н. э.. Время его правления охарактеризовано объединением и высоким подъемом дако-гетских племен, однако самым опасным врагом нового государства на тот момент была Римская империя…
The Man We Need
A concrete expert is torn between his family, who wants to settle in a city, and his work, which requires constant relocating.
Северино, южноамериканский индеец племени манзанеро, возвращается в родную деревню после 10-летнего отсутствия, чтобы забрать с собой своего младшего брата. Он работал у белых, накопил денег и теперь собирается купить земельный участок на Севере, чтобы начать новую жизнь. Но в его родной деревне драматически обострилась ситуация. Кто-то угоняет скот, нападает на индейцев и на белых поселенцев, явно желая натравить их друг на друга. Северино остается, он хочет добиться, чтобы индейцы мирно жили рядом с белыми...
After he fails to be accepted in college, Vali is questioned by police for participating in various thefts. He needs an alibi and he thinks the best one would be his father in Bucharest. To get there, he steals a motorcycle. In Bucharest he meets store clerk Anișoara, and he invites her to a seaside escapade. Their one day of love and future optimism is ended abruptly by a tragic motorcycle accident.
For Motherland
Czar Alexandru II of Russia
In 1877 during the Russo-Turkish war the Kingdom of Romania joins the war on Russia's side and declares its independence from the Ottoman Empire.
Hot Days
Eng. Cioranu
Magic Circle
Two murders initially appear to be motivated by personal interest. However, at a closer look, they appear to be something completely different.
The Wall
At the beginning of the 40's, Victor (Gabriel Oseciuc) is a young Communist who has been hiding for months in a built-in room to print out on his own the free newspaper Communist Command.
Thea, a researcher from an institute for nuclear studies, leaves for a vacation but ends up on an adventure at the boundary between fantasy and reality. On the TV screen the image of a man appears who disappeared 20 years ago after a nuclear explosion. She falls in love with this picture and convinces a colleague and close friend that they can bring back the man who disappeared through a strange reverse process. Her only way to communicate with this picture however is via the TV screen, and her love can only be communicated through dreaming.
Последний патрон
Maiorul din Comisia Aliată de Control
Декабрь 1945 года. Освобожденный по решению суда антиквар Семако вновь берется за свое. Бандиты бесчинствуют, но на их пути по прежнему стоит комиссар Михай Роман. Кровь льется рекой, гибнут близкие Михаю люди. Насилие, кажется, торжествует, — однако, комиссар Роман приберег для Симаки последний патрон.
Stejar, extremă urgență
Битва за Рим. Часть 2
Продолжение киноэпопеи о борьбе римлян за освобождение города, захваченного варварами в 526 году нашей эры. Кульминацией войны стала победа Византийской Империи над римлянами и готами.
Boga Sisters
This is about the lives of three sisters during the second World War in Romania. Based on the homonymous play by Horia Lovinescu.