Elise van 't Laar


House of Salt
We follow a man who seems to be forever dripping with water, who meets a group of people that pretend he's simply not there. The film follows the man's struggle to become part of the others and learns what he must give up to do so.
Coco has no idea what to do with her life until she discovers her mother is terminally ill. She wholeheartedly embraces this new purpose in life and moves in with her mother to take care of her, ignoring their distant relationship, as well as her mother's desire to die alone.
Between 10 and 12
Girlfriend Katja
A piece of news, delivered by two officers in a police car, changes the lives of a family forever. As the journey to track down the next of kin progresses, the vehicle becomes more and more crowded with family members, picked up from home, work, the hairdressers. As they sit in the backseat, alone with their thoughts, what they thought they knew about life, about relationships, has been violently altered.
Viper’s Nest 2
When Claire returns from Burkina Faso, she is totally transformed and her girlfriends barely recognize her. Cheryl discovers Martin is cheating on her yet again and for her, this time it's the last straw: she files for divorce. Anouk, also unhappy with her love life, threatens to develop an eating disorder. Roelien, however, accepts Evert's wedding proposal. Then, a fatal and thoroughly bizarre accident transports the girlfriends to the snowy mountaintops of Austria...
Сверхновая звезда
Юная героиня драмы, пятнадцатилетняя Мэйс, живет в небольшом доме у дороги, в пустынной местности. Её бабушка дни напролёт лишь качает головой, сидя в инвалидном кресле. Её отец практически не покидает любимый диван да и мать практически ничего не делает. Мэйс катается по округе на своём велосипеде, мечтая обо всём на свете. Лишь изредка она встречается с подругой, и тогда они говорят только о мальчиках. И вот однажды, рядом с домом Мэйс, в автокатастрофу попадает молодой симпатичный парень...