Brian Gillin


The Ballad of Sandeep
Guy Strapper
After his IT job is outsourced to Bangalore, Sandeep Majumdar sets up a remote access in his apartment, tricking his former company into believing that he is really working from India.
The Ballad of Sandeep
After his IT job is outsourced to Bangalore, Sandeep Majumdar sets up a remote access in his apartment, tricking his former company into believing that he is really working from India.
Борьба за огонь
Modoc - tribu Ulam
Действие происходит в эпоху палеолита. Погас огонь, который поддерживали на протяжении долгого времени. Люди, которые не умеют разжигать огонь, должны найти его, ведь без огня невозможна жизнь племени. Чтобы завоевать сердце возлюбленной, главный герой отправляется на поиски огня. Путь его полон опасностей.