Jes Wilkins


Все говорят о Джейми
Executive Producer
Главный герой истории — шестнадцатилетний Джейми Нью — паренёк, который не вписывается в строгие рамки своего окружения. Он не хочет искать себе правильную карьеру, а мечтает стать дрэг-квин и выступать на сцене. Джейми не знает, что ждёт его в будущем, но уверен — он станет сенсацией. Ведь его поддерживают любимая мама и близкие друзья, а значит всё нипочём — предубеждения, задиры и даже избиения...
2,000 Tattoos, 40 Piercings and a Pickled Ear
Executive Producer
Featuring three bodyshockers as they prepare for difficult moments in their lives
Don't Look Down
Executive Producer
Urban free climbers are a new breed of daredevils, young men and women who illegally climb cranes and buildings without any safety equipment, then hang from them, hundreds of metres above the ground, one slip from certain death... Free climbing originated in Eastern Europe, but has recently spread to Britain. James Kingston is a 23-year-old who lives with his mother near Southampton. In his spare time James scales the local 100m cranes and 200m radio towers. Now James embarks on a journey to the spiritual home of urban free climbing, Ukraine, where he teams up with the infamous Mustang Wanted, the craziest climber of them all. As Mustang and James explore Kiev, the pair push themselves to new extremes, climbing derelict buildings and tightrope-walking hundreds of metres above the city, before finally heading to the iconic Moscow bridge to attempt Mustang's latest death defying stunt. Don't Look Down is fascinating, revealing and nerve-wracking.
Autistic Driving School
Executive Producer
A documentary about autistic driving students and the obstacle they face while learning to drive.
The Autistic Me
Executive Producer
This documentary follows three people with autism at pivotal moments on the rocky road to being accepted as an adult. They are all fighting for independence and responsibility, but being frustrated by the shackles imposed on them by their disability, their families and the preconceived ideas of mainstream society.
The Real Sleeping Beauty
Executive Producer
A medical miracle is chronicled in this documentary about a woman who shocks experts when she awakens from a 20-year coma with the power of speech.
The Truth Behind the Moon Landings
Executive Producer
Цикл документальных фильмов от канала Discovery. Базз Алдрин, Маркус Аллен, Патрик Мур, Йен Моррисон, Нил Мориссей, Джим Оберг, Ричард Андервуд О фильме: Высаживались ли астронавты "Аполлона" на Луне? Этот вопрос лежит в основе теории самого масштабного заговора в истории человечества. Детище эры политического недоверия и всеобщей настороженности. Инсценировка, художественная постановка? Теория лунного заговора раздражает тех, кто связан с полетами. С их точки зрения, любая мысль о мистификации выглядит совершенно безумной. Сможем ли мы, построив собственные лунные декорации, обнаружить научную истину и навсегда отмести разговоры о заговоре. Автор идеи: Вирджиния Куинн