Kamal El Sheikh

Kamal El Sheikh

Рождение : 1919-02-05, Monufia, Egypt

Смерть : 2004-02-01


Egyptian director, editor and producer, born on February 5, 1919 in the village of (Amrous), Menoufia Governorate. He got his baccalaureate (high school) certificate in 1937, and he joined the College of Law (Law), but he was a general who left it and started in this period his passion for cinema and decided to become an actor so he sent his photo to the famous director (Muhammad Karim) who did not find his face fit to be an actor, so the Sheikh took advantage of his relationship At the time, the Minister of War (Haider Pasha) to mediate with him in order to enter the cinematic milieu, and he introduced him to the poet (Khalil Mutran), who in turn knew him on the director (Ahmed Salem), who was then director of (Studio Egypt), so he joined him as a montier under the direction of the director (Niazi Mustafa). During that period, Kamal Al-Sheikh participated as a monteire in several important films such as: (Laila Bint Al-Fakra) 1945, (My Heart Delilah) 1947, (Ghazal Al-Banat) 1949, (Avocato Madiha) 1950, and (The emergence of Islam) 1951. 1952 witnessed Kamal Al-Sheikh directing his first movie entitled (Home No. 13) starring: (Imad Hamdi, Faten Hamama), which achieved great success when presenting his reliance on a plot characterized by suspense, excitement and a police atmosphere. He also presented the movie (Life or Death) 1954 starring (Emad Hamdi, Madiha Yousry), which was chosen among the list of the best hundred films in Egyptian cinema. Kamal Al-Sheikh is considered one of the first directors who presented literature (Naguib Mahfouz) to the cinema, with his movie (The Thief and the Dogs) in 1962, and he also presented the novel (Miramar) in a movie of the same name in 1969. He also presented literary works in cinematic films to other writers such as: (Ihsan Abdul Quddus, Fathi Ghanem, Saleh Morsi, ... and others). He was rated as a director of thriller and suspense films, such as (Last Night) 1963, (Peacock) 1982, and others. But he also excelled in presenting the political movie, such as: (sunset and sunrise) 1970 (something in my chest) 1971, (On Whom We Shoot) 1975, and (Ascending to the Abyss) 1978, which was considered the best spy film presented in the Egyptian cinema. Kamal Al Sheikh married Montira (Amira Salem), whose brother (Saeed Al Sheikh) shared the editing of most of his films. He also was known in the fifties and early sixties as "Hitchcock Egypt" because of his influence with the well-known British director cinema Alfred Hitchcock and his interest in police films that rely on the plot. Kamal Al-Sheikh died on January 2, 2004 at the age of 85.


Kamal El Sheikh


Time Conqueror
Egyptian sci-fi film directed by Kamal El Sheikh.
The Peacock
Hamdy lives with his wife Nadia and her young sister Samiha. He loves his wife’s sister and decide to get rid of his wife by killing her.
Up the Precepice
The movie is about an Egyptian female who gets involved in spying for Israel.
Whom Should We Shoot?
The film describes the political and economical corruption in 70s’ Egypt, through the relationship between a powerful man and his wife’s ex-fiance.
Something in my Chest
Hussein Shaker is a man with dictatorial power, he tries to put one of his colleagues under control but he couldn't because of the man patriotism but then he dies and Hussein tries to destroy the man's whole family.
Ghroob Wa Shrooq
In the wake of the Cairo Fire, Essam feels guilty for betraying his friend Samir by messing around with his wife Madiha. Essam decides to take revenge on Madiha's father who pressured him to marry her to avoid a scandal.
The Well of Deprivation
When it gets dark each evening a virtuous young lady transforms into a notorious flirt but remembers none of it the next day. She is treated by a psychiatrist who tries his best to find the root of her problems and cure her once and for all
Bi'r al-herman
Melodrama about a woman in need of psychiatric care.
Bi'r al-herman
Melodrama about a woman in need of psychiatric care.
Zuhra has nothing to do but to runaway after her family forced her to marry an old rich man. She goes to Alexandria where she works in a motel and there she meets people with different ideologies and thoughts about life.
The Man Who Lost His Shadow
The story of friendship on the eve of the free officers' revolution: Youssef, an unprincipled journalist, whose star rises thanks to his connections, and Shawki, an idealist man committed to social justice
When a newly-constructed school building collapses, engineer Adel is sent to examine it; he learns that the contractor tampered with the materials and his friend, engineer Hamdy, is involved. Will he divulge the findings to sue the perpetrators? or keep them to save his friend?
Ilham's marriage to a highly successful - and often busy - lawyer is put to the test, and suspicions of infidelity arise.
Мальчик Асам случайно попадает в машину, которая перевозит вещи его семьи в Каир. В пути Асам подслушивает разговор шофера Хасанейна и его подручного Эльвы и узнает, что они собираются зарыть труп убитого ими человека. Бандиты обнаруживают мальчика и скрываются с ним в доме, неподалеку от шоссе. Тем временем родители Асама вместе с полицией разыскивают мальчика. После ряда перипетий счастливые отец и мать находят своего сына.
Мальчик Асам случайно попадает в машину, которая перевозит вещи его семьи в Каир. В пути Асам подслушивает разговор шофера Хасанейна и его подручного Эльвы и узнает, что они собираются зарыть труп убитого ими человека. Бандиты обнаруживают мальчика и скрываются с ним в доме, неподалеку от шоссе. Тем временем родители Асама вместе с полицией разыскивают мальчика. После ряда перипетий счастливые отец и мать находят своего сына.
The Last Night
Faten Hamama plays a wife who wakes up one morning to discover she is married to her brother-in-law (Mahmoud Moursi) in this suspenseful drama. The confused woman soon learns that 15 years have gone by and that she was injured in a bomb blast that killed her sister. A local doctor (Ahmed Mazhar) tries to prevent the woman's husband from killing her for the inheritance.
Chased by the Dogs
This film, inspired by Naguib Mahfouz' The thief and the dogs, tells the story of Mahran, a thief who quickly ascends to be the head of his gang. However, his second in command conspires against Mahran to take his position and his wife. After his prison term, Mahran is thirsty for revenge. But being chased by the police and by his new enemies destines him to a tragic life in hiding.
Chased by the Dogs
This film, inspired by Naguib Mahfouz' The thief and the dogs, tells the story of Mahran, a thief who quickly ascends to be the head of his gang. However, his second in command conspires against Mahran to take his position and his wife. After his prison term, Mahran is thirsty for revenge. But being chased by the police and by his new enemies destines him to a tragic life in hiding.
I Won't Confess
Four months after Ahmed was the chief witness in a murder case, his wife receives a blackmail letter accusing him of the crime.
Angel and Devil
"Shawkat" and "Samira" a couple has a daughter at the age of 5 years, living together in a happy.One day thieves seeking to steal their money and jewelry inside the Treasury, and while trying to open the Treasury the child "Sawsan" saw them,so the thieves took her as a hostage,the boss El-Shahat (Zaki Rostom) decides to demand a ransom from her parents about 110 thousand pounds."Sawsan" lives with two of the gang who are Ezzat (Rushdi Abaza) and Ghairia (Nagwa Fouad), who live in the city of Alexandria, and in spite of their being part of the gang but they Sympathize with the girl.
My Only Love
Mona is in a love triangle with Adel ,an airplane pilot who she loves, and Rushdi , a family friend of Mona, who she has rejected on several occasions. On the day of Adel and Mona's engagement party, Adel is bringing Mona's friend, Hoda, but there is a car accident on their way. When Mona telephones Adel to see why he is late, Hoda replies, consequently Mona thinks Adel is having an affair with her. She agrees to marry Rushdi, but afterwards, he treats her badly. She conceives but after learning she has become pregnant, Adel hits her, thus making her miscarry. Hoda meets Mona secretly and tells her the truth. Shocked by the truth, she asks Rushdi to divorce her. Rushdi plans to murder Mona, but he fails, and his plan is discovered. Mona spares Rushdi from any charges in return for their divorce. She is reunited with Adel.
Qalb Yahtarek
Upon Aida's return from Alexandria, she meets Zozo who tells her that she is fleeing Lotfy who wants money from her. As Zozo gets her husband Farid to steal a sum of money from his company, she puts the money in Aida's bag. Farid kills Zozo and starts looking for Aida to get the money back.
Qalb Yahtarek
Upon Aida's return from Alexandria, she meets Zozo who tells her that she is fleeing Lotfy who wants money from her. As Zozo gets her husband Farid to steal a sum of money from his company, she puts the money in Aida's bag. Farid kills Zozo and starts looking for Aida to get the money back.
For the Sake of a Woman
Insurance representative of the client rich go to the work of an insurance policy, a wealthy married to a beautiful young tempted even located in the nets and cemented their relationship, offer him salvation from her husband, then grab the value of the insurance policy, the husband dies, you go for the company to capture the amount of insurance, but the company have doubts about the death of husband and it suggests that he died unnatural way especially that the wife was a nurse before her marriage, knows insurance this information delegate who was behind the seizure of the wealth of the husband goes to meet her, surprises her in the arms of her lover kill her but they call it lead endure and on his deathbed in hospital admits the full truth then death throes the latter.
Sayedat el kasr
A chance meeting at an auction brings together Sawsan, a working-class girl and Adel, heir to a vast fortune with several estates to his name. This leads to a whirlwind marriage. This development spells trouble for Adel's fair-weather bourgeois clique, who are used to manipulating him with their own financial interests at heart.
Traders of Death
Life struggle pushes Mourad to join a gang that its headmaster is an inhuman doctor named Abbas.
Land of Peace
The film takes place in Palestine and portrays the lives of freedom fighters trying to free their village from the control of the Israelis. Ahmed (Omar Sharif) is an Egyptian freedom fighter who ends up in this village. There, he meets Salma, a girl from the village. Together they try to save the Palestinians and always escape danger.
The Stranger
Love and the Death Penalty
Amira is helping her family during its financial stringency but it starts getting troublesome for her so she goes to her father who has married another woman asking for help and money, they have a fight and after she comes back he's dead and now she's accused of the murder.
Любовь и слезы
Фильм рассказывает о нелегкой судьбе девушки по имени Фатма, которая была влюблена в молодого капитана Ахмада. Когда Ахмад был в плавании, родной отец Фатмы продал ее одному богатому шейху. С этого момента и начались все злоключения Фатмы...
Жизнь или смерть
Старый больной человек потерял свою работу и остался на попечении малолетней внучки. Чтобы спасти дедушку от очередного приступа, девочка отравляется за лекарствами одна на другой конец города.
Жизнь или смерть
Старый больной человек потерял свою работу и остался на попечении малолетней внучки. Чтобы спасти дедушку от очередного приступа, девочка отравляется за лекарствами одна на другой конец города.
Дом № 13
Психиатр в приступе гнева убил молодого человека Аббаса и планирует интригу, чтобы снять с себя малейшие подозрения. Введя в гипноз своего друга и пациента Шарифа, психиатр убеждает его в том, что это он убил Аббаса. Он также приказывает Шарифу принести ему деньги, которые должна получить жена Аббаса, и всё это для того, чтобы Шариф выглядел подозреваемым. Все улики против несчастного Шарифа, который был арестован во время своей свадьбы.
Дом № 13
Психиатр в приступе гнева убил молодого человека Аббаса и планирует интригу, чтобы снять с себя малейшие подозрения. Введя в гипноз своего друга и пациента Шарифа, психиатр убеждает его в том, что это он убил Аббаса. Он также приказывает Шарифу принести ему деньги, которые должна получить жена Аббаса, и всё это для того, чтобы Шариф выглядел подозреваемым. Все улики против несчастного Шарифа, который был арестован во время своей свадьбы.
Дом № 13
Психиатр в приступе гнева убил молодого человека Аббаса и планирует интригу, чтобы снять с себя малейшие подозрения. Введя в гипноз своего друга и пациента Шарифа, психиатр убеждает его в том, что это он убил Аббаса. Он также приказывает Шарифу принести ему деньги, которые должна получить жена Аббаса, и всё это для того, чтобы Шариф выглядел подозреваемым. Все улики против несчастного Шарифа, который был арестован во время своей свадьбы.
The Great Clown
Don't Tell Anybody
Qattr El-Nada
Dada Qatar An Egyptian film, produced in 1951, starring Anwar Wagdy, Shadia and Ismail Yassin, directed and produced by Anwar Wagdy
Lailet El Henna
A simple girl is seduced by a wealthy young man who leaves her pregnant. She works as a singer but her son dies, then the young man regrets what he did and marries her after many conflicts with the owner of the nightclub where the girl works.
Zuhour el Islam
The life of the Arabian peninsula before Islam appeared.
Shore of Love
Leila Mourad one of the Orient's Divas stars in this classic musical romance as a poor girl who marries a wealthy young man while others try to break them apart.
The Flirtation of Girls
Hamam is a poor Arabic language teacher who gets sacked from a girls' elementary school for not being able to control mischievous students. He feels pessimistic about everything in life,but his freind,an employee working for a pasha finds him a job as a private teacher for his only daughter Laila in order to help her pass an exam. Laila treats Hamam like a friend and helps him to appreciate life and enjoy its qualities,and the man soon is drawn to her.
Om Koultoum stars in this musical-drama as Fatmah, Nurse to a Pasha who falls in love with his younger brother and marries him in secret. But soon their relationship deteriorates and her husband refuses to recognize the child she expects from him.
My Heart is My Guide
Who's Done it ?
Before his death, Mansour Pasha writes over his wealth to his two sons Omar and Othman; as the latter drowns, his wife gets a boy and claims he is Othman's son to ensure her share in the inheritance. When the boy grows older, he befriends Rashad, Omar's son, and gates of hell and vengeance open.