В провинциальном городке Назаре-да-Мата происходят мистические события. Население озабочено сверхъестественным феноменом. Добропорядочные религиозные жители грешат мыслями о том, что виновниками происходящего является выходцы из племени маракату, которые поклоняются силам природы. Местный священник верит, что способен изгнать дьявола из городка. Но даже его сын является почитателем культуры местных племён. Его набожная жена взывает к нему, чтобы тот обратился к истинной вере.
Recife, undergoing so many changes, was the scene of a party of joy and tension, sports and politics. A happy experience, but full of the contradictions that make Brazil be Brazil and here wins the face and the space of Recife.
In the Kuikuro homeland of the Upper Xingu of central Brazil, the community is called upon to make preparations for the Jamurikumalu ritual: a traditional festival of singing and dancing that is performed only by women. However, complications arise when the elderly woman who knows all the songs is found to be seriously ill. With refreshing frankness and exuberance, this extraordinary documentary follows the Kuikuro people in a race against time to preserve the knowledge of their elders and the practice of their traditions before they are lost forever.
In the Kuikuro homeland of the Upper Xingu of central Brazil, the community is called upon to make preparations for the Jamurikumalu ritual: a traditional festival of singing and dancing that is performed only by women. However, complications arise when the elderly woman who knows all the songs is found to be seriously ill. With refreshing frankness and exuberance, this extraordinary documentary follows the Kuikuro people in a race against time to preserve the knowledge of their elders and the practice of their traditions before they are lost forever.
In the Kuikuro homeland of the Upper Xingu of central Brazil, the community is called upon to make preparations for the Jamurikumalu ritual: a traditional festival of singing and dancing that is performed only by women. However, complications arise when the elderly woman who knows all the songs is found to be seriously ill. With refreshing frankness and exuberance, this extraordinary documentary follows the Kuikuro people in a race against time to preserve the knowledge of their elders and the practice of their traditions before they are lost forever.
In the Kuikuro homeland of the Upper Xingu of central Brazil, the community is called upon to make preparations for the Jamurikumalu ritual: a traditional festival of singing and dancing that is performed only by women. However, complications arise when the elderly woman who knows all the songs is found to be seriously ill. With refreshing frankness and exuberance, this extraordinary documentary follows the Kuikuro people in a race against time to preserve the knowledge of their elders and the practice of their traditions before they are lost forever.