Lorenzo De Luca


Brividi d'autore
Человек, который нарисовал Бога
История слепого художника, обладающего невероятным даром писать портреты людей по их голосам. Однажды его задерживает полиция по подозрению в совершении преступления сексуального характера. С этого момента портретист становится главным героем телепередач и жертвой информационного давления. Полицейскому, ведущему дело художника, предстоит узнать, является ли он реальным преступником или всё намного запутаннее, чем кажется на первый взгляд.
A gang of robbers steals thousands of euros in a provincial bar without imagining that the owner of the business is Cagliostro (Tony Sperandeo), a shady individual linked to the criminal underworld. He tracks down the gang of robbers, offering them the opportunity to collaborate with him, by sneaking into the mansion of the elderly Chinese businessman Hung (Hal Yamanouchi), where they will have to steal a green jade pendant for him. In exchange for the success they will be able to keep all the money stolen from the bar, but they will discover that the medallion is around the neck of Hung's daughter, Sofia (Martina Angelucci), in a coma and kept alive through a mysterious ritual. And it is only the beginning of a long night of blood and violence.
Le 1000 vite di Bud Spencer
Dragonland - L'urlo di Chen terrorizza ancora l'occidente
The first Italian documentary on the most extraordinary phenomenon of the 70s: the Kung-fu films!
Dragonland - L'urlo di Chen terrorizza ancora l'occidente
The first Italian documentary on the most extraordinary phenomenon of the 70s: the Kung-fu films!
Natale in India
Destinies intertwined for two antithetical people who meet during a trip to India, where lots of misunderstandings and funny situations will take place.
Natale in India
Destinies intertwined for two antithetical people who meet during a trip to India, where lots of misunderstandings and funny situations will take place.
Natale sul Nilo
Womanizing lawyer Fabio follows his wife and son to a trip to Egypt in a last-ditch effort to make up for his past infidelities. Also travelling to Egypt is bumbling police chief Enrico, who's desperate to keep his rebellious daughter from becoming a showgirl. The two meet on a Nile cruise. Calamity ensues.
Natale sul Nilo
Womanizing lawyer Fabio follows his wife and son to a trip to Egypt in a last-ditch effort to make up for his past infidelities. Also travelling to Egypt is bumbling police chief Enrico, who's desperate to keep his rebellious daughter from becoming a showgirl. The two meet on a Nile cruise. Calamity ensues.
Merry Christmas
Four Italian men are suddenly involved in awkward situations, while they are spending the Christmas holiday, stuck in Amsterdam.
Merry Christmas
Four Italian men are suddenly involved in awkward situations, while they are spending the Christmas holiday, stuck in Amsterdam.
Джонатан - друг медведей
Мальчик становится свидетелем убийства своих родителей. Позже, когда он вырастет, он подружится с медведем в пустыне и вождем местного индейского племени, и он остается с индейцами, но становится врагом сына вождя. Когда он вступает во взрослую жизнь, он намеревается найти мужчин, ответственных за смерть его родителей.
Джонатан - друг медведей
Мальчик становится свидетелем убийства своих родителей. Позже, когда он вырастет, он подружится с медведем в пустыне и вождем местного индейского племени, и он остается с индейцами, но становится врагом сына вождя. Когда он вступает во взрослую жизнь, он намеревается найти мужчин, ответственных за смерть его родителей.
Giovanna Dei, a young cartoonist, works on the violent comic strip "Doctor Dark". Unfortunately, young women are being killed in the style of the comic strip character she becomes the main suspect.
Giovanna Dei, a young cartoonist, works on the violent comic strip "Doctor Dark". Unfortunately, young women are being killed in the style of the comic strip character she becomes the main suspect.
Anthropophagus II
A group of female students and their lecturer, Nora, camp inside a bomb bunker to do research on the theses they are writing. After being escorted by a sinister-looking janitor, the girls prepare to spend twenty-four hours locked in the bunker. In the middle of the night, two of them disappear without a trace. Nora coordinates the search, but soon the survivors find themselves trapped in a maelstrom of violence at the hands of an anthropophagous.