Oliver Stark

Oliver Stark

Рождение : 1991-06-27, London, England, UK


Oliver Stark (born June 27, 1991) is a British actor. He is best know for playing Ryder on AMC's Into the Badlands and firefighter Buck on FOX's 9-1-1.


Oliver Stark
Oliver Stark
Oliver Stark
Oliver Stark
Oliver Stark


Другой мир: Войны крови
Воительница-вампир Селена вступает в свой последний и решающий бой между оборотнями и кланом вампиров, который предал ее.
A group of young bio-engineers discover they can use quantum physics to transfer motor-skills between human brains. Believing this to be a first step towards a new intellectual freedom, they freely distribute the technology. But as the mysterious past of one of their group is revealed, dark forces emerge that threaten to subvert this technology into a means of mass control. DxM takes the mind-bender thriller to the next level with an immersive narrative and breath-taking action.
Бывший сербский боевик и четырнадцатилетний парень вступают в борьбу против криминального авторитета. В время обучения темным искусствам убийств, мальчик узнает истинный смысл дружбы, чести и уважения.
Мэрайа Мунди и шкатулка Мидаса
Мир семнадцатилетнего Мэрайа Мунди меняется, когда его родители внезапно исчезают, оставив юношу и его брата Феликса на произвол судьбы.
Pack Leader
The Draymen Estate has become an urban legend. Amongst the sinister stories of unsavoury locals and brutal violence, several people have apparently gone missing. Even the police won't go there. Eter two naive student filmmakers with a well-meaning plan to make a sympathetic documentary of life on the estate. The unlucky duo quickly discovers that problems of drugs and crime in this community go way beyond the norm. This is a community which is about to present the students with material of unimaginable horror - turning their final project int their darkest nightmare.