Darius Popescu
В центре сюжета фильма — Анджела Чайлдс, которая занимается расшифровкой аудиозаписей и работает на компанию, создавшую популярного голосового помощника KIMI. Именно он однажды записывает ссору двух людей, которая, как полагает Чайлдс, закончилась убийством. Девушка решает найти виновного, но её работодатели почему-то отказываются дать делу ход.
A young man’s budding romance is threatened when he befriends a strange ride share driver.
Phil Rosenberg
Set in the popular Austin scene with a backdrop of the sites and live sounds of the city, Funemployment explores the burn out culture many post grads experience as they navigate the startup world. Torn between making money and following their dreams, many hopeful entrepreneurs try to start their own businesses without realizing the costs it will inflict on them. Through the new medium of applications, this stark comedy delves into the consequences of getting into bed with your friends... physically and entrepreneurially.
David and Sara need a new mattress.
A young writer attempts to escape his slacker surroundings for the great American unknown by checking himself into a medical research facility to pay off his debt, fix up his RV, and finally hit the road. When he meets a mysterious young woman with whom he shares a true connection, he thinks he may have just found the co-pilot on the road of life he's been looking for all along. However their pasts and personal fears threaten to ruin a good thing before it even begins.
A young woman returns home and must confront her ex-boyfriend when an unexpected tragedy occurs.
To make their divorce final, a Quaker couple must follow tradition by seeking out everyone who came to their wedding...and asking them to cross their names off the marriage certificate.
When Krisha returns to her estranged family for Thanksgiving dinner, past demons threaten to ruin the festivities.
В то время как обитатели религиозного лагеря Good Friends готовятся к ежегодному весеннему празднику, демонический дровосек восстает из глубин ада и, ведомый жаждой мести, готовится приготовить из своих жертв блинчики с соусом из их крови.
A neurotic couple’s obsession with a mysterious puzzle comically unravels their world, disconnecting them from reality and jeopardizing their fragile relationship.
Three years after a tragic accident leaves a student dead at the annual Homecoming dance, a group of senior friends anxious about the return of Homecoming Night to their sleepy Southern town find themselves visited by a deadly presence from their past in the dark and desolate halls of their very own high school.