Britni West


Outside Noise
Director of Photography
Daniela is unsure about what to do next and where to live. Mia is finishing a master’s degree that she spontaneously started. Along with Natascha, another friend thinking of moving to Vienna, they wander around and talk.
Classical Period
Production Design
The members of a reading group exchange cultural and literary references with such vigor that there’s little room for anything else: an attempt to leave the modern world behind or merely their own solitary existences?
Set Decoration
Камилле всего восемнадцать лет и она интроверт. Главная героиня "Скейт-кухни" является ярой поклонницей скейтбординга. Она живет вместе со своей мамой-одиночкой на Лонг-Айленде. Однажды Камилла получает серьезную травму, и обещает матери навсегда завязать со скейтбордингом. Однако, желание кататься сильнее нашей героини. На Instagram она натыкается на "The Skate Kitchen", субкультуру молодых девушек, жизнь которых вращается вокруг скейта. Она присоединяется к этому сообществу. Сексуальные и стремительные девушки быстро переворачивают мировоззрение наивной героини картины.
Short Stay
Mike may always be wandering, but you’d hardly call him a man on the move. His stamping ground is modest, the strip of suburbia between his mom’s house in New Jersey and the pizza place where he works. Mike’s no great conversationalist and isn’t big on direction either, preferring to let things happen than making them happen himself. Feeding a neighbour’s dog, bumping into a friend, catching a hockey game: all just different reasons to trudge along the same wintry streets, unhurried, ungainly, alone. One day, opportunity knocks. Mike bumps into his old school friend Mark, who asks Mike to take over his walking tour job and Philadelphia apartment during his trip to Poland. A change of season, a change of scene, a change of fortune? The streets Mike now wanders through are different and the sun is shining, but otherwise it’s the same old story: new people and new encounters, laced with the usual awkwardness and inertia.
Assistant Property Master
Кристин Чаббак долго страдала от депрессии и совершила несколько попыток покончить собой, наглотавшись медикаментов. Психическое расстройство усилила драма неразделённой любви к коллеге по работе. 15 июля 1974 года Чаббак — на тот момент ей исполнилось 29 лет — выстрелила в себя из револьвера 38-го калибра в прямом эфире утренних новостей.
Tired Moonlight
Dawn, a middle aged woman who lives alone in a small town in Montana spends her days working as a maid at a roadside motel and scrounging through junk she purchases at local storage auctions hoping to one day 'hit the jackpot' and fund her travels and her escape from the town. Her humdrum life is slowly upended as Paul, a ramblin' man from her past, rolls like a tumbleweed through her small town. Pitting grand landscapes against dinners of fried chicken and the roar of V8 engines on Saturday nights, Tired Moonlight explores the relationship between extravagant nature and the tiny mundane moments of small town life.
Tired Moonlight
Dawn, a middle aged woman who lives alone in a small town in Montana spends her days working as a maid at a roadside motel and scrounging through junk she purchases at local storage auctions hoping to one day 'hit the jackpot' and fund her travels and her escape from the town. Her humdrum life is slowly upended as Paul, a ramblin' man from her past, rolls like a tumbleweed through her small town. Pitting grand landscapes against dinners of fried chicken and the roar of V8 engines on Saturday nights, Tired Moonlight explores the relationship between extravagant nature and the tiny mundane moments of small town life.
Tired Moonlight
Dawn, a middle aged woman who lives alone in a small town in Montana spends her days working as a maid at a roadside motel and scrounging through junk she purchases at local storage auctions hoping to one day 'hit the jackpot' and fund her travels and her escape from the town. Her humdrum life is slowly upended as Paul, a ramblin' man from her past, rolls like a tumbleweed through her small town. Pitting grand landscapes against dinners of fried chicken and the roar of V8 engines on Saturday nights, Tired Moonlight explores the relationship between extravagant nature and the tiny mundane moments of small town life.
Tired Moonlight
Dawn, a middle aged woman who lives alone in a small town in Montana spends her days working as a maid at a roadside motel and scrounging through junk she purchases at local storage auctions hoping to one day 'hit the jackpot' and fund her travels and her escape from the town. Her humdrum life is slowly upended as Paul, a ramblin' man from her past, rolls like a tumbleweed through her small town. Pitting grand landscapes against dinners of fried chicken and the roar of V8 engines on Saturday nights, Tired Moonlight explores the relationship between extravagant nature and the tiny mundane moments of small town life.
Кумико – охотница за сокровищами
Set Decoration
Кумико живёт в захламлённой, тесной квартире в Токио со своим питомцем — кроликом по имени Бунзо. Она работает в офисе, в котором механически готовит чай и ходит в химчистку для своего недалёкого босса. В своё свободное время она упоенно смотрит известный американский фильм на затёртой видео-кассете. Перематывая назад и вперёд, она педантично пытается определить место, где выброшенный на берег дипломат с награбленным добром оказался закопанным по сюжету фильма. После долгих часов изучения, убеждённая, что ей судьбой предназначено найти эти деньги, Кумико отправляется на его поиски в США, в суровую зиму Миннесоты.
Person to Person
Production Design
Waking up the morning after hosting a party, a man discovers a stranger passed out on his floor. He spends the rest of the day trying to convince her to leave.
Marvin, Seth and Stanley
Marvin's estranged sons, Seth and Stanley, return home for a camping trip. As past grudges are exposed, their weekend getaway slowly unfurls.
Застрял между станциями
Production Design
Инди-драма рассказывает о молодом солдате, который в отпуск вернувшись домой встречает Ребекку, друга детства.
Incredibly Small
Art Designer
Two recent college graduates, Anne, an ambitious law student and Amir, an aimless escalator attendant and aspiring sculptor move into a 300 square foot apartment and try to start a life together. But the combination of their small apartment, their threateningly handsome neighbor across the hall and unexpected visitors from the past make them realize that maybe they aren't as perfect for each other as they previously had thought.
Incredibly Small
Two recent college graduates, Anne, an ambitious law student and Amir, an aimless escalator attendant and aspiring sculptor move into a 300 square foot apartment and try to start a life together. But the combination of their small apartment, their threateningly handsome neighbor across the hall and unexpected visitors from the past make them realize that maybe they aren't as perfect for each other as they previously had thought.
Holy Grail in America
Set Decoration
In 1898, a Minnesota farmer clearing trees from his field uprooted a large stone covered with mysterious runes that tell a story of land acquisition and murder. The stone allegedly dates back to 1362. Initially thought to be a hoax, new evidence suggests the find could be real, and a clue that the Knights Templar discovered America 100 years before Columbus, perhaps bringing with them history's greatest treasure... the Holy Grail. Follow the clues as experts use erosion studies on the rune stone and match symbols in Templar ruins all over Europe to support this theory. Stones with similar markings have been found on islands across the Atlantic Ocean, and in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Is it possible the Knights Templar, long thought to have been massacred, escaped on an incredible journey and were leaving clues to the whereabouts of the stone?