Byron Hughes


Похитители тел
Трое друзей внезапно выясняют, что всё население их города стало странно себя вести, как-будто людей заменили их точными копиями. Вскоре ребятам придется поближе познакомиться и с причиной подмен — злобными существами, которые явно нацелились захватить мир.
The Dynamiter
Sheriff Addison
All fourteen-year-old Robbie Hendrick ever wanted was a family. Yet as another Mississippi summer begins, his wayward mother has run off again fearing a breakdown and he's left to burn the days caring for his half brother, Fess. As the deep days and nights pass without her return and with older brother Lucas dangerously in their lives again, Robbie must face the fact that his dream of a family may only be a dream and he might just lose the only family he's ever had: Fess.