Biopic charting the career of legendary German footballer Franz Beckenbauer who won the World Cup as a player in 1974, and then as the West German team's coach in 1990. Taking place against the backdrop of the stunning global tournaments, the film depicts a man who railed against the rigid structures and outdated rules in football and fought to conduct his private life as he wished, outside of the moral constraints and expectations of the time.
Oscar and Elle have been married for 25 years and, in the eyes of their daughter Lexie, they have the perfect marriage. But appearances are deceiving Oscar and Elle have lost the desire of the past. It will be his friend Oscar who will propose a solution that will revive their relationship: allow themselves a betrayal without affecting the feelings they have for each other.
Фильм посвящен «Освенцимским процессам» — под таким названием в немецкую историю вошли суды над охранниками, надзирателями и прочим персоналом концлагеря Освенцим (Аушвиц), которые проходили во Франкфурте-на-Майне в 60-е годы. Молодой прокурор Йоханн Радманн обнаруживает сведения, изобличающие преступную деятельность бывшего персонала концлагеря. При поддержке генерального прокурора Фрица Бауэра (реальная фигура) он начинает расследование, в результате которого на скамье подсудимых оказалась целая «команда» лагерных палачей. Основная тема фильма — конфликт между теми, кто желает забыть прошлое во имя национального примирения в условиях «экономического чуда» и теми, кто стремится к установлению справедливости.
Nicky Koch is in her mid-forties, a successful head buyer at a hip online shop and in a relationship with her much younger colleague Sascha Brehmer. When she defies her bosses, she is fired. Ironically, Sascha should take over her post. In this crisis, the invitation to the 25-year class reunion comes at just the right time. There she meets her old crush, Axel Hartmann, who turns out to be Sascha's father...