Dave Mahoney


Eye of the Beast
Line Producer
This menacing monster yarn stars James Van Der Beek as government scientist Dan Leland, who's sent to investigate reported sightings of a giant squidlike beast that's put the entire population of a fishing village on edge. Though Leland starts his journey confident that this sea creature with an insatiable appetite is the stuff of old legends, a string of horrific occurrences soon begins to change his mind.
Eye of the Beast
Production Manager
This menacing monster yarn stars James Van Der Beek as government scientist Dan Leland, who's sent to investigate reported sightings of a giant squidlike beast that's put the entire population of a fishing village on edge. Though Leland starts his journey confident that this sea creature with an insatiable appetite is the stuff of old legends, a string of horrific occurrences soon begins to change his mind.
Something Beneath
Line Producer
When a mysterious black slime oozes up from the plumbing to infiltrate a new conference center, it causes attendees at an environmental convention who come in contact with it to have horrific hallucinations and nightmarish visions of past tragedies. Environmentalist priest Father Douglas Middleton must team up with conference coordinator Khali Spence to stop the slime -- or die trying.
Society's Child
Production Manager
Ten-year-old Nikki is a precocious child suffering from Rett Syndrome. Unwilling to help her the doctors, instead, want to write her off as a mentally handicapped person.
Проект «Нострадамус»
Production Manager
Детектив Майкл Ностранд расследует серию загадочных убийств и вместе с агентом ФБР Люси Хадсон выходит на след древнего мистического культа под названием «Шестой Орден». Преследуя одного из подозреваемых, Майкл таинственным образом попадает во Францию 16-го века — времен инквизиции и «Черной смерти» — чумы. Ему открывается тайна личности легендарного предсказателя Нострадамуса, благодаря чему Майкл узнает о планах «Шестого Ордена» устроить всемирный Армагеддон.
Red Team
Production Manager
FBI Agent Jason Chandler has devoted his life to enforcing the law. But on the trail of a series of mysterious murders surrounding some of society's deadliest serial killers, Agent Chandler is forced down a path where no one can be trusted. Only this time, sociopathic killers are being meticulously murdered one by one in grisly circumstances - and it's no coincidence. Now, to search for justice, he must uncover the truth. And the life he must protect will be his own.