Vittorio Cottafavi

Vittorio Cottafavi

Рождение : 1914-01-30, Modena, Italy

Смерть : 1998-12-14


Vittorio Cottafavi (30 January 1914 – 14 December 1998) was an Italian film director and screenwriter. He directed 70 films between 1943 and 1985. His film Il diavolo sulle colline was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 1985 Cannes Film Festival.


Vittorio Cottafavi


Kino kolossal - Herkules, Maciste & Co
Il diavolo sulle colline
Maria Zef
The story of a peasant girl of fifteen, Mariute, who comes down from the Carnia mountains to the Friulian plains with her mother at the beginning of the summer.
Con gli occhi dell'occidente
The Persians
An adaptation of the Aeschylus play.
Vittorio Cottafavi's 1973 television adaptation of Jean Anouih's play on Joan of Arc.
Vestire gli ignudi
A TV movie adapted from a Pirandello play.
Adaptation of the greek tragedy.
La signora dalle camelie
I racconti di Padre Brown
I lupi
Oliver Cromwell: Ritratto di un dittatore
Cristóbal Colón
A Vittorio Cottafavi minisseries about Christopher Columbus.
L'idolo delle scene
Delirio a due
Missione Wiesenthal
TV film by Vittorio Cottafavi based on the search for the nazi Adolf Eichmann by Simon Wiesenthal.
Il processo di Santa Teresa del bambino Gesù
The trial of Saint Teresa de Lisieux.
Don Giovanni
Il complotto di luglio
The Trojan Women
In 1967 the director Vittorio Cottafavi produces the TV movie Le Troiane from Euripides. He uses the classical Italian translation by Enzio Cetrangolo, but creates an original way of film adaptation, inspired by the Brechtian conception of staging the ancient theater. He does not use costume or set design, but is based only on the simple performance of the actors, highlighted by the shooting technique. The absolute sense of tragedy is perceived by the public through emotional engagement and imagination. So, the Trojan war is all the wars and the pain of the Trojan women is the pain of all the victims of any war.
The Trojan Women
In 1967 the director Vittorio Cottafavi produces the TV movie Le Troiane from Euripides. He uses the classical Italian translation by Enzio Cetrangolo, but creates an original way of film adaptation, inspired by the Brechtian conception of staging the ancient theater. He does not use costume or set design, but is based only on the simple performance of the actors, highlighted by the shooting technique. The absolute sense of tragedy is perceived by the public through emotional engagement and imagination. So, the Trojan war is all the wars and the pain of the Trojan women is the pain of all the victims of any war.
La fantarca
Vita di Dante
Antonio e Cleopatra
Ai poeti non si spara
A machine that creates poetry causes problems.
100 Horsemen
Don Fernando, the son of El Cid, rallies peasants and townspeople to overthrow Moorish occupiers in medieval Spain.
100 Horsemen
Don Fernando, the son of El Cid, rallies peasants and townspeople to overthrow Moorish occupiers in medieval Spain.
Incontro con il padre
A man's encounter with his father.
Il giglio di quell'amore
Timber Cutting
With the participation of the inhabitants of Tirli (GR). RAI television film, based on a short story (1954) by Carlo Cassola and scripted by Marcello Fondato and Giuseppe Lazzari, filmed on location, aired on 19-9-1963. It is the simple story of a group of woodcutters in the Grossetano area with their problems, individual stories, small and big intimate dramas. It is a film with a Rossellini-style realist slant where, without falling into scenicism, the importance of the landscape is combined with the psychological subtlety of the characters and the lucid and critical description of their behaviour. "A phenomenological film that manages to introduce, in the objectivity of the realistic vision, a disturbing moral dimension" (G. Rondolino).
Il mondo è una prigione
An adaptation of Guglielmo Petroni's book.
Colloquio con un uomo disprezzato
A TV adaptation of Friedrich Dürrenmatt's play.
На Земле два государства: Морувия и Свободные Конфедеративные Штаты (СКШ). Они решили между собой войну начать из-за того, что Морувия захватила часть Луны. Венера используется обеими странами в качестве колонии для преступников и неугодных: «преступники, и главным образом люди, разделяющие подрывные идеи, вследствие чего их необходимо изолировать в целях безопасности.» СКШ отправляют туда делегацию, чтобы склонить тамошние обитатели участвовали в войне против Морувии на их стороне и помогли нанести с Венеры ракетно-ядерный удар.
Le notti bianche
A television film by Vittorio Cottafavi. It's believed that this TV film has been lost.
La trincea
Геркулес покоряет Атлантиду
Царь Фив Андроклис узнает, что Греции угрожает опасность, исходящая с запада из-за моря. Он пытается собрать команду из своих друзей и отправиться в экспедицию на поиски таинственной земли, источающей зло. Но его никто не хочет поддержать в опасном и благородном предприятии. Сын Зевса Геркулес не прочь бы испытать себя еще раз и помочь Андроклису, но он пообещал своей жене больше никогда не покидать ее. Тогда Андроклис решается на хитрость и заносит спящего Геркулеса на отплывающий корабль.
Amazons of Rome
Marching down the Italian peninsula to sack ancient Rome, Etruscan warrior Drusco instead offers to hold back his onslaught if the Romans hand over hostages, including Clelia, the sexy leader of a clan of woman warriors. But before long, intrigue and betrayal unravel the fragile peace. Directors Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia and Vittorio Cottafavi helm this vintage sword-and-sandal epic.
Голиаф и дракон
Пока Голиаф сражался с трехглавым драконом и гигантской летучей мышью в «пещере ужасов», его брат Иллус влюбился в невесту злого короля Эристея. Виновный в смерти родителей братьев, Эристей берет Иллуса в плен. Он помещает его в вольер с огромным слоном. Иллуса ждет неминуемая гибель под его ногами. Тем временем центавр похищает супругу Голиафа и доставляет ее во дворец Эристея. Голиафу ничего другого не остается, как отправиться выручать брата и жену. Он сражается с воинами короля. Но когда Эристей понимает, что дело идет к его поражению, он бросает супругу Голиафа в «пещеру ужасов». Снова смелому воину предстоит битва с трехглавым драконом…
Мессалина, имперская Венера
Древний Рим, эпоха, когда в стране правили коррупция и предательство, время насилия и жестокости. Молодая весталка Валерия (Белинда Ли) становится супругой императора Клавдия. Ей суждено войти в историю под именем императрицы Мессалины, одной из самых амбициозных, распутных и кровавых повелительниц Рима.
Toro bravo
An italian-spanish co-production directed by Vittorio Cottafavi.
Legions of the Nile
Octavio secretly sent his consul Curridio to Alexandria in a final attempt to reach peace. In the city, he meets Berenice, a mysterious and beautiful dancer who falls in love. Actually, the dancer is the queen Cleopatra who leads a double life using this name.
Legions of the Nile
Octavio secretly sent his consul Curridio to Alexandria in a final attempt to reach peace. In the city, he meets Berenice, a mysterious and beautiful dancer who falls in love. Actually, the dancer is the queen Cleopatra who leads a double life using this name.
Passo falso
A scientist kills his rival with a perfect alibi and tries to get away with it.
Восстание гладиаторов
В огромной Римской империи, в стране, где правит жестокая принцесса Амира, вспыхивает восстание гладиаторов. На сторону мятежников переходит римский консул Марк. В решающем сражении, когда наемные войска Амиры, казалось бы, одержали победу, на помощь Марку приходит римский легион, и ему удается восстановить закон и порядок в стране.
Umiliati e offesi
An adaptation of Dostoevsky's novel.
Doll house
A TV adaptation of Henrik Ibsen's play.
An adaptation of Molière's play.
Семь маленьких крестов
Итальянская адаптация романа Сименона.
A Free Woman
Liana, an architecture graduate, is about to get married until she is confronted with the fact she is sacrificing the rest of her life for a man she barely knows. So begins a series of romantic encounters in which Liana tries to find her freedom and happiness, but which will ultimately lead her to a tragic fate.
In the Eddy of Sin
After years of detachment Alberto Valli returns to the home of Margherita, his widowed mother, with his mistress Germaine.
Three jailbirds - a surgeon, a robber and a wrongly convicted man must adjust to their lives once released from prison.
In amore si pecca in due
Luisa Galli moves to Rome in search of a respectable job, but instead just finds a job as a waitress for the lawyer Giorgi
Traviata 53
An engineer has a romance with the mistress of a rich banker but she sacrifices herself,returning to the rich man, for the best interests of the lover and his family.
The Glorious Avenger
Il Cavaliere di Maison Rouge is an Italian adventure film directed by Vittorio Cottafavi based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas.
Milady and the Musketeers
Very stylish Italian swashbuckler - The Three Musketeers from the viewpoint of Milady de Winter
A Woman Has Killed
In 1951, two years after the “scandal” of the Fiamma che non si spegne, Cottafavi got the opportunity to work on a film with a small production company, Novissima Film. With little means, a number of technical and financial problems and working Sundays with the pieces of film given to him bit by bit, Cottafavi shot Una donna ha ucciso, a minor film that marked his comeback to directing. (Gianni Rondolino)
A Woman Has Killed
In 1951, two years after the “scandal” of the Fiamma che non si spegne, Cottafavi got the opportunity to work on a film with a small production company, Novissima Film. With little means, a number of technical and financial problems and working Sundays with the pieces of film given to him bit by bit, Cottafavi shot Una donna ha ucciso, a minor film that marked his comeback to directing. (Gianni Rondolino)
A Woman Has Killed
In 1951, two years after the “scandal” of the Fiamma che non si spegne, Cottafavi got the opportunity to work on a film with a small production company, Novissima Film. With little means, a number of technical and financial problems and working Sundays with the pieces of film given to him bit by bit, Cottafavi shot Una donna ha ucciso, a minor film that marked his comeback to directing. (Gianni Rondolino)
The Flame that Never Dies
Inspired to the real story of the Carabiniere Salvo D'Acquisto. We see how, to save 22 hostages from dead sentence by Nazi, he decided to sacrifice himself.
The Flame that Never Dies
capitano dei carabinieri
Inspired to the real story of the Carabiniere Salvo D'Acquisto. We see how, to save 22 hostages from dead sentence by Nazi, he decided to sacrifice himself.
The Flame that Never Dies
Inspired to the real story of the Carabiniere Salvo D'Acquisto. We see how, to save 22 hostages from dead sentence by Nazi, he decided to sacrifice himself.
Fantasmi del mare
Evocation of a dramatic episode of the Second World War told by an old guard. Boarded as a non-commissioned officer on the battleship sailed from Pola and headed south. In time of danger, the man is forced to sacrifice the lives of seven sailors and the son of the Captain, his good friend, in order to save the rest of the crew.
Fiamme sul mare
A former war captain buys a wrecked ship, fixes it and starts a freight business with some fellow navy members.
Fiamme sul mare
A former war captain buys a wrecked ship, fixes it and starts a freight business with some fellow navy members.
Unkown Men of San Marino
A mysterious man, who had lost his memory, arrives in San Marino among other refugees during the Second World War.
The Gate of Heaven
Episodic film with flashbacks about the lives of some sick and infirm people travelling on the same train, making a pilgrimage to the shine of Our Lady of Loreto.
Our Dreams
Leo (Vittorio De Sica) is young man trying to make a living without any success. Through fortuitous circumstances, he is assigned by the director of a big firm to accompany for one night the daughter of the firm's accountant, Titi (María Mercader). Leo pretends then to be the son of a tycoon, and takes her in a luxurious restaurant.
Our Dreams
Leo (Vittorio De Sica) is young man trying to make a living without any success. Through fortuitous circumstances, he is assigned by the director of a big firm to accompany for one night the daughter of the firm's accountant, Titi (María Mercader). Leo pretends then to be the son of a tycoon, and takes her in a luxurious restaurant.
Abuna Messias - Vendetta africana
The film takes place at the end of the 19th century. The Cardinal Guglielmo Massaia has spent 20 years in Ethiopia to convert people to the Catholic Church. He comes back to Italy and he tries to get the help of the government of Piedmont. The Count Cavour, although he appreciates the Cardinal's deeds in Africa, cannot grant his Cabinet's support to the Cardinal's plans. The missionary man, trusting the Divine Providence, goes back to Africa by himself. The Cardinal, who is known among the people as Abuna Messias, becomes a friend of king Menelik. The support of the king is fundamental to spread his word and accomplish his mission. The Head of the Coptic Church, Abuna Attanasio, does whatever he can to prevent Massaia from reaching his goals and to get him exiled from Ethiopia. Menelik refuses to help Abuna Attanasio, who decides to address the Emperor, thus igniting a war between the Emperor and his subject Menelik. In order to end the war, the Cardinal decides to leave Africa.