Ghost / Lone Man
После того как метеоритный дождь уничтожил практически все живое на Земле, Сэм вынужден выживать под землей. Он и его верный друг Трой вместе с молодой девушкой Роуз отправляются в путешествие, которое ведет их в самые темные части подземного мира, где они вынуждены скрываться от мутировавших существ, заполонивших Землю, а также от банд преступников и мародеров...
In the neon-drenched near future, our anthropomorphic feline heroine Meow meets sleazy film producer Alan, who intends to have her at any cost. But his sadistic plans go bloodily awry...
In the neon-drenched near future, our anthropomorphic feline heroine Meow meets sleazy film producer Alan, who intends to have her at any cost. But his sadistic plans go bloodily awry...
Barry is a drug-addled, abusive bastard who - after yet another bender - is abducted by aliens. Barry takes a backseat as an alien visitor assumes control of his body and takes it for a joyride through Cape Town. What follows is an onslaught of drugs, sex, and violence as our alien tourist enters the weird and wonderful world of humankind.
Executive Producer
Barry is a drug-addled, abusive bastard who - after yet another bender - is abducted by aliens. Barry takes a backseat as an alien visitor assumes control of his body and takes it for a joyride through Cape Town. What follows is an onslaught of drugs, sex, and violence as our alien tourist enters the weird and wonderful world of humankind.
Barry is a drug-addled, abusive bastard who - after yet another bender - is abducted by aliens. Barry takes a backseat as an alien visitor assumes control of his body and takes it for a joyride through Cape Town. What follows is an onslaught of drugs, sex, and violence as our alien tourist enters the weird and wonderful world of humankind.
Danny B
Barry is a drug-addled, abusive bastard who - after yet another bender - is abducted by aliens. Barry takes a backseat as an alien visitor assumes control of his body and takes it for a joyride through Cape Town. What follows is an onslaught of drugs, sex, and violence as our alien tourist enters the weird and wonderful world of humankind.
Barry is a drug-addled, abusive bastard who - after yet another bender - is abducted by aliens. Barry takes a backseat as an alien visitor assumes control of his body and takes it for a joyride through Cape Town. What follows is an onslaught of drugs, sex, and violence as our alien tourist enters the weird and wonderful world of humankind.
Barry is a drug-addled, abusive bastard who - after yet another bender - is abducted by aliens. Barry takes a backseat as an alien visitor assumes control of his body and takes it for a joyride through Cape Town. What follows is an onslaught of drugs, sex, and violence as our alien tourist enters the weird and wonderful world of humankind.
Ex-RST Employee
Военный Рэй Гаррисон возвращается из очередной горячей точки к любимой красавице-жене. Супруги проводят отпуск в Европе, но счастье длится недолго - террористы, не сумев вытянуть из Рэя нужную им информацию, убивают жену, а затем и его самого. Но вскоре корпорация RST возвращает его к жизни. Армия нанороботов в крови превратила Рэя в бессмертного Бладшота, и теперь солдат наделен сверхсилой и способностью мгновенно самоисцеляться, вот только память оставляет желать лучшего. Но вскоре воспоминания о последних мгновениях жизни возвращаются, и Бладшот отправляется мстить за смерть жены.
Navigator Thompson
Люди сталкиваются с громадным кайдзю-монстром — сначала с одним, но затем их становится все больше, и каждый новый ужаснее предыдущего. Герои обращаются за помощью к специалисту, разбирающемуся в разновидностях чудовищ.
A boxer wakes up in the ring. We witness an unknown opponent in a desperate attempt to protect himself, relying on the memories of his glory days.
A boxer wakes up in the ring. We witness an unknown opponent in a desperate attempt to protect himself, relying on the memories of his glory days.
Fried Barry is a heroin junkie who spends his days in an abandoned building walking around tripping from his latest hit, going through his ups and downs and reliving old memories.
Fried Barry is a heroin junkie who spends his days in an abandoned building walking around tripping from his latest hit, going through his ups and downs and reliving old memories.
Executive Producer
A remote farm in the middle of no where in South Africa, a young girl travels back for her mothers’ funeral and to see her mentally challenged brother. But on the night Chloe’s father leaves on business, the maid is left to keep a eye out for the brother and sister. Their peaceful world is thrown into chaos, when a tragic event ensues, forcing Chloe to make a life changing decision. This coupled with the typical stress of adolescent life, causes Chloe to descend beyond her limits of sanity.
A remote farm in the middle of no where in South Africa, a young girl travels back for her mothers’ funeral and to see her mentally challenged brother. But on the night Chloe’s father leaves on business, the maid is left to keep a eye out for the brother and sister. Their peaceful world is thrown into chaos, when a tragic event ensues, forcing Chloe to make a life changing decision. This coupled with the typical stress of adolescent life, causes Chloe to descend beyond her limits of sanity.
A remote farm in the middle of no where in South Africa, a young girl travels back for her mothers’ funeral and to see her mentally challenged brother. But on the night Chloe’s father leaves on business, the maid is left to keep a eye out for the brother and sister. Their peaceful world is thrown into chaos, when a tragic event ensues, forcing Chloe to make a life changing decision. This coupled with the typical stress of adolescent life, causes Chloe to descend beyond her limits of sanity.
Fat Guard
Действие происходит в ближайшем будущем, когда экономика США начнёт своё снижение и на страну обрушится волна насилия. Чтобы сдержать постоянно растущее уголовное население создаются частные тюрьмы. Худшая из этих тюрем - Терминал Айленд, где заключенным приходится воевать с другими заключенными за свою жизнь в телевизионном шоу.
Великобритания, 2007-й год. Вспышка смертельно опасного заболевания, вызванная вирусом, известным под наименованием «Жнец», убивает сотни тысяч людей. Правительство спешно эвакуирует всех, кого только возможно, из зараженной местности – с территории Шотландии, а затем окружает её неприступной стеной. Спустя тридцать лет ограждение всё ещё на своём месте, а жертвы преданы забвению.
When an image-conscious wild child takes a strange new drug at a party, she undergoes a shocking transformation. Desperate to reverse the effects of the drug, she is horrified to discover that she has become the key to saving the human race.
A group of homeless misfits must fight for survival when they discover a plot to exterminate every homeless person in the city. A remake of the 1987 cult classic.
A group of homeless misfits must fight for survival when they discover a plot to exterminate every homeless person in the city. A remake of the 1987 cult classic.
A group of homeless misfits must fight for survival when they discover a plot to exterminate every homeless person in the city. A remake of the 1987 cult classic.