Yurika Kubo

Yurika Kubo

Рождение : 1989-05-19, Nara, Japan


Yurika Kubo (久保 ユリカ, Kubo Yurika, May 19, 1989) is a Japanese voice actress, singer, talent and model from Nara prefecture. She is affiliated with Stay Luck and her record label is Pony Canyon. She is also a member of μ's (pronounced "Muse"), which is part of the Love Live! franchise. She is nicknamed Shikaco. Her old stage names were Yurika Narahara (楢原 ゆりか) and Yurika Kubo (久保 由利香).


Yurika Kubo
Yurika Kubo
Yurika Kubo
Yurika Kubo


Rascal Does Not Dream of a Knapsack Kid
Kaede Azusagawa (voice)
Finally, the day of Mai's high school graduation has arrived. While Sakuta eagerly waits for his girlfriend, an elementary schooler who looks exactly like her appears before him. Suspicious, and for all the wrong reasons... Meanwhile, Sakuta and Kaede's father suddenly calls, saying that their mother wants to see her daughter. She was hospitalized because Kaede's condition had been too much for her to bear, so what could she possibly want now?
Моя геройская академия. Фильм 3: Миссия мировых героев
Существуют люди, обладающие сверхъестественными способностями — причудами. Однако не все считают это благословлением. Ведь, если верить теории Судного дня, через некоторое время наступит миг, когда уже никто не сможет контролировать эти сверхъестественные силы, а значит, всё человечество вымрет. Поэтому загадочная организация Humalize во главе с Флектом Терном решает сделать всё, чтобы остановить распространение причуд. Они создают устройство, которое заставляет людей с причудами терять контроль и умирать. Тем временем Деку учится в Отеоне у самого сильного героя, когда его обвиняют в преступлении, которого он не совершал. Парень пускается в бега вместе со своим случайным попутчиком — местным жителем Родди Соулом. Теперь Роди, Деку и его одноклассники должны уничтожить устройство, запущенное Флектом, и не допустить гибели людей с причудами.
Клетки за работой!! Сильнейший враг возвращается
Lactic Acid Bacteria (Buchi) (voice)
Театральный эпизод охватит события из пятого тома манги.
A song for You! You? You!!
Hanayo Koizumi (voice)
Music Video of the single A song for You! You? You!! from μ's.
Love Live! Fest
Hanayo Koizumi
A live concert in the Love Live franchise held at Saitama Super Arena on January 18 & 19, 2020, celebrating the franchise's 9th anniversary by uniting its first three groups together: µ's, Aqours and Nijigasaki High School Idol Club.
Морская академия. Фильм
Rin Shiretoko (voice)
Из-за сдвига в тектонических плитах, который произошёл около ста лет назад, Япония потеряла большую часть своей территории в связи с затоплением оных. Чтобы сохранить остатки территории, один за одним начали возникать прибрежные города. В конце концов они стали самыми настоящими морскими городами, и вместе с расширением морских путей для их соединения, возникла необходимость в людях, которые смогли бы защитить не только эти самые пути, но и море. В то же время, работа в море становится всё более популярной среди девушек. Таким образом, отряд «Синие русалки» стал работой мечты для каждой студентки.
Остров насекомых-гигантов
Ai Ino
После крушения самолета во время школьной поездки Орибэ Митсуми и ее одноклассники попали на, казалось бы, необитаемый остров. Митсуми нашла выживших и использовала свои навыки ориентирования на местности, чтобы им помочь. Она ждет, что их спасут в течение трех дней, которые можно и перетерпеть. Однако, она не учла тот факт, что остров населен гигантскими насекомыми-убийцами. Может, единственное, что может помочь выжить ей и ее одноклассникам, это ее знания о бабочках, осах и других насекомых.
Остров насекомых-гигантов
Inou Ai
After an airplane crash during a school trip, Oribe Mutsumi and her classmates were stranded on a seemingly deserted island. Mutsumi found the other survivors, and used her wilderness knowledge to help them. She expects that they will be rescued in about three days, which doesn't seem so long to endure. However, she didn't account for the fact that the island is populated with gigantic killer insects. Her knowledge of butterflies, wasps, and more may be the only thing that will help any of her classmates survive to be rescued!
Этот глупый свин не понимает мечту девочки-зайки
Kaede Azusagawa (voice)
Фудзисава, яркое небо, блестящее на солнце море... Чего ещё может желать второкурсник старшей школы Сакута Адзусагава, проводящий блаженные дни в компании своей подруги Маи Сакурадзимы? Наверное, всё что угодно, но точно не встречи с Сёко Макинохарой, своей первой любовью. Кроме того, странные обстоятельства сталкивают парня с двумя Сёко: школьницей и взрослой женщиной. Поскольку в жизни Сакута оказывается беспомощным с Сёко-школьницей, взрослая её версия начинает водить его за нос, тем самым внося разлад в его отношения с Маи. Посреди этих событий он обнаруживает, что Сёко в старшей школе страдает от тяжёлой болезни, и его рана вновь начинает кровоточить...
В подземелье я пойду, там красавицу найду: Стрела Ориона
Loki (voice)
Жизнь в Орарио кипит как никогда: сегодня Боголуние — праздник, придуманный ещё до сошествия богов в мир смертных. И пока авантюрист Белл Кранел и его покровительница Гестия бродят между пёстрыми лавками и множеством огней, весь город с недосягаемых высот окутывает бледным светом луна, молчаливо ожидающая, когда на сцену поднимется герой, о котором будет сложена новая сага.
Cat Cafe
Sakura Sakuragi
In Akihabara, Sakura Sakuragi (Yurika Kubo) runs cat cafe "Mocha." She listens to her customers’ troubles there. The various customers that enter her cafe also take comfort in the cats that reside there.
Love Live! School Idol Festival All Stars
Hanayo Koizumi (voice)
Special short to promote the release of the Love Live! School Idol Festival All Stars game.
Неприятности одной девушки-зомби
Noriko Sudo (voice)
Однажды группа студентов из клуба по изучению оккультизма решила поохотиться за древними сокровищами. Информацию они нашли в интернете, и оказалось, что ценности хранятся в подсобке библиотеки их учебного заведения. Ребята собрались и ночью отправились расхищать наследие предков. Правда, никаких сокровищ найти им не удалось, кроме двух гробов, в которых лежали прекрасно сохранившиеся мумии девушек. Но кому-то из них всё же удалось забрать камень жизни, хранившийся внутри одной из мумий. Студенты потревожили мумий - баронессу Ефросинью Студион и её гувернантку Альму - и те очнулись. Без камня Ефросинья вскоре погибнет, поэтому девушкам нужно срочно его отыскать.
Love Live! μ's Live Collection
Hanayo Koizumi (voice)
Love Live! μ's Live Collection is a compilation of all the animated dance scenes across the six singles, both seasons of the anime and the movie. It was released on August 26, 2016.
μ's Final LoveLive! ~μ'sic Forever♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪~
Hanayo Koizumi / Herself
μ’s Final LoveLive! ~µ'sic Forever♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪~ is a DVD/Blu-Ray disc of μ's live concert that took place in Tokyo Dome on March 31 and April 1, 2016. This was officially μ's final solo-act concert. It was released on September 28, 2016. The concert was live-streamed to cinemas across Japan, as well as China, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Australia.
μ's 5th Go→Go! LoveLive! 2015 ~Dream Sensation!~
Hanayo Koizumi
μ's Go→Go! LoveLive! 2015 ~Dream Sensation!~ is a DVD/Blu-Ray disc of μ's live concert that took place in Saitama Super Arena on January 31st and February 1st, 2015. It was released on September 30, 2015. The concert was live-streamed to cinemas across Japan, as well as Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia.
Love Live! The School Idol Movie
Hanayo Koizumi (voice)
Although μ's, the defending champions of the school idol tournament, plans to dissolve their group after the graduation of their senior members, they receive news that leads them to holding a concert event! The 9 girls continue to learn and grow in this new and unfamiliar world. What is the last thing that these girls can do as school idols? With the clock ticking, what kind of meaning will the μ's members find in performing the most exciting live performance?
μ's 4th →NEXT LoveLive! 2014 ~ENDLESS PARADE~
Hanayo Koizumi
μ's →NEXT LoveLive! 2014 ~ENDLESS PARADE~ is a DVD/Blu-Ray disc of μ's live concert that took place in Saitama Super Arena on February 8th and 9th, 2014. Day One was split into three parts and released separately coupled with the 2nd, 4th and 6th TV Anime 2 Blu-ray Volumes, while the DVD and Blu-ray for Day 2 was released on July 23, 2014. This was their first concert to be live-streamed not just in cinemas across Japan, but also to cinemas in other countries.
μ's 3rd Anniversary LoveLive!
Hanayo Koizumi
μ's 3rd Anniversary Love Live! is a DVD/Blu-Ray disc of μ's live concert that took place in Pacifico Yokohama, Japan on June 16, 2013. The DVD and Blu-ray was released on December 25, 2013. This was their first concert to be live-streamed to cinemas across Japan.
μ's  2nd New Year LoveLive! 2013
Hanayo Koizumi
μ's New Year LoveLive! 2013 is μ's live concert that took place in Tokyo Dome City Hall on January 3, 2013. Eli Ayase's voice actress, Yoshino Nanjo, was unable to attend due to fripSide's 10th Anniversary concert taking place at roughly the same time. It was split into three parts and released separately coupled with the 2nd, 4th, and 6th TV Anime Blu-ray Volumes. A radio drama CD was also released as a premium ticket purchase bonus.
μ's 1st LoveLive!
Hanayo Koizumi
A μ's live concert that took place in Yokohama BLITZ, Japan on February 19, 2012.
Wonderful Rush
Theme Song Performance
Music video bundled with the fifth single of the anime-idol group μ's.
Wonderful Rush
Hanayo Koizumi (voice)
Music video bundled with the fifth single of the anime-idol group μ's.
Theme Song Performance
Mogyutto "love" de Sekkin Chuu! (もぎゅっと“love”で接近中! lit. Approaching Tightly with LOVE!) is μ’s fourth single released on February 15, 2012 on both CD and DVD, the day after Valentine's Day. It is also included in μ's Best Album Best Live! Collection.
Hanayo Koizumi (voice)
Mogyutto "love" de Sekkin Chuu! (もぎゅっと“love”で接近中! lit. Approaching Tightly with LOVE!) is μ’s fourth single released on February 15, 2012 on both CD and DVD, the day after Valentine's Day. It is also included in μ's Best Album Best Live! Collection.
The Parasite Doctor Suzune: Evolution
Set within a city where parasites rage, the parasites settled into their human hosts and increases their power and sexual desires. Dr. Suzune is a parasite expert who works daily to kill the parasites. A sinister demon organization exists behind the parasites. Dr. Suzune also realizes that her father, who went missing when she was a young child, is somehow connected with the group. Violence and madness awaits for her ...
The Parasite Doctor Suzune: Genesis
The city is infested with mysterious parasites that bore into their human hosts to increase their host's power and sexual desires. A beautiful girl, Suzune Arizono is a vet with a specialty in parasites, and who fights daily to end the plague. Before long, she learns that an evil organization, the Kito Zaibatsu, is behind the explosive growth of this ferocious parasite. She also learns that her long-missing father, Dr. Arizono, is also involved. In order to crush the Kito Zaibatsu's ambition and to see her father again, Suzune takes on the fight without regard to the danger involved.
Natsu-iro Egao de 1, 2, Jump!
Theme Song Performance
Natsuiro Egao de 1,2,Jump! (夏色えがおで1,2,Jump! lit. With Summer-colored Smiles 1,2,Jump!) is μ’s third single released on August 24, 2011 on both CD and DVD. It is also included in all of μ's solo albums and μ's Best Album Best Live! Collection.
Natsu-iro Egao de 1, 2, Jump!
Hanayo Koizumi (voice)
Natsuiro Egao de 1,2,Jump! (夏色えがおで1,2,Jump! lit. With Summer-colored Smiles 1,2,Jump!) is μ’s third single released on August 24, 2011 on both CD and DVD. It is also included in all of μ's solo albums and μ's Best Album Best Live! Collection.
Snow Halation
Theme Song Performance
Snow Halation is the second single for μ's (Muse), the girls of Otonokizaka Academy from the mobile game and anime franchise Love Live! School Idol Project. It was released to celebrate Christmas in 2010, and serves as the ending song for episode 9 of Love Live! School Idol Project Season 2.
Snow Halation
Hanayo Koizumi (voice)
Snow Halation is the second single for μ's (Muse), the girls of Otonokizaka Academy from the mobile game and anime franchise Love Live! School Idol Project. It was released to celebrate Christmas in 2010, and serves as the ending song for episode 9 of Love Live! School Idol Project Season 2.
Bokura no Live Kimi to no Life
Theme Song Performance
Love Live! School idol project. DVD bundled with the debut CD single of the fan-voted idol project.
Bokura no Live Kimi to no Life
Hanayo Koizumi (voice)
Love Live! School idol project. DVD bundled with the debut CD single of the fan-voted idol project.
Rascal Does Not Dream of a Sister Venturing Out
Kaede Azusagawa (voice)
After a draining December, Sakuta is quickly nearing the end of his second year of high school. Since Mai is a third-year student, they don't have much time left together before graduation rolls around. Meanwhile, his sister, Kaede, is slowly but steadily venturing outdoors again. Just as she begins to find her footing, she announces her most ambitious goal yet—attending her brother's high school! Sakuta knows better than anyone how difficult this will be for Kaede, and he's ready to support her however he can. He's just not sure if that's what's best for her...or what she really wants...