José Raposo

José Raposo

Рождение : 1963-02-03, Dundo, Angola


José Raposo is a Portuguese actor, voice actor, producer and singer.


José Raposo


Sunset: The Mystery of the Necklace of São Cajó
Follows a band named Jesus Quisto. Even though it has never existed in reality, it has two EPs available on streaming platforms and sold out in Lisbon twice.
The Tyrant Father
This remake of the 1940 film with the same name tells the story of a theatre company, its men and women in love, mistakes and misunderstandings. Chico loves Tatão, who is courted by Artur. Graça loves Chico, but doesn't know he loves Tatão. Santana writes a play for the Grandelinhas that will serve as a guide to Chico passion and convince Tatão that he is a rich count. The play is then staged and they all end up in prison.
Salgueiro Maia - The Implicated
Francisco Maia
On April 25, 1974, a man walked alone in Largo do Carmo. He knocked on the GNR military barracks door and entered, unarmed and without any escorts. Inside, the Government’s chief, Marcelo Caetano, waited, surrounded by the military and the people. The man who stared at him that afternoon and demanded surrender, guaranteeing his safety, had just led Santarém’s Artillery 1 regiment in taking the capital. Without firing a single shot, he managed to overthrow a regime that was over 48 years old. That was the last step to take and he took it, without hesitation, becoming the unavoidable figure of the day that marked the beginning of democracy in Portugal
Bem Bom
Carlos Coelho
It is 1979. Four young ladies are hired to form a girl band. They can sing, they shine with their dancing, and they shock the country. They become a big hit. They are DOCE.
The Sound that Goes Down to Earth
Maria da Luz waits for her husband who got lost somewhere in Angola during the war. With no news, she finds herself surrounded by families that, like her, desperately long for some kind of hope regarding their loved ones fighting abroad. She takes the matter in her hands and starts tape recording loving messages from each mother, wife and other family members. Carrying the tapes, she travels to Angola and personally delivers these messages to each and every soldier in a personal quest right in the middle of a country in war.
Lúcia is raped by her husband and presses charges against him. She fights the Portuguese legal system along with the Prosecutor's Assistant, Maria João Correia, to forceher husband, the son of the State's Vice Attorney, intoCourt. The case takes place in closed session where Lúcia tries to find justice in a predominantly male world.
Bruno Aleixo's Film
Bruno Aleixo was invited to write a biopic about his own life. Lacking ideas, he decided to ask his closest friends for inspiration. Reunited in a cafe, each of his friends suggests a different idea, more or less biographical.
Sr. Galhardo
Луиш - жизнерадостный мужчина предпенсионного возраста. Все чаще его можно встретить не в офисе, а за рулем автомобиля, поющего песни о том, что проносится перед глазами. Умеющий ловко избегать любых конфликтов, всегда с улыбкой наготове, Луиш за годы работы коммерческим директором фирмы по установке систем безопасности выработал уникальный навык счастливо избегать проблем и сложностей на работе. Даже смерть любимого кота, боль в колене или семейная ссора не может сбить его с позитивной волны: в мире нет ничего такого, что не могла бы исправить хорошая песня. Но при виде Люсинды его обычный репертуар вдруг приобретает новую тональность.
Вариасойнш: Ангел хранитель
Mário Martins
Фильм об одной из величайших икон португальской поп-музыки. Антониу Вариасойнш был одним из самых оригинальных музыкантов, когда-либо появлявшихся в Португалии. Антониу Жуакин Родригеш Рибейру преследовал свою мечту стать певцом и композитором, несмотря на то, что не знал нот... Музыкальный успех пришел через несколько лет. Он умер в 1984 году в Лиссабоне, в возрасте 39 лет.
Häuschen - A Herança
Lost in the forest on a stormy night, Maria and Miguel take refuge in an old woodcutter’s home. The cottage seems to be the ideal scenario for all desires, hunger pangs, and spells to be released. But, apparently, the old woodcutter, with his strange habits, does not live alone.
Blood Lines
Manuel Chança
Threatened by a fascist plot, the Portuguese government recruits several "special people" to stop the coup.
This is the story of a young Mozambican footballer called Eusébio, a gifted athlete destined to great achievements, coveted by rival clubs, Sporting and Benfica, which ends up hiring him. Blackmail, kidnapping attempts, ministers involved, press hysteria and huge money offers make the story of this football transfer into a saga evolving between the two continents. It ends up when the legend begins: with Eusébio’s first match at the Benfica Stadium.
Saint George
In 2011 Portugal began the so-called "year of the Troika" (EU, IMF and ECB budget cuts and economic restructuring), with the level of debt among the Portuguese people reaching staggering amounts and a growing number of families and companies unable to repay their installment loans. Jorge is an unemployed boxer on the verge of losing his son and his wife, who has decided to return to Brazil. As a means of paying off his debt and persuading his wife to remain in Portugal, Jorge accepts a job with a debt-collection agency, which will drag him into a world of violence and crime.
Delírio em Las Vedras
New film directed by Edgar Pêra.
Lazarus de Jesus is the adopted son of a wealthy lady from Lisbon, whom he calls Grandmother. It is she who introduces him to Godfather, a great businessman who takes him as his protégé, and Angelina, the woman Grandma wants him to marry. But Lazarus has other hidden interests, the most important of which is an obsessive fixation on female armpits. When he sees the violinist Maria Pia playing, Lazarus immediately falls in love and starts to live for her, which will precipitate an absolutely unpredictable ending.
O Leão da Estrela
Sr. Barata
The story revolves around Anastácio, a supporter of Leões de Alcochete and Mr. Barata, a supporter of Inferno Futebol Clube. One day, the two teams face each other. Which team will win?
7 Pecados Rurais
Eng. Castro Laboreiro
In "7 Pecados Rurais", Quim and Zé go to Lisbon to collect two distant cousins ​​who want to revive a crazy last summer in Curral de Moinas. Along the way they bump into a flock of sheep and die.
Antonio is 18 years old and is profoundly deaf. He wants to study cinema outside Portugal and become a director. And make movies for everyone, deaf and listeners. This is your dream that, like all dreams, has a price: to question himself and the community to which he belongs. At the same time, she lives her first love with Irina, a deaf young woman who doesn't understand why he wants to leave school and his country so much. For the first time in his life, Anthony's world is falling apart. But it may be worth losing the world to conquer the universe where deaf and hearing listen in the same gesture.
Nuno is a man working at a hot dog stand, who also invented a machine which promises to revolutionize the shoe industry- a foot scanner. In the middle of a gasoline embargo and finding himself in a strange predicament, Nuno becomes mysteriously confined to his car, finding his life suddenly embargoed.
O Último Condenado à Morte
The story about the last man to be sentenced to death in Portugal.
Carlos Palma
Peter McShade is a hitman. A job goes wrong when he kills the nephew of a Mafia Boss in Morocco.
Искусство кражи
a national guard
Двух не профессиональных грабителей наняли, чтобы похитить чрезвычайно-ценного Ван Гога, украшающего заброшенную ферму Аргентинской графини.
Девочка по вызову
Сюжет закручен вокруг мэра небольшой деревушки в южной Португалии, отказывающего одобрить туристический проект. С приездом тысяч туристов весь старый уклад жизни в деревне был бы непременно нарушен. Для того, чтобы заставить мэра согласиться богатый бизнесмен, имеющий собственный интерес в деле, нанимает Марию. Мария должна соблазнить мэра Мейерелеса, и, шантажируя его, заставить поставить свою подпись. С первого взгляда Мейрелес влюбляется в Марию, и, как ни странно, не сопротивляется «соблазнению».
the inspector of the PJ
Истории простой девушки и могущественного футбольного президента. В Португалии кольцо коррупции, в которое вовлечены политики и местные органы власти, действует с непобедимой территории футбола. Система основана на привилегиях. Это сеть сообщников. Спортивные менеджеры, местные мэры, государственные деятели, журналисты, полицейские, судьи и чиновники поддерживают друг друга. Голоса несогласных замолкают и держатся в стороне. Существует целый список загадочных нападений, царит безнаказанность. Попытки обеспечить верховенство права систематически обречены на провал. Судебные дела рассматриваются в упрощенном порядке. Честные судьи, магистраты, полицейские и журналисты теряют свои позиции перед лицом всеобщего безразличия. Пока однажды девушка не издаст книгу. Книга вызывает волнение в португальском обществе..
The Italian Writer
In the future, Joseph enters a bookshop searching for an Italian writer. While he searches for the name "Firenze" in the database, he recounts the story of a woman he had met 30 years ago. Lisbon, 2007: Joseph is a tormented American seminarian, a member of Opus Dei, who has come to Lisbon to help organize an exhibition of the Franciscan Order in Lisbon's Cathedral. The exhibition brings to Portugal a legendary mirror, "The Mirror of St. Francis of Assisi", that was said to have allowed St Francis to see the next morning. On the day of his departure, Joseph, at the train station, literally bumps into Giulia, a beautiful and irreverent Italian writer with whom he establishes an immediate chemistry. Giulia tells Joseph she came to Lisbon to try to find a mysterious Portuguese singer who her father had a relationship with in Lisbon before he left to fight for the Portuguese in their colonial war.
Viúva Rica Solteira Não Fica
Ana Catarina returns from Brazil with her father and her nanny to marry a man she doesn't know and doesn't like. A terrible coincidence happens when, on the same day, the young woman becomes a widow and an orphan, a fact that leaves her heir to an incalculable fortune and coveted by all the aristocrats in the region.
Filme da Treta
"Filme da Treta" is inspired in a previous work called "Conversa da Treta", which can be translated as "Blather" or "Foolish Talk". In fact it all begun with a radio show (with that name) where two friends, "Toni" and "Zezé", talk about their lives and their neighbourhood (located somewhere in a typical district of Lisbon!). Because of the colloquial and comic language it used to be funny. Then it passed to the stage (kind of a dialog play) and later to a TV-show. As you can see it was a success here in Portugal and the audiences applauded it… Now, the film! "Filme da Treta" is, then, just an adaptation to the movies of this succeeded show, but it was, at least in my point of view, a regression! To be honest it was a disappointment, as I expected a lot more from it. I used to appreciate "Conversa da Treta", but now with the movie it lost all the fun!
In the Darkness of the Night
A disturbing film about the Portuguese underworld of prostitution.
Ворчание острова
В конце 1960-х Эвита приезжает в Мозамбик, чтобы выйти замуж за Луиша, студента-математика, который там исполняет воинскую службу
Young Zé Vera
In mid-September 1992, journalist Guida Fontes have to go to Luanda to cover the elections in Angola. In the meantime, she had committed herself to discovering and interviewing the poet Júlio Vera. In 1988, he wrote a series of poems in which he mysteriously anticipated the fall of the USSR. Guida has only 12 days to complete the mission.
Rádio Relâmpago
A man who grew up in the '80s, in the midst of the pirate-radio scene, works now at a big, modern radio station, but still holds on to his love for a mysterious female lead singer of a now long gone band. He sets himself to start another pirate-radio, now unlegalized, trying to find her.
Get a Life
During one winter night, a Portuguese teenager, Alvaro, loses his life in a fight between a youth gang and the cops in a suburb of Paris. Cidalia, a 36 year old cleaning woman, his mother, decides to defy the code of silence of the Portuguese community and tries to find the truth. She losses her friends, her job and her family but gains a life.
Second Witness
In 1980, a small plane carrying the Prime Minister, the Defense Minister and six others crashed during takeoff in Camarate, Portugal, killing all on board. The police investigation decided it was an accident caused by pilot error. But controversy raged for twenty years, and the Parliament investigated it no less than six times. Finally, in 2000, in response to a suit by the families of the survivors, the High Court had to decide whether to open a criminal investigation, or close the case forever.
Facas e Anjos
In 1983, little João Amaral Severo asks his father to go to the circus. His father, and army captain who had been recently widowed, refuses to take him under the pretext that the circus would draw his attention away from his studies. Ten years later João is a student in the Military College, and is tired of the harsh discipline imposed by his father and decides to join a travelling circus that stops in his hometown, Alcochete. From then on João, alone and free to live his life the way he wants, finds a world of magic, the love of Dolores (a young trapeze artist) and the family he never really had. Until a twist of fate turns João into a father...
Rui Sequeira, a former fighter in the Colonial War, resident of a small village of Alentejo, celebrates another anniversary of the Carnation Revolution in the company of his wife and her daughter, the young Sara, with which he has a not so good relationship. On the night of the celebrations, the death of a friend forever alters his live, waking up a whole past long dormant.
The Mutants
Director of Girls' Institute
Three homeless teenage rejects struggle to survive together. Of them, Andreia is pregnant, while Pedro and Ricardo hustle, steal and are exploited by a pornographer.
Black Shoes
In today's Alentejo, a story of love and death based in a real criminal case.
Vasco Santana: O Bom Português
A look at the life and career of Vasco Santana, one of the most beloved actors of the Portuguese cinema.
Security Guard
The film is set in Lisbon, and tells the story of a day in the life of Rita and Paulo, a Portuguese young couple of the 90's. The fast changing city around them makes them wish to break with all traditions and live the day the get married (only civil marriage) like it is an ordinary day.
Here on Earth
Miguel (Luis Miguel Cintra) is lucky that his income will only level off if he neglects his business as a financier, and his wife and family will be well supported. Why? Because he has begun hearing noises that no one else hears, noises that bother him a great deal, and that make it impossible for him to bear human society. His wife (Jessica Weiss) is thoroughly put out by this radically changed behavior in her formerly good husband, but though she considers leaving him, she stays by his side. Deep in the mountains, Cecelia (Rita Dias), a devout, pure young cowherd, has been brutally raped by an old man. Her boyfriend (Pedro Hestnes) has killed the rapist, and fled the area. As a result of the rape, Cecelia is pregnant. One day, while driving in the mountains, Miguel gives Cecelia's boyfriend a ride. The two of them chance upon her sitting amid the rocks with her infant baby.