Clelia Castaldo


Christmas in New York
A jungle boy of the fifth oracle travels to New York, with his talking dogs Winner and Fox, to find Father Christmas (Santa Claus) and helps many people along the way.
In Search of the Titanic
Tentacolino, or "In Search for the Titanic" tells the story of the familiar characters Juan and Elizabeth, along with their mice friends Top Connors and Ronnie and their bring-along-dog Smile. After the five end up in a submarine accident, they’re taken to the wonderful lost city of Atlantis. There they discover a rebellion of rats who want to break free from the city and take over the world.
Принц динозавров
Получив от старого торговца книгу о динозаврах, маленький Ракхал не мог и предположить что вскоре, благодаря чудесным превращениям, станет великим и могущественным Принцем Страны Динозавров. Пытаясь открыть тайну старинной книги, принц и его друзья отправляются в путешествие через полные опасностей джунгли Страны Динозавров. По дороге они узнают, что королевству грозит беда: армия ведьмы Майи хочет захватить власть в стране. Но на помощь динозаврам приходят сильные и храбрые воины - Рыцари Света, Воды, Огня, Земли и Воздуха. Они помогут храброму принцу Ракхалу восстановить мир и порядок в Стране Динозавров!
The Legend of the Titanic
Old Grandpa mouse tells to his grandchildren the "real" story of the Titanic disaster, including evil sharks, a giant octopus, and an evil whaling scheme.
Watch as Ulysses and his men sail to faraway waters in this high quality animated classic for your kids and family. They encounter singing sirens and confront an unforgiving sea. Eventually Ulysses reaches Ithaca and slays the suitors who threaten his wife and throne.
Hercules’ descendent tells the story of his illustrious ancestor.
Super Heroes On Himalayan Snow
Quasimodo: The Hunchback of NotreDame
Quasimodo is still a baby when is taken in by Archdeacon Frollo and is turned into the bell-ringer.
Simba Junior to the World Cup
Winner becomes the coach of a soccer team set to participate in the first ever “Animal Soccer World Cup”. This is sure to be the most extraordinary and unforgettable tournament ever played in the whole wide world! On each team are animals typical of the nations they represent.