Давным-давно, жили-были два брата-авантюриста Уилл и Якоб Гримм, которые впоследствии стали знаменитыми сказочниками. Но до того они путешествовали по деревушкам, занимаясь собиранием фольклора и «прогоняя нечисть» за деньги… Приезжали в деревню, убеждали жителей, что на их мельнице поселилась ведьма, а потом — за вознаграждение — успешно «изгоняли» ее. В следующем селе это был тролль под мостом и так далее.
Jakub, a young, small time drug dealer, wakes up to find the police storming the apartment building while his parents are both away on holiday. After flushing all of his "secret stashes" in the toilet, he finds out they are actually there to investigate the death of the girl upstairs, a close childhood friend of his and the family. He slowly retraces the past week that she has been lying dead in her flat and remembers that he asked her to "receive a package" unbeknownst to her from his drug dealer, Pexeso.
Quite a few years have passed since November 1989. Czechoslovakia has been divided up and, in the Czech Republic, Václav Klaus’s right-wing government is in power. Karel Vachek follows on from his film New Hyperion, thus continuing his series of comprehensive film documentaries in which he maps out Czech society and its real and imagined elites in his own unique way.