Dave Marcus


Rise Again: Tulsa and the Red Summer
Comes one hundred years from the two-day Tulsa Massacre in 1921 that led to the murder of as many as 300 Black people and left as many as 10,000 homeless and displaced.
D. Wade: Life Unexpected
Dwyane Wade's upcoming documentary provides a look at the highs and lows of the NBA superstar's life and career.
Paris to Pittsburgh
Paris to Pittsburgh brings to life the impassioned efforts of individuals who are battling the most severe threats of climate change in their own backyards. Set against the national debate over the United States' energy future - and the Trump administration's explosive decision to exit the Paris Climate Agreement - the film captures what's at stake for communities around the country and the inspiring ways Americans are responding.
Дэвид Блейн: Реальность или магия
Самый известный в мире маг, автор десятков уникальных трюков и ниспровергатель множества рекордов в своем новейшем телевизионном проекте превосходит самого себя. В полнометражном фильме «Дэвид Блейн. Реальность или магия» Блейн демонстрирует свое феноменальное искусство знаменитостям: Стивену Хокингу, Харрисону Форду, Уиллу Смиту, Роберту Де Ниро, Вуди Аллену и многим другим, повергая их в трепет и шок.
Source of Pride: The Making of
Documentary about the chaotic film shooting of "Pride and Glory"
Daughters of Wisdom
Editorial Staff
An intimate portrait of the nuns of Kala Rongo, a rare and exceptional Buddhist Monastery exclusively for women situated in Nangchen, in remote and rural northeastern Tibet. These nuns are receiving religious and educational training previously unavailable to women, and playing an unprecedented role in preserving their rich cultural heritage even as they slowly reshape it. They graciously allow the camera a never-before-seen glimpse into their vibrant spiritual community and insight into their extraordinary lives. Some shy, some outspoken, all are committed to the often difficult life they have chosen, away from the yak farms and herding families of their birth. It is the story of their spiritual community, one that couldn't have existed 20 years ago but is thriving today.