Jarkko T. Laine

Рождение : 1969-01-01,


Jope – Just Think for Yourself
Director of Photography
An overweight boy who was a bullied at school grew up to become a beloved comedian, folk artist Jope Ruonansuu. He was a versatile entertainer, but above all an impressionist, able to imitate more than 150 characters from the ruling class. Jope's journey was a natural extension of the post-war "Rillumarei" -culture. He broke through when the monoculturalism was at its most vibrant and grew in popularity as it began to crumble. With weight loss surgery, Jope sought a healthier life, but also to shed the extra pounds and childhood traumas. After the surgery, he was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer, but continued to fight, developing a number of different projects, including an anti-bullying campaign together with the President of Finland, Sauli Niinistö. The project was to culminate in a joint visit to Syväkangas school, in Jope's home town of Kemi. Jope passed away before then, but Niinistö kept his promise.
The Happy Worker - Or How Work Was Sabotaged
Our premise is that work has become an act of self-sabotage. Empty corporate jargon, ever-changing management fashions and self-serving bureaucracy masquerading as efficiency hijacked the purpose of work. Creative documentary The Happy Worker will show how we got to this point and the very human behavior that led us here. We want to show how this unhealthy system is maintained and what keeps us from calling bullshit.
When the Night Falls
Director of Photography
The dance film When the Night Falls tells the story of a woman fleeing the horrors of a collapsing society in the near future. Along the way, she encounters people on whose trust her entire future depends on.
Director of Photography
Девушка-подросток занимается гимнастикой, всячески пытается угодить матери и достичь высот в спорте. Однажды она находит брошенное, как она думала, птичье яйцо и решает не дать ему погибнуть. Находка достигает невероятных размеров, и вскоре из яйца вылупляется неведомая зверушка. Теперь всему семейству придется несладко.
Still Into You
Director of Photography
Documentary film about love, relationships and sexuality of elderly men and women. Five couples show how intimacy is still strong even though age and body has changed.
Звездные парни
Director of Photography
История двух семей, которые распадаются из-за крушения моральных ценностей, когда сексуальная революция добирается до маленького консервативного и религиозного городка в Северной Финляндии.
Into the Forest I Go
Director of Photography
The film in its entirety is set in the forest: the protagonists sleep under spruce trees, make art, hunt with their dogs, hold techno raves in the summer night and earn their living as forest owners. As the film progresses, one gains a more versatile view of the forest as a biological organism, a spiritual retreat for humans, a source of inspiration and as a complete living environment supporting us all.
A young woman raised in the US returns to her birth country in Eastern Europe after a devastating tragedy. Questioning her sanity and her sexuality, she starts believing she possesses supernatural powers.
Gold Digger
Director of Photography
Marja (Minka Kuustonen) is a blogger. Olavi is one of the richest men in the country. She might be able to save her blog if she dates him, but what if she falls for him for real?
Director of Photography
Director Saija Mäki-Nevala was born in Kihniö but moved away as soon as it became possible. The village road with few buildings, and faces that were all to familiar to her, wasn’t enough. The real life and the possibilities of achieving dreams seemed to be somewhere else. After 18 years she goes back to look at Kihniö. She observes the ex-home village with feelings between love and foreignness. Is Kihniö more than its inhabitants? Is Kihniö just a name for the roots which we can’t either choose or forget? This observational documentary is a portrait of silent village, but the main role still belongs to its people. They are proud of living in a safe place where they all know each other. The most important goals in life are to have a permanent job and to own a house. When they achieve those things and can have their family around, everything is just fine. You don’t need anything else.
Director of Photography
The leisurely environment of an almost lethargic horsetrack provides a superb setting to Jarkko T. Laine and J-P Passi's Ajomie. The filmmakers have bravely left their story - centring on a trackmaster (Matti Laine) caught between two women - clean of any superfluous modern frills. At home plans are being made for a shared future, while at the track's maintenance pit passions flare, and in no time the fumbling trackmaster finds himself at the centre of a slowly developing chaos. On top of everything he is plagued by that most Finnish of maladies: indecision.
The leisurely environment of an almost lethargic horsetrack provides a superb setting to Jarkko T. Laine and J-P Passi's Ajomie. The filmmakers have bravely left their story - centring on a trackmaster (Matti Laine) caught between two women - clean of any superfluous modern frills. At home plans are being made for a shared future, while at the track's maintenance pit passions flare, and in no time the fumbling trackmaster finds himself at the centre of a slowly developing chaos. On top of everything he is plagued by that most Finnish of maladies: indecision.
The leisurely environment of an almost lethargic horsetrack provides a superb setting to Jarkko T. Laine and J-P Passi's Ajomie. The filmmakers have bravely left their story - centring on a trackmaster (Matti Laine) caught between two women - clean of any superfluous modern frills. At home plans are being made for a shared future, while at the track's maintenance pit passions flare, and in no time the fumbling trackmaster finds himself at the centre of a slowly developing chaos. On top of everything he is plagued by that most Finnish of maladies: indecision.
Canned Dreams
A simple can of ravioli propels this spectacular 30,000-kilometre, eight-country journey through all phases of food production and the far flung sources of international ingredients. A dream-like voyage with glimpses of disconcerting realities, the story begins with a single mother toiling in one of the biggest open pit mines in Brazil and ends on the shelf of a grocery store in Finland. Along the way, the workers whose calloused hands mine, raise and harvest each ingredient reveal their dreams and hopes, like the Danish pig farmer who loves his sows but longs for a girlfriend, and the Portuguese tomato picker who wants to stay healthy long enough to pay her daughters way through university. Sumptuous photography and impressive sound design make an eloquent statement about our modern, globalized world, making us aware of the hundreds of invisible people who prepare the food we eat every day. -Gisèle Gordon (HotDocs.ca)
Canned Dreams
Additional Director of Photography
A simple can of ravioli propels this spectacular 30,000-kilometre, eight-country journey through all phases of food production and the far flung sources of international ingredients. A dream-like voyage with glimpses of disconcerting realities, the story begins with a single mother toiling in one of the biggest open pit mines in Brazil and ends on the shelf of a grocery store in Finland. Along the way, the workers whose calloused hands mine, raise and harvest each ingredient reveal their dreams and hopes, like the Danish pig farmer who loves his sows but longs for a girlfriend, and the Portuguese tomato picker who wants to stay healthy long enough to pay her daughters way through university. Sumptuous photography and impressive sound design make an eloquent statement about our modern, globalized world, making us aware of the hundreds of invisible people who prepare the food we eat every day. -Gisèle Gordon (HotDocs.ca)
Director of Photography
Sixpack is a positive story on the outskirts of society. The story takes place in Helsinki on rock and following the advent of exclusion of the story regarding one of summer days. The film's protagonist, Marshal, is stuck in a shabby home. Lihi and Henninen attract the Marshal out and tired of opposition after the Marshal finds them to spend a hot summer day in the park in the world with amazement. The trio crash -day pass to the young, rutjakkeisiin sense of humor to the police. Day lasts from early morning until the evening the rain to bring sorrow alhoon. Eventually, however, the sun began to rise again it's time to become sensitized and look deep into the eyes of friendship.
Один из моих друзей
Director of Photography
Когда трагедия затрагивает нашу жизнь, трудно сохранять мотивацию. Семидесятилетний Мати страстно читает книги и проводит свободное время со своей милой женой. Однако, когда его жена умирает, ни его дочь-подросток, ни его дорогие книги не помогают. Одиночество и равнодушие захлестнули его жизнь; Мати замышляет самоубийство, но странный 60-летний мужчина, кажется, дает ему надежду.
La Vénitienne
Director of Photography
Фильм рассказывает историю хирурга, который возвращается на работу после 13 месяцев комы, вызванной выстрелом в голову из строительного пистолета. Полиция не смогла найти преступника, а у него остались лишь частичные воспоминания о прошлом.. И теперь перед доктором стоит непростая задача, вспомнить всё и выйти на след человека, покушавшегося на его жизнь.
Director of Photography
Remu grew up in modest conditions. He dropped out from schoold during his teen age years and is making career as a small time criminal. His family's destiny is about to come true, and it's going to be the usual: jail, alcoholism and violent death. After learning about rock music Remu learns to play drums and pushes himself into different bands. His first time in jails interrupts his music career, but after being released he starts his own band; Hurriganes.
The New Man
Director of Photography
Sweden 1951. A new society is developing, a society where there is no room for the socially and mentally weak...
A Shout into the Wind
Director of Photography
The fate of a culture lies on the shoulders of few determined individuals.
Director of Photography
Kummelin Jackpot, was released in February 2006. It was about a divorced man portrayed by Silvennoinen, who realises a way to trick himself a jackpot in football betting.
Director of Photography
Жены футболистов любительской команды устали от футбола и от того,что их мужья все свободное время проводят не с ними а за любимой игрой. Да и после игры они не могут разойтись и идут в бар обсуждать произошедшее на поле или смотреть матчи профессиональных команд. Жены заключают с мужьями пари. Они предлагают сыграть с ними футбольный матч. Если мужья проигрывают они никогда больше не подойдут к мячу. Мужья соглашаются. Ведь ясно, что они победят 20-0. Но они еще не знают, что тренировать команду Футболисток будет тренер сборной страны по футболу.
Моя лучшая мама
Director of Photography
В 1943 году в разорённой войной Финляндии отец 9-летнего Ээро погибает на фронте и мать принимает мучительное решение отослать своего единственного сына подальше от бомбёжек, в соседнюю нейтральную Швецию, где приёмная мать, суровая крестьянка Сигне, всё ещё скорбящая о гибели собственной дочери, впускает его в свой дом, но не в своё сердце. Ээро не говорит по-шведски и чувствует себя неуютно в приёмной семье и чужой стране, отчаянно скучая по родной матери. Однако все долгожданные письма от неё адресованы не ему, а Сигне. Случайно прочитав одно не предназначавшееся для его глаз письмо, Ээро узнаёт о предательстве матери, но именно это разбивает барьер между ним и матерью приёмной. Однако история вершит своё: война заканчивается, детям пора возвращаться и заново привыкать к родине.
Молодые боги
Director of Photography
Таави и его друзья сделают всё, чтобы это выпускное лето запомнилось им на всю жизнь. У бесшабашных парней, привыкших наслаждаться жизнью, есть гениальная идея: каждый из них снимет на видео, как он занимается сексом с девушкой, а затем самый крутой фильм получит приз. Запись может быть тайной или по согласию, с лучшей подругой или первой встречной. Поначалу эта дурацкая затея похожа на захватывающую интригу, но когда она превращается в манию, требующую от парней изощренной лжи и риска, члены экстремального видео-клуба не в силах остановиться. Камера фиксирует их жестокие эксперименты со своими и чужими чувствами, бесстрастно показывая, как опасная игра ведет ее участников к катастрофе…
Director of Photography
Фильм о детстве, о взрослении и о том, что нужно всегда стоять на своём, даже если под ногами болотная топь. Маленькая Элина приходит на болото, чтобы разговаривать со своим умершим отцом, который однажды показал ей, как пройти в самое сердце трясины. Для неё — это свой мир, своё урочище, где она прячется от серой действительности тяжелой деревенской жизни. Здесь у неё тихие, неспешные разговоры с папой обо всём. Там — маленькая финская деревня в Северной Швеции; придирчивая фрекен Хольм, которая поставила себе задачу обучить «этих неблагодарных маленьких финнов» шведскому языку, разумеется, насильственно, потому что только так ей представляется возможным «внести порядок в хаос». Для Элины же хаос — это прежде всего несправедливость, нечестность. Вот почему она стоит на своём, всегда слыша голос своего погибшего отца: «Иди, иди дальше! Не оступись!» И тогда её замученная жизнью мама преподнесёт ей в конце неожиданный сюрприз.
Nightwish: From Wishes to Eternity - Live
Camera Operator
Live concert by Finnish symphonic metal band Nightwish. It was recorded in Tampere, Finland on 29 December 2000. Setlist: 1. The Kinslayer / 2. She Is My Sin / 3. Deep Silent Complete / 4. The Pharaoh Sails to Orion / 5. Come Cover Me / 6. Wanderlust / 7. Instrumental (Crimson Tide/Deep Blue Sea) / 8. Swanheart / 9. Elvenpath / 10. FantasMic (Part 3) / 11. Dead Boy's Poem / 12. Sacrament of Wilderness / 13. Walking in the Air / 14. Beauty & the Beast / 15. Wishmaster.
Slow at Heart
Director of Photography