Dante Vescio


Dead Teenager Séance
A group of dead teenagers spending their after-lives in Limbo decides to wreak vengeance upon their killer by summoning him to the world of the dead.
Dead Teenager Séance
A group of dead teenagers spending their after-lives in Limbo decides to wreak vengeance upon their killer by summoning him to the world of the dead.
Dead Teenager Séance
A group of dead teenagers spending their after-lives in Limbo decides to wreak vengeance upon their killer by summoning him to the world of the dead.
Children of the Cosmos
A film created for NASA / CineSpace 2017. The Cosmos. Mankind. The meaning of Life.Come play with us.
Азбука смерти 2.5
Снова всевозможные убийства, но теперь не по алфавиту, а на букву «М».
Здесь живёт дьявол
В давние времена один медовый барон очень ненавидел черных.Он не был расистом, просто ему нравилось издеваться над ними. И когда одна рабыня родила от него ребенка, негры восстали и убили медового барона.А рабыня вдовесок прокляла его, принеся в жертву собственного ребенка. В наши дни трое подростков поехали навестить друга на его старой ферме. Но они никак не ожидали, что попадут в разборки в середину столетней войны между добром и злом.
Two kids serving detention discuss the right way to summon Blondie, an old Brazilian urban legend. One of them tries. It works.
Two kids serving detention discuss the right way to summon Blondie, an old Brazilian urban legend. One of them tries. It works.
M Is for Mailbox
Submitted for "The ABCs of Death 2" competition.
M Is for Mailbox
Submitted for "The ABCs of Death 2" competition.
Hard Season
Gabriel and Laura are two strangers drawn to each other by a spark of restlessness in their eyes. At Laura's sanctuary, an abandoned factory, a man with a camera will put their revolutionary fantasies to the test.