F. X. Mlejnek

Рождение : 1907-04-10, Prague, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary [now Czech Republic]

Смерть : 1965-01-20


Hostinec „U kamenného stolu“
Ves v pohraničí
Nobody Knows Anything
Poslední mohykán
Неделя в тихом доме
В фильме, снятом по одноимённому рассказу Яна Неруды, показана неделя, прожитая обитателями одного многоквартирного дома в историческом центре Праги, квартале Мала-Страна. Этот дом - свидетель малых и больших событий, пережитых его обитателями. На крыше дома молодой Вацлав Бавор читает свои стихи и мечтает о карьере журналиста. Маме Бавора ночью снится яркий сон, и она записывает привидившиеся во сне числа в лотерейный билет. Коллега Вацлава, хозяин дома Фердинанд Эбр, очень переживает по поводу больших расходов своей семьи, загнавших его в долги. Госпожа Лакмус, ловко манипулирует адвокатом Лукота, чтобы тот женился на её дочери Кларке. Мать Бавора выиграла в лотерею, а ворчливый отец Бавор смиряется с тем, что его сын намерен стать писателем.
Война за веру: Последний повстанец
tlustý měšťan
Начало XV-го века, по всей Европе пылают костры инквизиции на которых горят неугодные Риму еретики. Одним из таких отступников оказался магистр Ян Гус, восставший против власти церкви в процветающей Праге… Но иногда смерть одного человека может пошатнуть основы религии и могущество целой империи. Восставший после смерти Гуса народ несколько десятилетий вел в сердце Европы кровопролитную войну за веру своего учителя. И даже римский император Сигизмунд со всей армией крестоносцев не мог одолеть в битве полки, идущие в бой под знаменем с чашей — символом Гуситов. Бесстрашные воины бились с рыцарями императора, пока не остался лежать на поле брани последний повстанец. Эта кровопролитная война стала настоящей легендой, а о её героях народ слагает песни уже много веков.
Nikola Shuhai
At the end of the First World War, Nikola Shuhai and his friend from the army desert. On the way home, to the village of Kolochava, they both find refuge with baby Jaga. Jaga mixes them a drink to protect them from the deadly bullets. The bachelors must promise to marry her daughters in exchange for a drink, or they will be punished. Nikola finds his home village in poverty. He stands against the powerful and the rich, and they turn the gendarmes against him. Nikola hides from them in the woods, where he will remain even after the end of the war, because nothing has changed for the villagers. Out of poverty and hopelessness, other men join Nikola and together they raid the wealthy. Nikola distributes the obtained booty to the poor and needy, who see him as their protector and hero.
Velký případ
Pancho se žení
The Adventurous Bachelor
Shown in Cannes 1946.
13th district
Inspector Cadek from the 13th police station should keep an eye on the released safe-cracker nicknamed The Cat. He rightly suspects that Cat will go and pick up his last loot which the police didn't manage to find and that he will want revenge on Karta who helped get him behind bars. At the hospital, Cat's ex-lover Fróny hopelessly falls for doctor Chrudimský and decides to start a new life. She still refuses to help the inspector in his search for The Cat and Karta.
Magical River
Leopold Kohák married a rich widow a long time ago and now has nothing to do compared to his energetic wife. He's growing old and troubled by the fact that he betrayed his first love Emča and his beloved river Sázava where he spent his childhood and youth. A visit from an old friend Lebeda brings it all back to him. After a nervous breakdown Leopold secretly visits his home instead of going to the spa. A wandering tramp suggest Leopold should bathe in the magical waters of the Sázava, and slowly his youth returns to him.
Rozina the Love Child
Prague, the beginning of the 17th century. Rozina falls in love with Italian glass worker Nikolo, but after returning home, she gets a message that will never come to Prague. She falls for the promise of an older man to marry her, but when Nikolo does return, the tragic fate of Rozina is sealed.
Brambor – král kuchyně
Happy Journey
Filmed during the Nazi occupation, this panoramic drama set in a Prague department store follows the divergent destinies of four female coworkers, each of whom seeks happiness in a different way.
Bláhový sen
Velká přehrada
Městečko na dlani
Ryba na suchu
Majitel půjčovny lodiček a převozník Ryba sídlí celý život v domku u řeky, která se často stává osudnou pro plavce i sebevrahy. Protože jsou však Rybovou zásluhou mnozí tonoucí zachráněni, stává se Ryba velmi populární osobností celého kraje.
Host do domu
The Hard Life of an Adventurer
A writer of pulp crime novels is drawn into a series of real crimes. This film was one of the first Czech attempts on a genre parody.
Station Master
Vlasta Burian jako černý pasažér rozvrátí disciplinovaný chod jednoho nádraží. Pan Ťopka působí dojmem gentlemana trochu chaplinovského typu. Živí se příležitostnou prací, za níž jezdí výhradně jako černý pasažér vlakem. Při jedné jízdě se setká s obávaným generálním inspektorem drah Kokrhelem. Na jedné malé stanici se mu podaří vystoupit a převléknout se do uniformy přednosty stanice. Setkání s inspektorem Kokrhelem se však nevyhne... (oficiální text distributora)
Za tichých nocí
Minulost Jany Kosinové
Adam a Eva
Adam Kavalír returns from abroad to take over the family factory from his father. But as a consequence of his father's bohemian lifestyle the business is so far in debt that the Kavalírs even lose their villa and must find a place to sublet. Mrs. Trojanová is no longer up to managing her pension, the co-owner of which is none other than her peevish daughter Eva, and she is looking for a capable manager. Adam applies for the position and is accepted.
Madla zpívá Evropě
Девушка в голубом
Нотариус, доктор Ян Карас - материально обеспеченный старый холостяк, а поэтому не удивительно, что он пользуется вниманием дам, горящих желанием выйти замуж. Однако Ян влюбляется в графиню Бланку, девушку в синем платье со старой картины, которая была у него на хранении. Однажды он не выдерживает и целует девушку на картине. Вдруг происходит чудо - девушка с картины ему отвечает, выходит из картины и языком эпохи барокко благодарит за свое освобождение...
Mořská panna
Ženy u benzinu
Paní Morálka kráčí městem
Venoušek a Stázička
Pozor straší
Bláhové děvče
Manželka něco tuší
Vandiny trampoty
Matkina spoveď
Géza Kalocsay
The Doll
Děti na zakázku
Milování zakázáno
Klatovští dragouni
Lízin let do nebe
Ze všech jediná
Mr. Wong
Žena pod křížem
Karel Hynek Mácha
Film about famous poet Karel Hynek Mácha
Jarčin profesor
Falešná kočička
The World Belongs to Us
One of the few European films of the 30s to criticize the Nazis, even if they couldn't be directly named due to censorship: Gangsters with gray hats stir up trouble in what is obviously the Sudetenland.
Švanda dudák
Advokátka Věra
Rozvod paní Evy
Love in Waltz Time
A working class young woman disregards the wishes of her father to stay in her place, and marries higher in society by wooing a wealthy car manufacturer.
Morality Above All Else
Professor Karas is widely known as enthusiastic propagator of the motto "Morality Above All Else". He guides his students as well as his own family to live a morally decent life. One day he has an unexpected visit. It's his illegitimate daughter Vera, who is proof of his thoughtless youth. Mr. Karas know that she can ruin his image, thus he decides to keep her a secret and asks her to leave. Instead of leaving she takes a position of a governess in his own family without letting him know. Mr. Karas realizes that he must reveal the truth sooner or later, but he doesn't have enough courage to do so. As he postpones it, he is more and more scared to come to his own home.
Ulička v ráji
Na tý louce zelený
Světlo jeho očí
Komediantská princezna
The Golem
The Golem, a giant creature created out of clay by a rabbi, comes to life in a time of trouble to protect the Jews of Prague from persecution.
Jánošík has been topic of many Slovak and Polish legends, books and films. According to the legend, he robbed nobles and gave the loot to the poor. The legend were also known in neighboring Silesia, the Margraviate of Moravia and later spread to the Kingdom of Bohemia. The actual robber had little to do with the modern legend, whose content partly reflects the ubiquitous folk myths of a hero taking from the rich and giving to the poor. However, the legend was also shaped in important ways by the activists and writers in the 19th century when Jánošík became the key highwayman character in stories that spread in the north counties of the Kingdom of Hungary (present Slovakia) and among the local Gorals and Polish tourists in the Podhale region north of the Tatras.
Hoheit tanzt Walzer
Vdavky Nanynky Kulichovy
...and Life Goes On
On the coast of Yugoslavia lives fisherman Ivo Kralj, his wife Marie, son Vuk, and Ivo's mother in one happy home. Marie, who loves her husband and always looks forward to his return from sea, attracts Nikola, with whom Ivo, out of jealousy, has a scuffle at a dance. After the outbreak of World War I Ivo is mobilized. He ends up in a P.O.W. camp where he is subjected to hard labour. His family then receives news of his death. The years pass and the lonely widow Marie is occasionally visited by her friend Nikola. Ivo's mother would like her to remarry. Soon after the wedding Marie becomes pregnant. Ivo, who has been thought dead, succeeds in escaping the P.O.W. camp where he has spent several years. Upon his arrival home he finds his name on a memorial erected to the victims of the war...
Král ulice
Studentská máma
První políbení
Pozdní láska
Hrdina jedné noci
Raging Barbora
Rozpustilá noc
Polibek ve sněhu
Jedna z milionu
Na růžích ustláno
Koho jsem včera líbal?
U nás v Kocourkově
Curious citizens await the arrival of an important guest, the son of poacher, who became famous abroad. Begins celebration in his honor, but nobody knows that instead of the hero arrived cursory prisoner number 1313. He quickly understand how things are and decides to take the opportunity and very quickly gets into a new role.
Matka Kráčmerka
A Milk-Cannery baron, Jakub Simonides, is broken by the Canned Milk-Trust and, in his wanderings with a worker, Filip Kornet, he discovers he still owns a half-finished apartment-house. They rally the workers and complete the building for use as a collectivist dairy. The cooperative flourishes and after a chase/pursuit with the police, pratfalls, slapstick and various crashes, the workers buy out the Milk-Trust.
Dokud máš maminku
Hudba srdcí
Tři kroky od těla
Hrdinný kapitán Korkorán
Žena, která ví, co chce
Woman concert star seeks to connect with her adult daughter, by her former marriage to a staid industrialist who has kept the two apart since the girl was very small, and receives inadvertent help from the industrialist's just-fired employee who has fallen in love with the girl.
Pán na roztrhání
Volga in Flames
Lieutenant Orloff, a recently graduated Russian officier, is making his way across the snow-covered steppes to the garrison where he is to be stationed. He comes across a man who has lost his way in the blizzard and takes him to the safety of an inn. Arriving at the garrison, Orloff meets and falls immediately in love with Macha, the daughter of his commander. The town is suddenly attacked by a hoard of bandits who claims to be the true Tsar of Russia.
Srdce za písničku
Собачья жизнь
Молодому композитору Виктору Гонзлю фатально не везёт. И работу найти не может. И совершить самоубийство не получается – решил газом отравиться, да газ отключили за неуплату. В конце концов, замаскированный в пожилого музыкального специалиста, Виктор устраивается на работу в музыкальном издательстве Дурдиса. Он советует Дурдису также нанять на работу „своего племянника Виктора“ — фактически самого себя без маскировки. Таким образом Виктор теперь сможет вполне официально ухаживать за дочерью Дурдиса Евой, которая Виктору очень нравится. А вот от „дяди“ без ума другая дочь Дурдиса, Елена.
Dobrý tramp Bernášek
Sedmá velmoc
Young Love
Monocular in the fairy tales
The story of love, between a sturdy village boy and a gentle country girl, filmed with a movingly genuine charm.
Руководство некоего городка в российской глубинке погрязло в коррупции, взяточничестве, подхалимаже. И когда одновременно поступают два сообщения, что едет ревизор из Санкт-Петербурга с тайным предписанием, инкогнито, и что в местной гостинице уже две недели живет престранный чиновник из Санкт-Петербурга, руководство города делает вывод, что именно он и есть тот самый ревизор. А упомянутый чиновник, Иван Александрович Хлестаков, оказывается малый не промах, и пользуется ошибкой чиновников. Он довольно успешно играет роль ревизора из Санкт-Петербурга, друга Пушкина, и даже самого царя Николая I, с удовольствием принимает деньги от городских чиновников, сватается к дочке городничего и вовремя успевает смыться из города.
S vyloučením veřejnosti
Skřivánčí píseň
Strýček z Ameriky
Tisíc za jednu noc
Anton Spelec, Sharp-Shooter
Anton Špelec (Vlasta Burin) is a producer of musical instruments by trade but a sharp-shooter at heart. He expects to be awarded a medal at a large parade in town where veteran sharp-shooters will be honored. When the town council is one medal short, Anton must wait another year for his prized possession. He drowns his disappointment in drink at the local pub and becomes so drunk that he insults the emperor who sentences him to jail. Instead of fulfilling the emperor’s orders himself, Anton sends his employee in his stead.
Zapadlí vlastenci
Pepina Rejholcová
The Right to Sin
Small-sided musketeers
Лёличек на службе у Шерлока Холмса
Fat Conspirator
Король Пуэрто-Рико - Фернандо XXIII, просит известного детектива Холмса достать ему двойника, потому что боится покушения. Холмс находит в Бродеке, Моравия, печально известного должника Франтишека Леличека, который похож на яйца и яйца для короля. Леличек, преследуемый кредиторами, принимает предложение. Красивая и молодая королева отказалась уйти в безопасное изгнание со своим трусливым мужем, и Леличек энергично берёт на себя его роль.
Sňatková kancelář
Don't Say No, Girl!
hráč v herně
Бравый солдат Швейк
Naceradec, King of Kibitzer
Third Company
Skalní ševci
Karel Havlíček Borovský
The Dogheads
Men on the Offsides
The owner of the ready-to-wear store, Mr. Richard Naceradec from Zizkov, is an enthusiastic fan of S.K. Slavia and despite his wife's opposition, he goes to football every Sunday. Tailor Emanuel Habásko lives alone with his adult son Eman. Widow Ouholicková chases Krejcí endlessly, but father Habásko bravely resists. Habásko do not recognize any other club except S.K. Viktoria. One day, Naceradec will face Eman at the match between Slavia and Viktoria.
The Last Bohemian
From Saturday to Sunday
Two secretaries go out on a double date, but the inexperienced Mary flees when offered money for sexual favors. She takes refuge in a cafe and encounters a plebeian Prince Charming. The film recounts the simple progress of their romance after they go home together.
In "Fidlovacka", the name of a Czechoslovakian festival, the proprietress of a cheese factory picks a fiancé for her orphaned niece in her desire to bring aristocratic blood into the family. THe niece has also picked the man she wants to marry and isn't the the rich aristocrat.
St. Wenceslas
St. Wenceslas (Czech: Svatý Václav) is a 1930 Czechoslovak historical film about Saint Wenceslas.[2] It was the most expensive Czech film to date,[3] with the largest set constructed in Europe to accommodate an all-star cast of over a hundred, together with 1,000 extras for the lavish battle scenes.
Her Stepmother
Colonel Svec
The Prague Executioner
Rudolf Měšťák’s silent film The Prague Executioner, based on the novel of the same name by Josef Svátek, is a historical tale of love, betrayal and revenge. The screening of the restored 35 mm copy, coloured in accordance with the original tinting and toning process, will be accompanied by music from an ensemble headed by musicologist and composer Vlastislav Matoušek.