Aaron McCann

Рождение : , Dublin, Ireland


Writer/Director of: Top Knot Detective, Koko: A Red Dog Story, Perished, It's a Snap! & Set Yourself Free - Actor in: Henry & Aaron's 7 Steps to Superstardom, #7DaysLater


Коко: История рыжего пса
The true story of an ordinary dog, whose good fortune and ability to connect with people catapults him to fame.
Коко: История рыжего пса
The true story of an ordinary dog, whose good fortune and ability to connect with people catapults him to fame.
Dougie's Webcam Hacks
In a near-future, darknet grifter Dougie is recruited to work security at a refugee detention centre. There, he is drawn into an underground operation blackmailing detainees to fight for profit. When tragedy strikes courageous fighter Azad, Dougie locates his hitherto dormant conscience and takes a stand.
Детектив с пучком на голове
В центре сюжета - сумасшедший гений Такаси Такамото, создатель известного в 90-ые годы японского сериала «Детектив с пучком на голове». Вместе с главными героями сериала мы проживем всю историю с начала до конца, а также нырнем в личную жизнь господина Такамото и увидим, чем он поплатился за славу и популярность. Останется ли сериал в наших сердцах или уже через десятилетия будет забыт?
Детектив с пучком на голове
В центре сюжета - сумасшедший гений Такаси Такамото, создатель известного в 90-ые годы японского сериала «Детектив с пучком на голове». Вместе с главными героями сериала мы проживем всю историю с начала до конца, а также нырнем в личную жизнь господина Такамото и увидим, чем он поплатился за славу и популярность. Останется ли сериал в наших сердцах или уже через десятилетия будет забыт?
Wadjemup: Black Prison White Playground
First Assistant Director
Black Prison White Playground. Wadjemup/Rottnest Island. A beautiful place that is culturally and spiritually significant to Aboriginal people. And also a site where gross harm took place and hundreds of Aboriginal men are buried in unmarked graves.
Amidst a viral outbreak, a broken man finds refuge in a storage shed in order to escape the violence, but accidentally traps himself inside. Isolated, alone and low on supplies, he is quickly stripped of all his humanity as he struggles to survive. As the days go by, the deteriorated man must rebuild his inner strength to escape, and finally confront his ultimate fear.
Henry & Aaron's Perfectly Adequate Christmas Special
Henry was always a Good little boy, so Santa left him gifts that filled him with Joy. Aaron, however, was wicked and cruel, so Santa made it his business to treat him a fool... that was until this Christmas when Aaron finally gets his revenge.
Henry & Aaron's Perfectly Adequate Christmas Special
Henry was always a Good little boy, so Santa left him gifts that filled him with Joy. Aaron, however, was wicked and cruel, so Santa made it his business to treat him a fool... that was until this Christmas when Aaron finally gets his revenge.