Joana Bárcia

Joana Bárcia

Рождение : 1972-03-29, Portugal


Joana Bárcia


Серый и чёрный
Судьба Марии сложилась не очень хорошо, любовь не удалась: ее предал муж Давид. Он украл пакет с деньгами и сбежал на Азорские острова, к лучшей жизни. Но Мария не намерена прощать его. Она предлагает инспектору криминальной полиции, Лукасу, преследовать и найти ее супруга. В это время Давид путешествует по островам и знакомится с официанткой Мариной, которая работает в загадочном баре «Peter Café Sport». Жена и инспектор ищут Давида на острове Пику и все-таки сталкиваются с ним на вершине одноименной горы. Финальная сцена противостояния напоминает греческую трагедию. Приходит время платить по счетам.
João's Nightmare
João still lives at home with his parents. With absolutely no idea what to do with his life, he leaves the city centre to hang out in the outskirts. The abandoned factory where he spends his days is the lingering echo of a better past. What lies ahead seems worse as João comes face to face with the failure of youth.
If I Were a Thief... I'd Steal
1920s. Vitalino, a small farmer from São Vicente sees his father die of the epidemic which decimated the country. Some years later, of all the brothers, Vitalino is the strongest and takes his father’s place in the house. But the village is too small for his aspirations and he decides to head to Brazil, leaving his sisters in charge of the household. In parallel with Vitalino’s story, If I Were a Thief… I’d Steal portrays the world of Paulo Rocha rummaging through his films and ghosts over the years.
O Espelho Lento
The story of Carla and Marta, the daughter who is seriously ill. In Barcelona, Carla discovers a special mirror, which is an open door to the past: it keeps the reflection for several years instead of returning it immediately. Carla offers her daughter the mirror and it will change their lives forever.
How to Draw a Perfect Circle
Guilherme and Sofia, brother and sister, grow up sharing experiences and slowly discovering their sexuality. The thing that Sofia doesn't know is how far Guilherme will go to keep her inside his own perverse, dark and perfect circle.
Guida / Raquel / Helena
In mid-September 1992, journalist Guida Fontes have to go to Luanda to cover the elections in Angola. In the meantime, she had committed herself to discovering and interviewing the poet Júlio Vera. In 1988, he wrote a series of poems in which he mysteriously anticipated the fall of the USSR. Guida has only 12 days to complete the mission.
Vanitas is the new feature film by veteran Portuguese director Paulo Rocha. With a script by Regina Guimarães, the film brings together actresses Isabel Ruth and Joana Bárcia – no strangers to this director's world – in a story about a depressed fashion designer who falls in love with the daughter of one her tailors.
A Filha
Ricardo Monteiro is a successful television producer specialising in reality shows. He is 45 years old and he has just received an award for the most popular television show of the year, when he receives an ultimatum from his 18-year-old daughter Leonor. If he does not come home that same evening to celebrate her birthday he will never see her again. Ricardo is distracted by business or other commitments and he is too late for the last flight home. When he returns next day the apartment is empty and Leonor is gone. At first Ricardo thinks that it is only a game, but there are no phone calls or messages and after a while he gets worried and starts looking for her. He discovers that she has quit school without telling him and that she has lost all contact with her old friends. She has become a complete stranger.
Антониу, юноша из Лиссабона
Автобусные остановки, интервью при приеме на работу, грязные кафе, метро, ночь, торговые центры района, магазины, стоянки автомобилей, больницы, встречи в пивных, где убивает время Антониу...
The Heart's Root
Set in the Lisbon during the festivities of Saint Anthony, the patron saint of lovers and the old town. The story is about Cato, a nationalist politician who is charismatic and unscrupulous. He obsessively pursues Silvia, a mystical and mysterious young transvestite whom he meets at the festival. When Silvia runs into Vicente, a policeman who arrests transvestites and threatens them, Silvia must look towards blackmail to save herself. Compromising photos of Cato start to emerge among opposition parties and he must do all in his power to save his political career.
River of Gold
Carolina, an aging local grande dame who works at a crossing point on the titular river, marries another late-in-life character, the dredging-boat operator Antonio. Not long after their union, she becomes intensely jealous of Antonio's fondness for their winsome goddaughter, Joana, and insinuates herself into a relationship brewing between Joana and a mystical gypsy gold salesman. Soon, tempers are flaring, mystical secrets are being revealed and death is hovering over the central characters.
Бедный Хорхе
Можно сказать, что Хорхе счастливый человек. Жарким летним вечером Хорхе возвращается домой. Этой ночью он встретится с японским промышленником, который позволит ему оставить место школьного учителя и вернуться к своей работе химиком. Но когда он возвращается домой, в доме кто-то есть. Кого-то, кого он не знает. Кто вломился. С этого момента все будет по-другому...
Goodbye Princess
Mitó lives in a small village and is the son of the local Comunist Party leader, she is 18 years-old and is about to graduate from the high-school she must attend at Beja - the nearest town. News that she killed her German boyfriend, at 4 a.m. on a desert road, do not excite much the editor of a Lisbon newspaper. He sends in a tyro reporter, Joaquim Peixoto, just in case. The young man, already considered hopless in his profession, will uncover more than a sex scandal to be used for political purposes. Written by Artemis-9
Donzela Guerreira
Emilia is a writer, living in Lisbon in the year 1959. She is the “Damsel Warrior”, a fictional woman composed from the literary universes of Maria Judite de Carvalho and Irene Lisboa, writers of the city and the characters that inhabit it.