Laurent Bouhnik

Laurent Bouhnik

Рождение : 1961-04-07,


Laurent Bouhnik


Супер Z
The mercenary
Семья генетически модифицированных зомби сбежала из подпольной лаборатории, которая их создала. Наконец-то свободные, и, несмотря на то, что наёмники пошли по их стопам, они отправились завоёвывать мир.
Q: Загадка женщины
Когда судьба приводит людей на грань отчаяния, единственным способом вновь ощутить вкус жизни может стать нежданный аттракцион грандиозных чувственных наслаждений, которые способна дарить каждому новому знакомому очаровательная Сесиль. Попадая к юной красотке в сладкий плен удовольствий, любой теряет голову; все прочее перестает иметь для него значение, кроме одного — секс, секс, секс…
Q: Загадка женщины
Когда судьба приводит людей на грань отчаяния, единственным способом вновь ощутить вкус жизни может стать нежданный аттракцион грандиозных чувственных наслаждений, которые способна дарить каждому новому знакомому очаровательная Сесиль. Попадая к юной красотке в сладкий плен удовольствий, любой теряет голову; все прочее перестает иметь для него значение, кроме одного — секс, секс, секс…
Пятидесятилетний Жерар уже три года нигде не работает, сэкономленные на социальном пособии деньги заканчиваются. Он находится на грани отчаяния, когда совершенно неожиданно получает предложение поработать в Индонезии. Жерар полон решимости произвести хорошее впечатление на своего нового начальника и приглашает его на ужин. Это большая ошибка. Обеспокоенная жена Жерара Колетт прибегает к помощи их соседа Александра, специалиста по связям с общественностью.
24 часа из жизни женщины
Могут ли 24 часа полностью изменить жизнь женщины? Превратить порядочную уважаемую даму в сгорающую от страсти, почти безумную влюбленную, готовую идти за своим избранником на край света? Героиня фильма утвердительно отвечает на эти вопросы: ведь в ее жизни были 24 часа всепоглощающей страсти, ради которой женщина была готова на все... После ссоры в казино юная Оливия убегает от своего приятеля в компании случайного знакомого - отставного дипломата Луи. Девушка замечает, что ее спаситель охвачен беспокойством и каким-то странным волнением. Будто угадав ее мысли, Луи рассказывает Оливии удивительную историю одной женщины, пережившей за 24 часа роман всей своей жизни, волнующую и трагическую историю, услышанную им в юности здесь же, на берегу Французской Ривьеры, и не дающую ему покоя по сей день…
24 часа из жизни женщины
Могут ли 24 часа полностью изменить жизнь женщины? Превратить порядочную уважаемую даму в сгорающую от страсти, почти безумную влюбленную, готовую идти за своим избранником на край света? Героиня фильма утвердительно отвечает на эти вопросы: ведь в ее жизни были 24 часа всепоглощающей страсти, ради которой женщина была готова на все... После ссоры в казино юная Оливия убегает от своего приятеля в компании случайного знакомого - отставного дипломата Луи. Девушка замечает, что ее спаситель охвачен беспокойством и каким-то странным волнением. Будто угадав ее мысли, Луи рассказывает Оливии удивительную историю одной женщины, пережившей за 24 часа роман всей своей жизни, волнующую и трагическую историю, услышанную им в юности здесь же, на берегу Французской Ривьеры, и не дающую ему покоя по сей день…
1999 Madeleine
1999 Madeleine is the first step in an ambitious project by the French filmmaker Laurent Bouhnik to make one film per year between 1999-2009, recounting the turn of the century in an interweaving narrative pattern. Episode one is about Madeline, a lonely woman obsessed by religion and cleanliness. Her solitary existence leads her to place an advertisement for a man willing to share his life with a 'single, working 35-year-old.' She is a woman of our times who is caught between the paradoxes of modern life and individual needs for communication. The world offers her opportunities to satisfy material needs but, unfortunately, this is to the detriment of her spiritual needs.
1999 Madeleine
Executive Producer
1999 Madeleine is the first step in an ambitious project by the French filmmaker Laurent Bouhnik to make one film per year between 1999-2009, recounting the turn of the century in an interweaving narrative pattern. Episode one is about Madeline, a lonely woman obsessed by religion and cleanliness. Her solitary existence leads her to place an advertisement for a man willing to share his life with a 'single, working 35-year-old.' She is a woman of our times who is caught between the paradoxes of modern life and individual needs for communication. The world offers her opportunities to satisfy material needs but, unfortunately, this is to the detriment of her spiritual needs.
1999 Madeleine
1999 Madeleine is the first step in an ambitious project by the French filmmaker Laurent Bouhnik to make one film per year between 1999-2009, recounting the turn of the century in an interweaving narrative pattern. Episode one is about Madeline, a lonely woman obsessed by religion and cleanliness. Her solitary existence leads her to place an advertisement for a man willing to share his life with a 'single, working 35-year-old.' She is a woman of our times who is caught between the paradoxes of modern life and individual needs for communication. The world offers her opportunities to satisfy material needs but, unfortunately, this is to the detriment of her spiritual needs.
1999 Madeleine
1999 Madeleine is the first step in an ambitious project by the French filmmaker Laurent Bouhnik to make one film per year between 1999-2009, recounting the turn of the century in an interweaving narrative pattern. Episode one is about Madeline, a lonely woman obsessed by religion and cleanliness. Her solitary existence leads her to place an advertisement for a man willing to share his life with a 'single, working 35-year-old.' She is a woman of our times who is caught between the paradoxes of modern life and individual needs for communication. The world offers her opportunities to satisfy material needs but, unfortunately, this is to the detriment of her spiritual needs.
In a French prison, three men are coming to terms with the emotional and physical torment which their incarceration brings them. Arnaud is serving a six-month sentence for drug smuggling; he protests his innocence and will do anything to secure an early release. Francky is a hardened criminal who has all but lost his wife and family and who seeks comfort in self-inflicted abuse. Kader is in prison for theft; he is the most philosophical of the three men, he is growing accustomed to prison life and seems to prefer it to the world outside.
In a French prison, three men are coming to terms with the emotional and physical torment which their incarceration brings them. Arnaud is serving a six-month sentence for drug smuggling; he protests his innocence and will do anything to secure an early release. Francky is a hardened criminal who has all but lost his wife and family and who seeks comfort in self-inflicted abuse. Kader is in prison for theft; he is the most philosophical of the three men, he is growing accustomed to prison life and seems to prefer it to the world outside.
In a French prison, three men are coming to terms with the emotional and physical torment which their incarceration brings them. Arnaud is serving a six-month sentence for drug smuggling; he protests his innocence and will do anything to secure an early release. Francky is a hardened criminal who has all but lost his wife and family and who seeks comfort in self-inflicted abuse. Kader is in prison for theft; he is the most philosophical of the three men, he is growing accustomed to prison life and seems to prefer it to the world outside.
Select Hotel
The Select Hotel is a dead end place for those who do not have enough cash to go somewhere else. The last shelter for those who hang around at night. These shadows walking silently along the streets, selling their poor body heat for a few crumpled banknotes, swallow and digested by their voracious thirst for a cheap high. Enough to forget for a while the distress of a ruined life and to dream of a more rejoicing elsewhere. Nathalie and her brother Tof struggle against this futureless world. Pierre, a shoe-repairer, troubled by Nathalie's grace will take part for a while to the life of these two children of misery.
Select Hotel
The Select Hotel is a dead end place for those who do not have enough cash to go somewhere else. The last shelter for those who hang around at night. These shadows walking silently along the streets, selling their poor body heat for a few crumpled banknotes, swallow and digested by their voracious thirst for a cheap high. Enough to forget for a while the distress of a ruined life and to dream of a more rejoicing elsewhere. Nathalie and her brother Tof struggle against this futureless world. Pierre, a shoe-repairer, troubled by Nathalie's grace will take part for a while to the life of these two children of misery.
Select Hotel
The Select Hotel is a dead end place for those who do not have enough cash to go somewhere else. The last shelter for those who hang around at night. These shadows walking silently along the streets, selling their poor body heat for a few crumpled banknotes, swallow and digested by their voracious thirst for a cheap high. Enough to forget for a while the distress of a ruined life and to dream of a more rejoicing elsewhere. Nathalie and her brother Tof struggle against this futureless world. Pierre, a shoe-repairer, troubled by Nathalie's grace will take part for a while to the life of these two children of misery.
Executive Producer
In a post-apocalyptic future, two men who have lost the ability to speak fight to preserve the last remnants of their humanity. They travel across a ravaged France and, in a desperate act, break into Paris. The city, turned into an impenetrable fortress, is the last stronghold of a wealthy and decadent elite.