Sohrab Modi

Рождение : 1897-11-02,

Смерть : 1984-01-28


Женатый холостяк
Raisaheb Surajbhan Chaudhary
У Рая Сураджбхана Чаудхари два сына: Раджкумар и Мохан. Старший сын вместе с женой Шьямой живет и работает в Калькутте, а младший учится в колледже. Приверженец Господа Баджрангбали, Мохан принял обет безбрачия и наотрез отказывается жениться. Все резко меняется, когда его сокурсница Нина вместе с маленьким сыном приезжает в дом к Раю Чаудхари. Она заявляет, что является его младшей невесткой и матерью его единственного внука, а Мохан тайно на ней женился и бросил. К ужасу Мохана, все свидетели и медицинские тесты подтверждают, что малыш действительно наследник семьи Чаудхари. Родители признают невестку и внука и настаивают на официальной свадьбе. Но все еще больше осложняется, когда Нина заявляет, что настоящим отцом ребенка является Раджкумар…
История разворачивается во времена Римской империи. Главный персонаж фильма – еврейский мальчик по имени Илья. Совершенно случайно он попадает в священника Брута камнем. По тогдашним законам подобная дерзость каралась смертной казнью. В итоге, было решено бросить мальчика львам. После этого случая слуга Эммануэль похищает дочь священника. В конце концов, она принимает решение не возвращать девочку отцу и удочеряет ее под именем Ханна.
A jailor is abandoned by his wife which leads to great changes in his life
A jailor is abandoned by his wife which leads to great changes in his life
Sultan-e-Iran Nausherwan bin Kavad
A fair-minded emperor improves and introduces new laws, but ends up facing challenges when his son violates them.
A fair-minded emperor improves and introduces new laws, but ends up facing challenges when his son violates them.
Raj Hath
A stubborn emperor plans to wage war against another who had humiliated him and his daughter.
Raj Hath
A stubborn emperor plans to wage war against another who had humiliated him and his daughter.
Raj Hath
A stubborn emperor plans to wage war against another who had humiliated him and his daughter.
Classic Bollywood film about a young man whose poverty leads him to commit crimes which, in turn, lead him to harsher and harsher punishments.
Classic Bollywood film about a young man whose poverty leads him to commit crimes which, in turn, lead him to harsher and harsher punishments.
Classic Bollywood film about a young man whose poverty leads him to commit crimes which, in turn, lead him to harsher and harsher punishments.
Сын богача Химмата Сингха Кунвар встречает в Бомбее бедную девушку Шобху и вопреки воле отца женится на ней. Возмущенный отец отказывает сыну в помощи, и Кунвар, не найдя работы, вынужден вступить в армию. Получив известие о гибели сына, Сингх приглашает Шобху с ребенком жить в его доме. На пути к нему Шобха попадает в аварию. Вместо нее в дом Сингха приезжает другая женщина с ребенком.
Мирза Галиб
Действие фильма, посвященного жизни великого индийского поэта Мирзы Галиба, происходит в 19 веке при дворе Бахадур-шаха, последнего представителя Империи Великих Моголов в Индии.
Мирза Галиб
Действие фильма, посвященного жизни великого индийского поэта Мирзы Галиба, происходит в 19 веке при дворе Бахадур-шаха, последнего представителя Империи Великих Моголов в Индии.
Jhansi Ki Rani
Set in the 19th century against the backdrop of the Mutiny of 1857, the film is about the bravery of queen Lakshmibai, Rani of Jhansi, who took up arms and led her army against the British.
Jhansi Ki Rani
Raj Guru
Set in the 19th century against the backdrop of the Mutiny of 1857, the film is about the bravery of queen Lakshmibai, Rani of Jhansi, who took up arms and led her army against the British.
Jhansi Ki Rani
Set in the 19th century against the backdrop of the Mutiny of 1857, the film is about the bravery of queen Lakshmibai, Rani of Jhansi, who took up arms and led her army against the British.
Prithvi Vallabh
Prithvi Vallabh
The story revolves around two kings, Prithvi Vallabh (Munj) of Avantipur who is kind and just, and Tailap, a neighboring king who is cruel. With the help of his sister Mrinalvati (Durga Khote) and another neighbouring king Bhillam (K. N. Singh), Tailap manages to capture Prithvi Vallabh. The rest of the film follows incidents following his captivity.
Prithvi Vallabh
The story revolves around two kings, Prithvi Vallabh (Munj) of Avantipur who is kind and just, and Tailap, a neighboring king who is cruel. With the help of his sister Mrinalvati (Durga Khote) and another neighbouring king Bhillam (K. N. Singh), Tailap manages to capture Prithvi Vallabh. The rest of the film follows incidents following his captivity.
King Porus
The film begins after Alexander the Great (Sikander in Hindi/Urdu) conquers Persia and the Kabul valley and approaches the Indian border at Jhelum. Sohrab Modi plays the Indian king Puru (Porus to the Greeks). The story goes that when Sikander defeated Porus and imprisoned him, he asked Porus how would he like to be treated. Porus replied the same way a defeated king is treated by the winner (meaning killed).
The film begins after Alexander the Great (Sikander in Hindi/Urdu) conquers Persia and the Kabul valley and approaches the Indian border at Jhelum. Sohrab Modi plays the Indian king Puru (Porus to the Greeks). The story goes that when Sikander defeated Porus and imprisoned him, he asked Porus how would he like to be treated. Porus replied the same way a defeated king is treated by the winner (meaning killed).
The film begins after Alexander the Great (Sikander in Hindi/Urdu) conquers Persia and the Kabul valley and approaches the Indian border at Jhelum. Sohrab Modi plays the Indian king Puru (Porus to the Greeks). The story goes that when Sikander defeated Porus and imprisoned him, he asked Porus how would he like to be treated. Porus replied the same way a defeated king is treated by the winner (meaning killed).
Bollywood 1940
Sardar Sangram Singh
A love affair and two feuding families who play out a Romeo and Juliet type drama in 17th century India, under the Emperor Jehangir.
A love affair and two feuding families who play out a Romeo and Juliet type drama in 17th century India, under the Emperor Jehangir.
Modi's first psychodramatic role as a liberal man becoming a tyrannical jailer. He loses his wife to a lover who then goes blind. The jailer locks up his wife, Kanwal, in their own home, forbidding any contact with their child, Bali. Later the jailer himself falls in love with a blind woman.
Modi's first psychodramatic role as a liberal man becoming a tyrannical jailer. He loses his wife to a lover who then goes blind. The jailer locks up his wife, Kanwal, in their own home, forbidding any contact with their child, Bali. Later the jailer himself falls in love with a blind woman.