Corina Stavilă


Фильм "Лестница" повествует о духовном пути Андрея, чувствительного молодого человека с проблемами в общении, который в поисках истинного счастья становится актёром. После падения коммунистического режима он, ослеплённый иллюзией свободы и демократии, сталкивается с чередой жестоких событий, оставивших глубокий след в современной истории Румынии. Андрей исполняет роль Алёши в театральной адаптации 'Братьев Карамазовых' и постепенно всё больше сближается с персонажем, открывая для себя путь к пониманию богословия.
During a night shift, an emergency ambulance with a team of three, a doctor, a paramedic and a driver, is called to an old man's apartment. The event will change their lives forever.
The Blind Squad
Matthew is a 23 years old young man who likes to spend his time doing nothing else than sleeping. He has no purpose in life, being a complete ignorant to everything around him. He lives with his mother, who tries her best to persuade him to get a job and make something of his life. After one fight, he finally decides to take the interview at the military unit his mother has arranged for him.
Principles of life
Velicanu considers himself a fulfilled person. He's got money, a new villa, married a younger woman and has a son from a previous marriage. Before the holidays he has to leave everything in order, but things start to get complicated. The crisis at the end of the day make him wonder whatever he is indeed a happy, fulfilled person...
Свадьба в Бессарабии
Расписавшись в Румынии, пара молодоженов — дирижер из Бухареста и пианистка из Кишинева — вынуждены сыграть еще одну свадьбу, на сей раз в Молдове. Таким образом они рассчитывают собрать у родственников невесты деньги для первого взноса по ипотечному кредиту. Эта свадьба становится настоящим соревнованием между родственниками жениха и невесты, ситуация осложняется еще и разницей в понимании свадебных обрядов. И хотя Владу и Вике чужды исторические и политические мотивы этой вражды на почве обычаев, они невольно становятся пленниками своеобразного выяснения отношений, больше похожего на футбольный матч между сборными Молдовы и Румынии. В ходе этого противостояния выявляется целый ряд различий в их мышлении, культуре, политических взглядах.
Portrait of the Fighter as a Young Man
When the Soviet Army marched into Romania in 1944, a part of the Romanian population went “into the mountains” – a diverse assortment of nationalists and fascists, liberals, apolitical farmers and members of the middle-class, who were affected by the Communists’ expropriations. Over a thousand armed resistance groups took refuge in the inaccessible forests of the Carpathian Mountains where they waited in vain for the support of the Western Allies. One of them was led by Ion Gavrilă-Ogoranu, who managed to remain undetected until 1976 when he was arrested. This film depicts the daily existence of this group. It tells the story of a struggle that became an end in itself, as the enemy was constantly in pursuit and arrest meant torture and often liquidation. Hungry and emotionally withdrawn, the group of young men got entangled in a partisan war that could not be won, lost in the landscape of the South Carpathians, accompanied by a vigilant secret police, the Securitate.
Păcală se întoarce
The Lotos
Forest Fruit
The 17-year-old Amalia, the daughter of a widower lumberjack with many children, falls in love with a soldier. An irresponsible young man, the soldier refuses to admit that he is the father of the child to be born, as Amalia was just a fling in his eyes. Amalia decides to raise the kid all by herself, but she soon changes her mind…