Director of Photography
Andreas arrives on a remote Greek island to sell a plot of land inherited from his uncle. But who would buy a barren, rocky field with a stone hut? In order to sell the plot Andreas has to pay off a debt his uncle ran up with Yiannis, a local farmer.
Director of Photography
The story of a communist Security Service agent who kept Karol Wojtyła under surveillance for many years.
Director of Photography
Alojz is a Silesian miner with a strained relationship with his wife and kids. Those relations begin to flourish after he's left disabled, while rescuing a colleague from a dam burst.
Домохозяйка, обожающая детективы, принимается за расследование убийства женщины и попутно узнает самые сокровенные тайны жителей маленького городка.
Camera Operator
Anything is possible in Warsaw rising from the war rubble in 1953. The omnipresent uncertainty, denunciations, and the sense of constant surveillance are tamed with the help of vodka and good company. A renowned writer, Mister T. lives in a hotel for authors and makes a living by giving extra lessons. One day, a young countryside man moves into the next-door flat with big dreams of working as a journalist. Mister T. becomes his mentor and teacher. The pace of the protagonist's life quickens once the authorities begin to suspect him of an evil wish to blow up the Palace of Culture and Science, and Secret Police agents start to watch every move he makes. It is hard to stay serious in this ridiculous reality.
Anything is possible in Warsaw rising from the war rubble in 1953. The omnipresent uncertainty, denunciations, and the sense of constant surveillance are tamed with the help of vodka and good company. A renowned writer, Mister T. lives in a hotel for authors and makes a living by giving extra lessons. One day, a young countryside man moves into the next-door flat with big dreams of working as a journalist. Mister T. becomes his mentor and teacher. The pace of the protagonist's life quickens once the authorities begin to suspect him of an evil wish to blow up the Palace of Culture and Science, and Secret Police agents start to watch every move he makes. It is hard to stay serious in this ridiculous reality.
Director of Photography
Mareczek takes Mamusia from a little allotment house in the outskirts where she has been spending the nights recently. It’s too cold for her to stay there. They set out to the city together with Koleś, a stray dog. They had both lost their flat due to the brutal policy of the city authorities and now they keep going from one shelter to the next. Although the dog is a burden in these circumstances, Mamusia doesn’t want to part with it. The woman makes herself comfortable in a squat where she and Mareczek witness the brutal attempt at burning down the building together with its inhabitants made by fascist militia who had left the Independence March on 11th November a moment earlier. The filmmakers used documentary material of true street incidents.
Director of Photography
Молодые учащиеся теснятся на скамейке под ярким солнцем, держась за свои белые трости и прислушиваясь к знакам, которые должны помочь им сложить пазл своего существования. Все они — слепые дети и молодые люди, находящиеся в лиссабонской специализированной клинике с мировой известностью. Ян, их новый педагог по пространственной ориентации, хочет выйти за пределы традиционных рамок обучения и помочь им исследовать их окружение, не чувствуя себя уязвимыми или напуганными. Ян быстро завоевывает их доверие, что побуждает его попробовать поставить перед ними задачи с большим элементом риска. Используя нешаблонные методы, он хочет стимулировать их любопытство и воображение. Когда все заходит слишком далеко, возникает вопрос, насколько реален образ того мира, который Ян внушает своим ученикам? И насколько честен с ними сам Ян?
Second Unit Director of Photography
Главный герой фильма — Леопольд Соха, рабочий городского коллектора, а по совместительству мелкий вор. Когда фашисты занимают Львов, он случайно сталкивается с группой евреев, пытающихся спастись от отправки в гетто. За денежное вознаграждение он прячет беглецов в лабиринте подземных коммуникаций города. То, что начинается как циничная деловая договоренность, постепенно перерастает в нечто гораздо большее. За это время, когда на протяжении 14 месяцев женщины, мужчины и дети испытывают судьбу, обманывая верную смерть, сердце Леопольда проникается чувством сострадания к этим несчастным людям.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Six-year-old Stefek challenges fate. He believes that setting a chain of events in motion will help him get closer to his father who left his mother. His sister helps him bribe fate with small sacrifices, but things go wrong and then Stefek tries a very risky trick.
Director of Photography