Gabrielle Stone

Gabrielle Stone

Рождение : 1988-11-20, Los Angeles, California, USA


Gabrielle Stone


Killer Rose
On the Padgett County line, there is a rundown strip club called the Golden Monkey, run by Becky Cross who is sexy but tough as nails. One of her girls, Misty, was brutally murdered in the parking lot. Three nights later, her sister Rose shows up to investigate. The women must team up, find the man that killed Misty, and get their revenge. Hank, the man responsible for Misty's murder, begins hiring hit-men to kill the women. Big mistake. The hunt is on.
Dives into the often ignored seedy underbelly of Maine and it follows Emma Maddox as she returns to her hometown years following the mysterious death of her brother, Mikey. As she reconnects with his best friend Tommy, the two rekindle their flame and Emma begins to uncover the web of lies the town has been keeping.
Месть солдата
Преследуемый ужасами военных лет, Фрэнк Коннор проводит всё своё время за двумя занятиями: пьет виски и ловит беглецов. Однажды у порога его дома оказывается два ребенка, которые отчаянно просят отыскать их пропавшую мать. Фрэнку предстоит лицом к лицу столкнуться со своим прошлым и разобраться с печально известным преступником майором Бриггсом, с которым у него давние счеты.
Подарок на Рождество
Рождество в доме Джорджа и Дениз Барнетт в Кентукки, украшения расставлены, дети улыбаются, но не все хорошо. Джордж беспокоится о своем друге Доне Форде, в то время как руководитель хора Дениз беспокоится о концерте в канун Рождества в их церкви. Тем временем брат Джорджа Аллен работает студийным гитаристом в Лос-Анджелесе. Аллен обещал вернуться в Кентукки на несколько месяцев - обещание, которое осталось невыполненным. Джордж узнает, что Дон Форд беспокоится о своей дочери Селии, борющейся актрисе из Голливуда, и Джордж формулирует план. Аллен едет домой и приводит с собой Селию. Оказывается, легче сказать, чем сделать. Но как раз тогда, когда Джордж и Дениз думают, что у них все в порядке, родители Дениз решают навестить их на каникулах. Джордж узнает, что Дон Форд не ценит его вмешательство, и церковный хор теряет солиста из-за концерта. Селия, прекрасная певица, может быть решением проблемы солистки хора, но возникают конфликты ...
Stay Home
During the COVID quarantine some of the biggest names in horror are targeted by a suspected killer. With no one able to leave their homes, will any of the genre legends make it until morning?
Stay Home
During the COVID quarantine some of the biggest names in horror are targeted by a suspected killer. With no one able to leave their homes, will any of the genre legends make it until morning?
Stay Home
During the COVID quarantine some of the biggest names in horror are targeted by a suspected killer. With no one able to leave their homes, will any of the genre legends make it until morning?
Await the Dawn
A troubled family traveling cross country are highjacked by a desperate man. Only to discover he's running from something more dangerous than he is.
Место под названием Голливуд
Annie Clarke
A Place Called Hollywood is directed and written by Gregori J. Martin. A limited mini series filmed in Los Angeles, California
A young woman embarks on a road trip to find her younger Brother who she hasn't seen in 18 years at the request of her dying Grandfather.
Cradles for Cash
When Kelly's newborn baby is stolen from the hospital where she works, she teams up with Gloria, also a victim of baby abduction, to get her child back from a black market adoption ring.
After Emma
About a father's road to acceptance.
After Emma
About a father's road to acceptance.
Mr. Memento
An aging photography collector obsessed with death receives the final piece to his collection.
Дом смерти
Linz Haddon
Секретный правительственный объект становится эпицентром самого ужасного тюремного побега в истории человечества.
It Happened Again Last Night
Paige must choose between love and fear before she has no choices left to make.
It Happened Again Last Night
Paige must choose between love and fear before she has no choices left to make.
It Happened Again Last Night
Paige must choose between love and fear before she has no choices left to make.
It Happened Again Last Night
Paige must choose between love and fear before she has no choices left to make.
Камень, ножницы, бумага
Питер Харрис, по прозвищу "Кукольник", возвращается в родной дом после того, как его выпускают из психиатрической больницы для душевнобольных преступников. Однако, оказавшись среди детских воспоминаний, Питера начинают преследовать призраки прошлого.
Do You See Me
Emily is being stalked by a rogue clown. He's everywhere...including her closet.
Charlie's Gift
A woman on her first flight receives a gift from her husband.
Сэлфи - перестрелка
FBI Clerk
Двое молодых неудачников открывают интернет - конкурс на лучшее сэлфи, чтобы найти себе девушек и заработать денег. Для начала они заявляют приз в 1000 долларов, а плата за участие составляет 15 долларов, но расходы растут как снежный ком, и скоро для того чтобы привлечь больше участниц им приходиться увеличить приз до миллиона.
Ava's Impossible Things
When her mother makes a shocking request, sheltered Ava struggles with reality, escaping into a dream world where she summons up old friends and long forgotten desires.
"GRIEF" follows the life and sudden death of Kari, a fragile honors student, who decides that suicide is the only way out. You will be shown the world of her friends and family in order to observe how one person's death truly does impact those around them in a profound and surreal way. Each character in this story will be taken on a journey of internal truth, reflection, and self-realization in order to move past their loss. The question is who will succumb to grief and who will not.
The French American
The French American is a drama film directed by Darla Rae
Flowers in December
A hard living "bad girl" in her mid 50's lives a gritty life in a West Texas trailer park with her doormat boyfriend and grown daughter, but her obsession with a past love could lead to the complete destruction of what little she has left.
The Legacy of Avril Kyte
After a self-imposed absence, Avril Kyte returns to the small North Pacific fishing town she grew up in to discover her entire world is about to change dramatically.
Убийцы зомби: кладбище слонов
Nikki Slater
Сельская местность отгородилась от окружающего мира в следствии зомби-чумы. Их защищают убийцы зомби. Но мир не может казаться прежним и их ждут новые открытия. Еще более ужасные.
Jennifer Davis
A killer decides to settle down in a small town and start a family. But first she has to find the right guy to help make it happen, whether he wants to or not.
Flytrap mixes sci-fi with dark humor to tell the story of a reserved English Astronomer who becomes ensnared by the mysterious Mary Ann and her creepy and dangerous comrades. Held hostage in a twisted version of suburban San Fernando Valley, the Astronomer slowly uncovers the reason for his capture and the miserable fate that awaits him-and humanity-unless he acts.
Бывший заключенный и начинающий режиссер начинают работу над фильмом ужасов, пугая реальных людей. А когда дело заходит слишком далеко и кто-то на самом деле умирает, они решают, что снимать на пленку реальные убийства — это отличный способ сделать по-настоящему страшный фильм…
The Beast
Diana Sheldon
A young woman and some friends go on a road trip through the California backwoods in search of her missing brother and are kidnapped in a village that keeps a monster hidden away.
Snow Moon: Cinderella Chronicles Saga
Snow Moon: Cinderella Chronicles Saga is a fantasy/adventure novel to film series. Snow Moon the movie, the first in their four part saga Cinderella Chronicles.
Не поминай зло
Однажды в небольшом городке пропала девочка. На следующий день после таинственной вспышки пропали все остальные дети... Обеспокоенные родители попытались сделать всё возможное, чтобы вернуть своих чад. И они вернулись... Только не такими, какими их привыкли видеть родители. Зло овладело их душами, превратив в кровожадных охотников за плотью." Не поминай зло, ибо час его уже близок"...
The Lighthouse
In 1972 two men and two women fell to the bottom of the old lighthouse. Carrie, Trip, Nick, Kevin, Samantha,Derek, and Jessica have decided to go on a camping trip culminating at the lighthouse itself. Things have a way of happening to this group of adventurers real or imaginary, they will find out.
Fuzz Track City
Murphy Dunn, a down and out private detective, is hired by a sultry woman from his past to find her missing son. Murphy soon finds himself embroiled in a mystery of betrayal, music and murder surrounding an obscure 1970's rock record.
An Old Man's Gold
Charlene Sullivan
Dying of cancer, former thief Charlie Dawson decides to leave his gold to his namesake Charlene, the great grand daughter of his two former partners. Not wanting to steal from family, the two former partners decide to rob Charlie before he dies. They hire a poker playing buddy, the violent loan shark Eddie, to do the job. Eddie decides to kidnap Charlene to convince Charlie to give up the gold, but Charlene's friend Emma gets in the way and is murdered. With the clock ticking, Eddie goes after the gold but runs afoul of Charlene's protective mother. The soccer mom is forced into a violent showdown to save her daughter and get the treasure.
Eight aspiring actresses are thrown together in a house to compete for title of Scream Queen. Little do they or the crew know that the house is haunted by a ghost seeking revenge. Who will live, who will die in this horror comedy that pokes fun at both reality shows and horror
Sara Tilps
Five marine Operatives are stranded after crash landing in the barren Iraqi desert. They are under strict orders to deliver an important package to Ramadi and they have already been trekking through enemy territory for three days in hopes of completing their mission.
The Guardian
A widowed mother, who lives alone in a secluded house, has a premonition that her son in the Air Force is going to die in a plane crash. No one believes her. Impossible to do anything about it, when he is halfway around the world piloting his plane over enemy territory, all she can do is imagine a miracle.
Henry John and the Little Bug
Florence Tildon
Dinner time in a remote home of a prairie family turns nightmarish when a band of blood spattered outlaws break through the front door in search of food, horses, and women. Nothing is as it seems in this constantly twisting genre bender.
Blood Positive
Two sisters track down and torture a man which they suspect is their estranged father.
Dead Quiet
Nick and his girlfriend have to spend a night in their newly inherited abandoned building downtown, to disprove the stories of it being haunted to an interested buyer.