Victor Ivarson


Ti gutter og en gjente
Nilles far, teatersjefen
Street musician Markus goes from town to town earning money on accordion for a fee. He becomes popular with the boys in the street and also with Vivian who becomes his girlfriend. One day one of the boys is so unlucky pushing the accordion into a rivere. This causes Markus to lose his livelihood, and with a sick mother his existence is put to the test. It takes 10 boys to do something about. They raise money by putting on a show in the theater and bringing two celebrities to the play.
Gjest Baardsen
Filmen foregår i en tid preget av hungersnød. Norge har vært i krig med England og Sverige og tidene er vanskelige. Gjest Baardsen har kommet i klammeri med loven, visstnok på grunn av en bagatell. Men Gjest bryter seg ut, i stedet er det lensmannen som blir låst fast med håndjern. Og Gjest flykter stadig med lensmenn og godtfolk på slep.
The Defenceless
Based upon true events and the novel by Gabriel Scott about terrible conditions in a foster family.
Bør Børson Jr.
The story tells of the many misadventures, some comical, and trials and tribulations that Bør Børson, Jr. has to go through and endure in proving himself a citizen worthy enough to marry the squire's daughter.