Raquel Elizabeth Ames


Санта украл нашего пса: Веселое Собачье Рождество!
Где-то в солнечной Калифорнии в Рождественский сочельник, пёс нечаянно забирается в мешок с подарками, которые разносит Санта Клаус. Так начинается приключение длиной в двенадцать дней, в котором семья отправляется на Северный полюс, чтобы вернуть всеобщего любимца.
Det. Darla Starr
Life takes a terrifying and unpredictable turn for Tyler & Chelsea when they begin to receive menacing phone calls from a seemingly unstable woman who insists that Tyler's her ex-boyfriend.
WWJD: What Would Jesus Do? The Journey Continues
The journey continues from WWJD as the drifter (John Schneider) arrives into a new town - inspiring a group of people to live as Jesus would. A troubled teen heads down the wrong path dragging his brother along with him. A young woman struggles with the pressures of being in a romantic relationship. A family hopes to reunite with their estranged father. When the local pastor Joseph loses his faith in the lord the Drifter leads the pastor and the community on an improbable journey back to faith and redemption.