Ferdinand Pečenka

Рождение : 1908-02-09, Krnsko, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary [now Czech Republic]

Смерть : 1959-10-03


A Star Travels South
Director of Photography
The Prague Grand Orchestra travels by train to a music festival in Yugoslavia. Only the singer Sona Klánová missed the departure. In the meantime, she managed to buy a ticket to Belgrade at the air-terminal from Mrs Navrátilová, who couldn't make the trip. In the meantime, the orchestra conductor is beside himself with despair. He phoned to Prague from the border, and when he realized that Sona had left her house in a taxi, he thought that she would catch up with them by the road. The orchestra delayed the train's departure with an improvised concert for the custom officers and the passengers.
Great Solitude
Director of Photography
In southern Moravia, in the native village of Velka Samota, a ministry official returns from Prague to lift the declining JZD he helped establish.
Great Solitude
In southern Moravia, in the native village of Velka Samota, a ministry official returns from Prague to lift the declining JZD he helped establish.
Школа отцов
Director of Photography
Городок Милонице славился своей образцовой школой, где почти все ученики - отличники. Новый учитель Пеликан вскоре убедился, что отличные отметки ставились по указанию директора школы Поганки, которому они были нужны для отчетов и для того, чтобы родители учащихся были довольны. Пеликан решил поломать этот порядок. Он пытается противостоять лжи и лицемерию, настраивая против себя и администрацию, и детей, и их родителей...
Легенда о любви
Director of Photography
Ради спасения жизни юной сестры Ширин, царица Мехменэ Бану принимает условие Незнакомца пожертвовать своей красотой. Ширин возвращается к жизни. В дворцовом саду молодой художник Ферхад внезапно встречается с шествующими в окружении придворных и дворцовой стражи царицей Мехменэ Бану и ее сестрой Ширин. Сестры встречаются взглядами с Ферхадом, и в их сердцах вспыхивает любовь к юноше. Ферхад покорен красотой юной Ширин. Девушку и юношу неодолимо влечет друг к другу. Мехменэ Бану охвачена страстью к Ферхаду. Ничто не может отвлечь ее мыслей от прекрасного юноши. Она в отчаянии понимает, что теперь ей, потерявшей красоту, недоступна любовь Ферхада. Тщетны мольбы влюбленных даровать им счастье. Мехменэ Бану ставит перед Ферхадом непреодолимое условие: он получит Ширин, если сумеет пробить железную гору, закрывающую путь воде, которая является источником жизни для народа.
Director of Photography
Юноша Лабакан работает подмастерьем у портного. Он беден, но мечтает о богатстве и власти. И вот однажды, путем обмана, ему удается выдать себя за сына султана - принца Омара. Но ведь у лжи всегда «ноги коротки»...
Silvery Wind
Director of Photography
Second half of the 19th century. In a small town in South Bohemia, fifth-former Jan Ratkin is living through the confusions of first love together with his classmates.
Director of Photography
Экранизация одноимённой оперы Бедржиха Сметаны. Бургграф Плошковиц убит рыцарем Далибором. Сестра убитого, Милада, требует перед королем Владиславом наказать виновного. Но во время суда выясняется, что благородный Далибор встал во главе народного восстания, чтобы свершить воздаяние за жестокость и несправедливость бургграфа. Милада впечатлена и даже пытается забрать заявление, но поздно. Рыцарь приговорен к пожизненному заключению. Девушка осознает свою ошибку и хочет помочь Далибору. Она переодевается в мужское платье и устраивается тюремщиком в замок. Она готовит заключенному побег, и помогает девушке ее наперсница и оруженосец Далибора.
Из моей жизни
Director of Photography
Этот фильм рассказывает о жизни и творчестве чешского композитора Бедржиха Сметаны. Уже в первых кадрах Сметана показан как выдающийся, признанный в Европе пианист. Но в этом проявляется только одна сторона его расцветающего таланта. Композитор ставит перед собой благородную задачу — доказать, как ошибаются те, кто считает, будто музыкально одарённые чехи могут быть только исполнителями, но совершенно неспособны создавать свои оригинальные произведения, которые обогатили бы европейскую культуру. Драматическую основу фильма и составляет борьба композитора и его друзей за организацию национального театра, за создание оперы с патриотическим сюжетом, за то, чтобы культура чешского народа получила всеобщее признание.
Můj přítel Fabián
Director of Photography
Представление состоится
Director of Photography
На представление в цирк «Славия» приехали жители пригородных сел и деревень. Но в цирке выходной день. Директор цирка и администратор, не желая огорчать гостей, проделавших далекий путь, решают, что представление должно состояться. Однако заместитель управляющего цирками, бюрократ и формалист, не разрешает нарушить установленный порядок и всячески пытается мешать энтузиастам. Но энергия, настойчивость и любовь к своей профессии администрации цирка и артистов преодолевают бюрократические преграды.
Director of Photography
Měsíc nad řekou
Director of Photography
Plavecký mariáš
Director of Photography
Early Days
Director of Photography
Early Days follows the early life of famous Czech writer Alois Jirásek. Jirásek had already developed his own view of the history of the Czech nation while he was at grammar school in Broumov. When he becomes the supply teach in Litomyšl, he has already written his first book and a number of poems. The local dignitaries await the arrival of the young writer in excited anticipation. Jirásek, however, is sickened by the empty patriotism from the depths of his soul and soon becomes disagreeable to the notables. The district sheriff tries to remove Jirásek from the school and drive him out of town. Unable to do this, the sheriff appoints a pro-Austrian headmaster who attempts to sabotage Jirásek. The students stand behind Jirásek , however, and discontent is not only felt in Litomyšl but throughout Bohemia.
Mikoláš Aleš
Director of Photography
Посланник зари
Director of Photography
Биографический фильм о чешском механике и конструкторе, который первым в Чехии сконструировал паровоз.
Poslední výstřel
Director of Photography
Píseň o sletu – II. část – Bratři a sestry
Director of Photography
Píseň o sletu – I. část – Mládí
Director of Photography
The Emperor's Nightingale
Director of Photography
Adaptation of a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, about an emperor who prefers the tinkling of a bejeweled mechanical bird to the song of a real nightingale. When the Emperor is near death, the nightingale's song restores his health.
Znamení kotvy
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Master armourer Tomás has young wife Alena, of whom he is very jealous. One day the ruler of town sees Alena and decides to win her over for himself. To get a free hand for his love affairs, he sends Master Tomás to acquire more skills in Flanders. Jealous husband does not know how to secure fidelity of his beautiful wife while he is away, and finally accepts aid of the devil, to whom he signs his soul as a reward. Devil in the disguise of Master Ondrej works in Tomás's workshop and protects Alena against various courtiers and the ruler of town. But finally he falls in love with Alena himself and becomes her lover.
Housle a sen
Director of Photography
Pancho se žení
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Cesta k barikádám
Camera Operator
Vlast vítá
Camera Operator
Director of Photography
Návrat presidenta dr. Edvarda Beneše do Prahy 16. května 1945
Camera Operator
Girl from the Beskids
Director of Photography
Mist on the Moors
Director of Photography
Mist on the Moors examines fates of just about a few people. Their stories are outlined in a short space of time and are a symbolic representation of the drama of life, struggle for justice, human cognizance and the healing power of love. One of the most important components of the film is the nature, which ceases to be a mere stage for its plot—it serves almost as an autonomous plot agent. The movie landscape is a precisely defined and localized one. Only the South Bohemian ponds can serve as the right environment for development of such earthy and typically human stories as we encounter in the Mist on the Moors.
Happy Journey
Director of Photography
Filmed during the Nazi occupation, this panoramic drama set in a Prague department store follows the divergent destinies of four female coworkers, each of whom seeks happiness in a different way.
Director of Photography
Čtrnáctý u stolu
Director of Photography
Přijdu hned
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Ryba na suchu
Director of Photography
Majitel půjčovny lodiček a převozník Ryba sídlí celý život v domku u řeky, která se často stává osudnou pro plavce i sebevrahy. Protože jsou však Rybovou zásluhou mnozí tonoucí zachráněni, stává se Ryba velmi populární osobností celého kraje.
Muži nestárnou
Director of Photography
Nebe a dudy
Director of Photography
Rudolf Bartoš, the owner of a farm, quarry and factory, is extremely rich, however, he is unapproachable and irritable, and the dread of his employees. One day he falls down a steep slope by a river and hurts himself. The quarryman Fábera finds him groaning in pain and takes him to his cottage.
Nocturnal Butterfly
Director of Photography
Venice Film Festival 1941
Director of Photography
Rich spinster Berta celebrates her sixtieth birthday. Her faithful admirer Dr. Jelinek proposes. But Berta can not forget Edward, the great love of her life, and refuses the offer…
The Blue Star Hotel
Director of Photography
The Incendiary's Daughter
Director of Photography
Za tichých nocí
Director of Photography
Život je krásný
Director of Photography
May Fairy Tale
Director of Photography
Ríša, a student of law, neglects his studies in favour of parties and pranks. His angry father refuses to continue helping him out of his debts. Ríša, however, is not entirely beyond hope. He decides to go and stay for a while with his uncle, a priest, who lives in Moravia, in order to prepare for his exams. He meets Helenka, the timid daughter of the local gamekeeper, at a village ball and is enchanted by her. The days pass and their idyllic relationship begins to tire Ríša. He begins to tell Helenka about his former debauched life the about the broken hearts of beautiful women. Helenka is hurt and refuses to see Ríša anymore. His uncle, the priest, is incensed at his behaviour and orders his nephew out of the house. Ríša tries desperately to find Helenka so he can make it up to her.
The Masked Lover
Director of Photography
Pacientka dr. Hegla
Director of Photography
Přítelkyně pana ministra
Director of Photography
Vy neznáte Alberta
Director of Photography
To byl český muzikant
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Zlatý člověk
Director of Photography
Mořská panna
Director of Photography
Ženy u benzinu
Director of Photography
Journey Into the Depth of the Student's Soul
Director of Photography
Small stories from a grammar school.Děj je poskládán z celé řady epizod, které během jednoho školního roku prožívají septimáni. Jejich pojítkem je příběh profesora přírodopisu Matulky, starého mládence a věčného suplenta, který si z přehnané svědomitosti ani v pokročilém věku netroufá složit tu poslední státnici. Stále se mu totiž zdá, že ještě něco nezná, a tak by snad bez diplomu odešel i do penze. Naštěstí jsou tu jeho studenti, kteří sice dávají dobráckému učiteli pěkně zabrat, ale po nezodpovědné klukovině s bouchacími kuličkami, kdy se Matulkovi udělá špatně, se kluci vzpamatují a s pomocí mladého profesora, někdejšího Matulkova žáka, připraví šlechetnou lest. Pod záminkou nákupu k doplnění školní entymologické sbírky je vylákán ke zkoušce u laskavého profesora Vondráka. (oficiální text distributora)
U svatého Matěje
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Alois Novák (Oldrich Nový), a minor clerk in a travel agency and the husband of a dowdy housewife Marenka (Natasa Gollová), lives a run-of-the-mill, dull life. In his soul, however, there resides an inextinguishable desire for adventure. And so once a month he poses as a playboy. As the mysterious and wealthy Mr. Kristian he goes to the exclusive Orient Bar where he does not skimp on generous tips and where he platonic-ally seduces beautiful and elegant women. In the salon he speaks of love and the magnificence of exotic lands, which he has supposedly come to know on his wanderings abroad. In reality he has read all of this in the travel agency's brochures.
Dvojí život
Director of Photography
Teď zas my
Director of Photography
Paní Morálka kráčí městem
Director of Photography
Venoušek a Stázička
Director of Photography
Slávko nedej se!
Director of Photography
Pozor straší
Director of Photography
Andula vyhrála
Director of Photography
Pán a sluha
Director of Photography
Co se šeptá
Director of Photography
Vandiny trampoty
Director of Photography
Heiraten - aber wen?
Director of Photography
The Doll
Director of Photography
Včera neděle byla
Director of Photography
Boží mlýny
Director of Photography
Poslíček lásky
Director of Photography
History of Philosophy
Director of Photography
A student rebellion precedes revolutionary events in Prague.
Kříž u potoka
Director of Photography
Three Eggs in a Glass
Director of Photography
Karel Hynek Mácha
Director of Photography
Film about famous poet Karel Hynek Mácha
Der Scheidungsgrund
Director of Photography
Advokátka Věra
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Lidé pod horami
Director of Photography
Morality Above All Else
Director of Photography
Professor Karas is widely known as enthusiastic propagator of the motto "Morality Above All Else". He guides his students as well as his own family to live a morally decent life. One day he has an unexpected visit. It's his illegitimate daughter Vera, who is proof of his thoughtless youth. Mr. Karas know that she can ruin his image, thus he decides to keep her a secret and asks her to leave. Instead of leaving she takes a position of a governess in his own family without letting him know. Mr. Karas realizes that he must reveal the truth sooner or later, but he doesn't have enough courage to do so. As he postpones it, he is more and more scared to come to his own home.
Люди на льдине
Director of Photography
Экранизация одноименной пьесы Вилема Вернера о поиске собственного пути к счастью. Мы переносимся в 1930-е годы, в традиционную мещанскую семью во главе со строгим отцом, уважающим общие представления о морали и этике и отказывающимся мириться с современными новшествами, носителями которых являются его дети.
Camel Through The Eye Of A Needle
Director of Photography
Slightly ironic comedy of wretches, who come to understand the rich and are able to accept charity, and also about how love and work prevail over the factory owner's son.
Páter Vojtěch
Director of Photography
Tvoje srdce inkognito
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Хотя героиня работает швеёй, она хотела бы стать дизайнером. А талант у нее действительно есть, к ней проявляет интерес даже бизнесмен из Парижа. Но многое оказывается не таким, как кажется на первый взгляд. Это история о людях и любви...
Director of Photography
Naše XI.
Director of Photography
Jízdní hlídka
Director of Photography
Jak se dělá film
Komediantská princezna
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Jánošík has been topic of many Slovak and Polish legends, books and films. According to the legend, he robbed nobles and gave the loot to the poor. The legend were also known in neighboring Silesia, the Margraviate of Moravia and later spread to the Kingdom of Bohemia. The actual robber had little to do with the modern legend, whose content partly reflects the ubiquitous folk myths of a hero taking from the rich and giving to the poor. However, the legend was also shaped in important ways by the activists and writers in the 19th century when Jánošík became the key highwayman character in stories that spread in the north counties of the Kingdom of Hungary (present Slovakia) and among the local Gorals and Polish tourists in the Podhale region north of the Tatras.
Vdavky Nanynky Kulichovy
Director of Photography
Srdce za písničku
Director of Photography
Dům na předměstí
Director of Photography