Pablo Ángeles


Seekers chase mysterious objects that seem to be unreachable, what they really want to find out is what are those secret forms and what will happen once they are caught.
Pickman's Model
July, 1925. Thurber Phillips, an art collector, is invited by his favorite painter, the elusive and mysterious Richard Upton Pickman, to visit his home, a sinister place where his friend's macabre paintings seem to threaten him from the walls in shadows.
Pickman's Model
Art Direction
July, 1925. Thurber Phillips, an art collector, is invited by his favorite painter, the elusive and mysterious Richard Upton Pickman, to visit his home, a sinister place where his friend's macabre paintings seem to threaten him from the walls in shadows.
Pickman's Model
July, 1925. Thurber Phillips, an art collector, is invited by his favorite painter, the elusive and mysterious Richard Upton Pickman, to visit his home, a sinister place where his friend's macabre paintings seem to threaten him from the walls in shadows.
Pickman's Model
July, 1925. Thurber Phillips, an art collector, is invited by his favorite painter, the elusive and mysterious Richard Upton Pickman, to visit his home, a sinister place where his friend's macabre paintings seem to threaten him from the walls in shadows.
Pickman's Model
July, 1925. Thurber Phillips, an art collector, is invited by his favorite painter, the elusive and mysterious Richard Upton Pickman, to visit his home, a sinister place where his friend's macabre paintings seem to threaten him from the walls in shadows.
Pickman's Model
July, 1925. Thurber Phillips, an art collector, is invited by his favorite painter, the elusive and mysterious Richard Upton Pickman, to visit his home, a sinister place where his friend's macabre paintings seem to threaten him from the walls in shadows.
Джейк Салли — бывший морской пехотинец, прикованный к инвалидному креслу. Несмотря на немощное тело, Джейк в душе по-прежнему остаётся воином. Он получает задание совершить путешествие в несколько световых лет к базе землян на планете Пандора, где корпорации добывают редкий минерал, имеющий огромное значение для выхода Земли из энергетического кризиса.
День, когда Земля остановилась
3D Modeller
В разгар холодной войны в Вашингтоне совершает посадку летающая тарелка: в ней прибывают посланник Клаату и его могучий робот Горт, делегированные федерацией планет, чтобы поставить народам Земли ультиматум о прекращении ядерных испытаний.Запаниковавшие военные открывают по космолету огонь и ранят посланника. Клаату осознает, что единственный способ договориться с землянами — это узнать их изнутри: он совершает побег из госпиталя и начинает собственное исследование планеты.
Martinelo is a young worker who dreams of leaving arid lands behind and finding a better life in the aquatic world. For this, he will have to confront Mister Control, lord and master of Robot City