William Reunanen

Рождение : 1911-06-27,


Villin pohjolan salattu laakso
Makeup Artist
The Vorna brothers search for a hidden valley and its treasures.
Makeup Artist
Sisters Pirkko and Brita travel to Aulango together with their landlady Sigrid to look for wealthy spouses. At the same time brothers Erkki and Olavi hope to find girls who would love them for their own sake and not for their money.
Makeup Artist
Ihana seikkailu
Makeup Artist
The Boys
When Continuation War started in Summer 1941, German soldiers arrived to Oulu. With their charm they conquered women and town boys. Finnish boys communicated with them on many levels: had trades, worked as interpreters, rotated business, spied on German love adventures and fought with each other about the favor of soldiers. In autumn 1944, the war was ending. Germans left Oulu by leaving behind fragile relationships, bastard kids and unfinished businesses. The most shocking of all was the faith of young Jake...
The Boys
Makeup Artist
When Continuation War started in Summer 1941, German soldiers arrived to Oulu. With their charm they conquered women and town boys. Finnish boys communicated with them on many levels: had trades, worked as interpreters, rotated business, spied on German love adventures and fought with each other about the favor of soldiers. In autumn 1944, the war was ending. Germans left Oulu by leaving behind fragile relationships, bastard kids and unfinished businesses. The most shocking of all was the faith of young Jake...
Makeup Artist
Pinsiön parooni
Makeup Artist
Pikku suorasuu
Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist
Расскажите это ей...
Makeup Artist
Блестящий дебют Мауно в опере, где он заменяет заболевшего певца. Обладая исключительной музыкальностью и голосом редкой красоты, он делает большие успехи. Его приглашают выступить с песней "Расскажите это ей..." в Хельсинки. Другая героиня Хелена тоже мечтает о музыке, её призвание-скрипка. Но пока это её досуг, потому что тётя Хелены заставляет её учиться на медсестру. Занятия музыкой проходят у того же профессора Косонена, у которого тоже занимается Мауно. Профессор больше занят своим талантливым учеником и Хелена немного ревнует профессора. Мауно-это тот солдат, который спас ей жизнь во время войны. Лишь выступление Мауно по радио с песней "Край мой родимый" напомнит ей военное детство, Хелена узнает в певце военного солдата. Встречаются они в Хельсинки, на концерте, Хелена аккомпанирует Мауно и находят друг друга, музыка сроднила их.
Preludes to Ecstasy
Makeup Artist
Sten Lehtoja, a married, middle-aged businessman, picks up a young hitchhiker, Elsie, while driving to his summer home. Elsie spends the night and becomes his mistress. Later during the summer, Elsie also begins an affair with Reino, the teenage son of a local storekeeper. Sten offers to divorce his wife, and Elsie, attracted by the prospect of a secure social position, agrees to marry him when the divorce becomes final. One night when the couple are in bed, Reino climbs a ladder and attempts to force his way into their room; he falls and breaks his neck, and to avoid scandal Sten hides the body. But the strain of guilt ruins the romance, and Elsie contacts the police, who arrest her lover.
Preludes to Ecstasy
Sten Lehtoja, a married, middle-aged businessman, picks up a young hitchhiker, Elsie, while driving to his summer home. Elsie spends the night and becomes his mistress. Later during the summer, Elsie also begins an affair with Reino, the teenage son of a local storekeeper. Sten offers to divorce his wife, and Elsie, attracted by the prospect of a secure social position, agrees to marry him when the divorce becomes final. One night when the couple are in bed, Reino climbs a ladder and attempts to force his way into their room; he falls and breaks his neck, and to avoid scandal Sten hides the body. But the strain of guilt ruins the romance, and Elsie contacts the police, who arrest her lover.
Scandal in the Girls' School
The headmaster of a private girls' school is doing her best to maintain strict discipline in the school. In addition to the loosening morals of the students, the warm relationship between two girls is a causing concern.
Scandal in the Girls' School
Makeup Artist
The headmaster of a private girls' school is doing her best to maintain strict discipline in the school. In addition to the loosening morals of the students, the warm relationship between two girls is a causing concern.
Pekka ja Pätkä neekereinä
Makeup Artist
Pete and Runt misinterpret the messages of a career choice machine and try to create a career as African dancers.
Taas tapaamme Suomisen perheen
Makeup Artist
Taas tapaamme Suomisen perheen
Pekka ja Pätkä mestarimaalareina
Makeup Artist
Vatsa sisään, rinta ulos!
Makeup Artist
Ei ruumiita makuuhuoneeseen
Makeup Artist
Two Finnish PI:s are hunted by a gang specialized to counterfeit banknotes from Malaga to Finland and Mallorca and back. The counterfeit money printing plates are desperately searched by the gang and our heroes try to hide from them by travelling to Mallorca, where some of the local hoods try to kill them and retake the missing plates.
Kovaa peliä Pohjolassa
Makeup Artist
An ex-finnish army officer Kari Kivi returns to Finland after 12 years of absence. He is quickly hired by a businessman named Östermalm to be his stand-in to escape the ring of spies threatening his life. Many beautiful women cross Kivi's path before the spy ring is eventually crushed.
Sven Tuuva the Hero
Makeup Artist
For six hundred years Sweden had controlled most of Finland until the war with Russia that ended in 1809, when Finland became a Grand Duchy of the Russian Czar. This period drama is set during that early 19th-century war and focuses on one of its heroes, Sven Tuuva. Sven is a decent yet not too brilliant soldier, and his exploits are partly balanced here by the charms of a compatriot.
Verta käsissämme
Makeup Artist
After returning home from being a prisoner of war Viktor gets a job from his friend Rolf with whom he had served. The men trust each other until Viktor meets Rolf’s wife Astrid.
Pekka ja Pätkä miljonääreinä
Makeup Artist
Pekka ja Pätkä Suezilla
Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist
Pekka ja Pätkä sammakkomiehinä
Makeup Artist
Niskavuori taistelee
Makeup Artist
The last black-and-white film in the Niskavuori series of movies.
Makeup Artist
Pastor Samuel Bro has lost his faith in God. He is in conflict with the Church Council and is rejected from his priesthood. He moves away to a different life.
Musta rakkaus
Makeup Artist
Marjatta lives in poor conditions in Tampere with her widowed father Arttu who works as a factory worker. Marjatta gets to know engineering student Pauli whose constantly worsening mental health problems and jealousy become a threat to Marjatta and her close circle.
Pekka ja Pätkä ketjukolarissa
Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist
Молодой красивый карельский купец Шемейкка завлёк молодую жену старого Юхана — Марию. Он увёз её к себе в Карелию. Но недолго длилось счастье Марии. Она узнаёт, что у Шемейкки в доме живут пять обманутых им девушек, а сам он уже снова развлекается в соседней деревне. Мария хочет вернуться к Юхану. Ласково встречает старик Марию и её ребёнка. Они возвращаются домой на лодке. Высадив Марию с ребёнком на берег, Юхан хочет причалить к нужному месту. Но весло ломается, и лодку несёт к водопаду. Ревущие воды поглотили Юхана.
Viisi vekkulia
Makeup Artist
Неизвестный солдат
Makeup Artist
1941 год. Подразделение Финской армии наступает на Ленинград. Главная финская киноэпопея о войне с русскими. Фильм снят по повести Вайно Линна . После Второй Мировой войны эта книга имела в Финляндии и за ее пределами большой успех. Фильм рассказывает о судьбах финских солдат, участвующих в войне против России на стороне Германии. События фильма начинают разворачиваться летом 1941 года, и зритель находится, как бы в центре событий с самых первых дней войны, видит подготовку к войне в финских частях, их искреннюю радость по этому поводу.
Pekka ja Pätkä pahassa pulassa
Makeup Artist
Pastori Jussilainen
Makeup Artist
The Doll Merchant
Makeup Artist
A wide-eyed doll salesman is mistaken for a bomb-wielding anarchist by the oppressive forces of the totalitarian state.
Isän vanha ja uusi
Makeup Artist
An architect, who has recently married a new, younger wife, tries to re-connect with his ex-wife, who is being courted by another man.
Isän vanha ja uusi
An architect, who has recently married a new, younger wife, tries to re-connect with his ex-wife, who is being courted by another man.
Kukonlaulusta kukonlauluun
Makeup Artist
A farm boy leaves his sweetheart Eliina and moves to the city for a relationship with Laila, a summer guest at the farm.
Rakas lurjus
Makeup Artist
It is a time of extreme housing shortage in Helsinki. People with room in their flats are required either to find subtenants or to lodge anyone sent by the housing commission. Abel and Jussi Siimes, two devoted haters of women, find themselves in this predicament. They need to find a subtenant quickly to avoid the possibility of the housing commission sending a woman, God forbid it, to live with them. Abel's acquaintance, an assessor, recommends his nephew Kaino as the perfect choice.
Veteraanin voitto
Onni etsii asuntoa
Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist
Kasarmin tytär
Makeup Artist
Mä oksalla ylimmällä
Makeup Artist
A fictional love story between famous composer Gabriel Linsén and opera singer Maria Sawina in 19th century Finland.
Niskavuoren Aarne
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Niskavuori's Aarne (Arne från Niskavuori) is a Finnish drama film from 1954. It is based on Hella Wuolijoki's play Niskavuori's Bread. In chronological order of the Niskavuori series, the film is the fourth. Aarne has married Ilona and left the house in Niskavuori, which he hosts, where his former wife Martta still lives, while the old mistress is holding the reins. Aarne and Ilona live in Helsinki, but Aarne has not been able to completely break away from Niskavuori, but keeps secretly in touch with the headmaster and gives instructions on the farm management.
Scarlet Week
After a weekend of dancing and camping on a recreation island near the city, a young factory worker decides to stay and cut work for a day. Walking around the now deserted island, he meets a beautiful woman camping alone and sunbathing in the nude on the beach. A hot romance flares up between the worker and the more upper-class married lady, lasting through the light-filled nights of the whole summer week until the woman's much older husband returns to the island the next weekend.
Makeup Artist
Молочница Хилья
Makeup Artist
Молочница Хилья нравится богатому фермеру. Студент Эйно также пытается ухаживать за ней, однако фермер этим очень недоволен.
Pekka Puupää kesälaitumilla
Pekka is given the task of renting a summer place, but real estate agent Aadolf Muikku tricks him into buying a villa.
Pekka Puupää kesälaitumilla
Makeup Artist
Pekka is given the task of renting a summer place, but real estate agent Aadolf Muikku tricks him into buying a villa.
Me tulemme taas
Makeup Artist
The film tells the story of the romance between the timber rafters and widow Kaisa, her daughter Satu and Katri from Karkela. Problems are caused by the men in the village, especially the Master of Karkela, who has his own plans for widow's land.
Jälkeen syntiinlankeemuksen
Makeup Artist
Schoolboy Klaus is convicted of theft and sent to prison. At his release Klaus feels that his life has changed a lot. Despite all his hardship and difficulties he keeps up his studies under the supervision of the grim Master Kahari.
Rantasalmen sulttaani
Makeup Artist
Niskavuoren Heta
Makeup Artist
Tervetuloa aamukahville eli tottako toinenkin puoli?
Makeup Artist
Lännen lokarin veli
Makeup Artist
Coal miner Esaias Coolman returns to Finland from his working years in America.
Makeup Artist
Rion yö
Makeup Artist
Radio tekee murron
Makeup Artist
Eager young radio reporter Teräsvuori stages a one-man burglary into the Helsinki Art Museum, recorded on tape for a later broadcast by his friend Laakso. Things go awry when a gang of real criminals overhear their plans and book their heist to coincide. Teräsvuori gets caught but escapes from police custody to start his private investigations together with female radio colleague Eila.
Vain laulajapoikia
Makeup Artist
Vain laulajapoikia
Rakkaus on nopeampi Piiroisen pässiäkin
Makeup Artist
Katarina kaunis leski
Makeup Artist
Finland late 1700s. After Katarina Thorwöst becomes a widow, there are many suitors, but her heart belongs to the fencing teacher lieutenant Carl-Magnus Schildt.
Tanssi yli hautojen
Makeup Artist
In the early 1800s, Finnish governor's daughter first detests but soon falls in love with Russian Czar Alexander I who has just taken Finland over from Sweden's rule.
Maija löytää sävelen
Makeup Artist
Isäpappa ja keltanokka
Makeup Artist
Katupeilin takana
Makeup Artist
Isäntä soittaa hanuria
Makeup Artist
Aaltoska orkaniseeraa
Makeup Artist
Two children get involved in the adventure as the bustling caretaker Mrs. Aaltoska and crime reporter "Hawkeye" Lipponen start chasing the mysterious criminal league.
Makeup Artist
Prinsessa Ruusunen
Makeup Artist
Pikku pelimannista viulun kuninkaaksi
William Reunanen (uncredited)
Ruma Elsa
Makeup Artist
The boyish, temperamental chemistry student Elsa Kassel disapproves of her mother and sisters running after men, but when she hears that she's referred to as "ugly Elsa", she takes on a transformation. The new, charming Elsa tests her attractiveness on men and causes confusion all the way to her mother's new groom, Professor Harjula.
Neljästoista vieras
Makeup Artist
Irmeli, seitsentoistavuotias
Makeup Artist
Irmeli, seitsentoistavuotias
Toukokuun taika
Makeup Artist
Toukokuun taika
vaattuuri (uncredited)
Laulava sydän
Makeup Artist
Laulava sydän
Haaviston Leeni
Makeup Artist
Suopursu kukkii
Makeup Artist
Suopursu kukkii
Makeup Artist
In mid-19th century Finland, Klaus von Rapp marries young Anette Erling. The marriage is full of happiness until Klaus’s deception is exposed and changes everything with catastrophic consequences.
Two conservative men are surprised when they find out that their wives are actually athletes.
Hedelmätön puu
Makeup Artist
Hedelmätön puu
Kirkastuva sävel
Nuoruus sumussa
"Youth Astray" - About three young men trying to find a place in society after the war.
En ole kreivitär
Helena Kara plays a dual role in this spectacularly portrayed adventure story where a real Countess and a false one cause misunderstandings. The film won Jussi Awards for filming and staging.
Nokea ja kultaa
Makeup Artist
Suomisen Olli yllättää
Makeup Artist
Olli Suominen goes through the usual troubles of a teenager. After being in the war he is trying to find his place in the society. And the relations with his family is in turmoil. He also finds the sweet life in restaurants more exhilarating than being in the school and reading books for the forthcoming student exams.
Anna Liisa
Makeup Artist
Oi, aika vanha, kultainen...!
Makeup Artist
Perheen musta lammas
Perheen musta lammas
Makeup Artist
Oi, kallis Suomenmaa
Makeup Artist
Lapseni on minun...
Makeup Artist
Elsa lives in a childless marriage. But she longs for a baby. She is drawn to a man that could be the father of her long awaited child.
Seitsemän veljestä
Makeup Artist
Based on a novel by Aleksis Kivi. Follows the story of seven brothers of Jukola in 19th century Finland.
Takki ja liivit pois!
Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist
Helmikuun manifesti
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February Manifesto was Yrjö Norta's and Toivo Särkkä's Finnish movie from 1939. It is a Finnish historical drama about developing independency based on book of the writer Mika Waltari. Movie Starring Tauno Palo and Regina Linnanheimo. For it's anti-soviet thematics it was banned in Finland from 1944 to 1987.
Vieras mies tuli taloon
Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist
За спичками
По одноимённой повести Майю Лассила. Полная самых неожиданных и нелепых происшествий, эта кинокомедия является едкой сатирой на финскую деревенскую буржуазию, на её нравы, на тупой и бессодержательный образ жизни. … — опять в доме ни спички… — с этими словами Анна-Лиза, жена Анти Ихалайнена, разбудила своего ленивого мужа и послала его за спичками. По дороге Анти встретил своего закадычного друга Юсси Ватанена… О неожиданных приключениях, к которым привела эта встреча, с тонким юмором рассказывает фильм.