Serena - Administrator
У двух братьев Тито и Пако одна мечта: ворваться в мир рэп-музыки. Пако — прирожденный исполнитель, а Тито умеет писать как никто другой, но амбиции, жизнь и любовь к одной и той же женщине проверят их.
Dottoressa Vitali
Clara and Diego, under the guidance of the psychiatrist of a day rehabilitation center for disturbed people who attend, decide to transform the treatment center into a restaurant, involving all their other companions.
A director and his crew attempt to make the transition from the small to the big screen.
Barbara Magnaghi
Amanzio Rastelli appointed several of his relations to managerial positions in his firm. They decided to think internationally and now business is heavily in debt. Luckily for the Rastellis, Bolta the accountant uses all the tricks of his art to cook the books, but catastrophe awaits.
Данте живет в разрушающейся квартире в компании красной рыбки, имеет долг в 20 000 евро, поэтому решает уехать, берет билет в один конец, чтобы не возвращаться. Но путешествие идет, не как в мечтах и Данте решает вернуться домой. Из-за национальной забастовки Нина, красивая испанская стюардесса, осталась заблокированной в Италии. В городе все гостиницы заняты, но любезный господин предлагает ей временное размещение в квартире Данте. Ночью Нина и Данте оказываются в одной кровати. Это как сон, слишком красиво, чтобы быть правдой… Тем временем кредиторы требуют оплатить долги. Где найти деньги? Единственное решение — ограбление.
Stefan, a gay bartender in a trendy club, doesn't care a lot about his professional and personal future. One night, the mysterious Martin stares at him, so he thinks that his guest searches a quick love affair. Stefan invites him to his apartment, where Martin is rather surprised at his intentions and explains that he doesn't want sex, but his attention for their common past. Martin searches his father, a foreign worker from Italy, who is also Stefan's originator, which he didn't know. Their mother kept Martin, while Stefan was adopted. After the first shock, Stefan decides to join his "new brother" on his trip to Italy. They only have some photos and letters of a holiday trip to Cattolica and their father's name: Giuseppe Iacoviello. This is the beginning of an odyssey across Italy and their way to themselves...