Joe Dorsey

Рождение : 1932-01-15, Florida, USA


Well-known and supported actor Joe Dorsey started acting in the early 70s, with The Mean Machine (1974). Though his acting career had just started, he got a great role which would also be his most remembered role as the greedy "Parks Supervisor Kittridge" in the 1976 box office hit Grizzly (1976). Dorsey got a great amount of profits with his second film. He then went on to supporting roles throughout the seventies in films like The Lincoln Conspiracy (1977), Wise Blood (1979) and The Prize Fighter (1979). His next remembered role was as "Coach Spinks" in The Great Santini (1979) and, by 1980, Dorsey was just getting better in Hopscotch (1980) and WarGames (1983). Dorsey occasionally took breaks from acting for golfing, going on a vacation and visiting family, until he was offered a role as a scientist in the science fiction box office smash with Christopher Walken and Natalie Wood in Brainstorm (1983). Dorsey was shocked when his new best friend (Wood) died during filming. Brainstorm (1983) and Grizzly (1976) were both Dorsey's greatest so far. He later did other films like Real Genius (1985), Club Paradise (1986), Stewardess School (1986), and the epic war drama Bat*21 (1988). As the 90s rolled, Dorsey was in Pet Sematary II (1992) and appeared uncredited in To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar (1995). He then worked with his relative Alexander Dorsey in Killing Midnight (1997) as "Anthony Cambers". Dorsey also has other relatives in films like actress Sandra Dorsey and his other relatives owned a music industry in the 50s. Dorsey also does Broadway plays. Actually lives in the coast of Colon, Republic of Panama


Joe Dorsey


Кладбище домашних животных 2
После смерти жены ветеринар Чейз Мэтьюз и его тринадцатилетний сын Джефф решают начать новую жизнь. Отец и сын переезжают в захолустный городок Ладлоу. Здесь Джефф знакомится с подростком по имени Дрю. Как выяснилось, новому приятелю Джеффа живется несладко. Над Дрю постоянно издевается его отчим — местный шериф Гас Гилберт. Однажды, когда жестокость отчима перешла все границы, он хладнокровно пристрелил любимую собаку Дрю. Теперь мальчикам предстоит похоронить пса. И они решают сделать это на старом индейском кладбище, про которое ходят жуткие легенды. Рассказывают, что если закопать на нем мертвеца, то через некоторое время он обязательно вернется…
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Taking Back My Life: The Nancy Ziegenmeyer Story
Detective Roth
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Позывной Бэт-21
Col. Douglass
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Frank Nitti: The Enforcer
Al Capone may be the most famous Chicago mobster, but his successor, Frank "The Enforcer" Nitti (Anthony LaPaglia), was just as ruthless. This biopic goes to great lengths to accurately trace Nitti's rise to the top of the Windy City's underworld, amid corruption, betrayal and violence. The result is an engrossing glimpse into mob life in the early 20th century.
Deadly Care
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Rita Hayworth: The Love Goddess
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The life and times of silverscreen goddess Rita Hayworth.
Мозговой штурм
Hal Abramson
Представьте себе машину, которая сможет легко загружать кому-либо мысли и переживания другого человека. Любого человека, любые воспоминания, любые впечатления… А теперь представьте себе, что будет, если эта машина окажется в руках злодеев?!
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Игра в классики
Security Guard
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The Prize Fighter
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The Great Santini
Coach Spinks
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The Visitor
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An ancient intergalactic warrior arrives on Earth to put a stop to a demonic child's plot to reproduce Satan's next generation of evil.
They Went That-A-Way & That-A-Way
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The Million Dollar Dixie Deliverance
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A Confederate officer kidnaps for a $1,000,000 ransom five well-to-do children from a Yankee boarding school; a wounded black Union soldier helps them escape after they perform the necessary surgery to remove the bullet from his leg. But they are captured again, and it takes a lucky Union army attack to save them.
Charley Kittridge
An eighteen-foot grizzly bear figures out that humans make for a tasty treat. As a park ranger tries rallying his men to bring about the bear's capture or destruction, his efforts are thwarted by the introduction of dozens of drunken hunters into the area.
Judge Horton and the Scottsboro Boys
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In 1930s Alabama, nine young black men are accused of raping two white women. The judge in the case, unlike the rest of the town, comes to believe that the boys are innocent and, against all advice from his friends and family, sets them free, which turns the entire community against him.