Kostas Rigas


Βρώμικες Κυρίες
Naked in the Snow
A woman is responsible behavior in prison for the murder of a man killed by a shotgun blast. Through a mixture of reminiscences and narrative of the facts, we discover to be Elisa, a professor who, intent on writing a book on Dionysus from his distant and mythical origins to the present, has retreated into an isolated house in the snow, without even telephone line, and then found to give aid and hospitality to a young man was found naked and half-frozen in the surrounding bush. Escaped from prison and wanted by the police, the young man is destined to reawaken the memory of her husband who died in a car accident, so as to push uncontrollably to start with him a passionate love affair. But the sudden arrival of his daughter Elisa from the United States ends up putting dramatically undermine the already tense situation. Written by lament
Girl of Passion
Niovi is an unhappily married girl daydreaming constantly in her erotic fantasies. Her sister sets her up with a gigolo so she could black mail her and her husband but things go wrong.
Soul and Flesh
A pilot complicates his life with his wife and daughter when he starts an affair with another woman.
Aimilia, the Psychopath
Aimilia, a young and relatively well-to-do woman, leads a rather schizophrenic existence. Every day, she gives piano lessons to the children at an orphanage, while at night she brings home a series of lovers whom she picks up at random and whom she kills while in a sexual frenzy.
Oi gennaioi pethainoun dyo fores
Два лица любви
Илеана замужем за богатым бизнесменом, ей чуть за тридцать и она ужасно скучает. Ведь ее муж предпочитает развлекаться с не достигшими зрелости нимфетками, а законная жена для него - слишком стара. Чтобы развеять эту скуку, внести в жизнь хоть немного разнообразия и компенсировать отсутствие внимания со стороны супруга, женщина периодически переодевается проституткой и отправляется в дешевый район Афин, на поиски клиентов. Именно в таком образе она знакомится с молодым рабочим Христосом, который влюбляется в нее и, не подозревая об истинном облике Илеаны, искренне пытается помочь ей выбраться со «дна».
Ο θείος μου ο Ιπποκράτης
A prostitute (Evdokia) meets a sergeant (Yorgos). They fall in love and get married after a short love affair. Her profession, however, is a barrier for their relationship. They try to stay together and overcome their inner conflicts, but the social environment crushes them.
Ένας χίππυς με τσαρούχια
A Bouzouki Different from the Others
Kostas Karavedouras is the conductor of the municipal orchestra in a small town in the country, when he decides to leave for Athens to become a great classic music performer. He is staying temporarily at his cousin’s place and he spends all his spare money with his landlady’s daughter. He works in many places just because he doesn’t want to work as a bouzouki player. Finally, the owner of the club where he was working as a waiter, takes him into performing for him and Kostas ends up being what he always avoided, a bouzouki player.
Κίτσος Μίνι και Σουβλάκια
Τα δίχτυα της ντροπής