Joon-Seok Sol


While practicing after hours in her high school, an aspiring singer is mysteriously killed and her body vanishes. Her invisible ghost is trapped in the school, but her best friend is able to hear her voice.
Сексуальный дневник
На Чжин-Хи не везёт в любви. У неё было несколько парней, но ни с одним так и не вышло ничего серьёзного. Желая понять, в чём причина её неудач на любовном фронте, она окунается в воспоминания, читая свой дневник, который начала вести в юности. Сможет ли она найти причину или пойдёт на компромисс с собой?
The story follows the lives of two girls living together and their separate love lives as they struggle to find and maintain their new relationships. The movie mainly focuses on pretty girl Lee Hee-Jin. Hee-Jin is a hair stylist working at a salon when she meets an old classmate from junior high school. Kang Ji-Suk meets up with Hee-Jin when he arrives at her salon for a hair cut. The pair ends up deciding to try dating for a month to see how things go. All goes well in the beginning until Ji-Suks first love shows up. Sung-Hae invites Ji-Suk over to a reunion party with their old junior high school friends. Hee-Jin ends up tagging along. But she feels excluded and uncomfortable while Ji-Suk and Sung-Hae are hitting it off.