Nanette Corey

Nanette Corey


Nanette Corey


Робинзон и другие
Вот и сбылась детская мечта Робинзона, он отправляется в долгожданное морское путешествие. Но надо же беде случится, его судно терпит кораблекрушение. Оставшись единственным выжившим из своей команды он спасается на необитаемом острове. Ему доведется провести там немало лет. Научиться выживать в диких джунглях, при этом здорово постараться не сойти с ума от бесконечного одиночества. Однако это не означает, что ему не встретятся там люди... просто одними он будет обманут, другие чуть было его не убьют... и только лишь находясь уже в зрелом возрасте, он повстречает настоящего друга который решит во что бы то ни стало помочь Робинзону вернуться на родину.
Alors... Heureux ?
Mlle Ravalez
И как Икар
Прокурор Вольнэ берется за дело об убийстве президента Жари. Расследование заключило, что произошло самоубийство. Однако Вольнэ считает, что случившееся — часть секретного плана…
French Undressing
To get a job and marry the nice Yvette, a quilt teacher, Julien goes to Paris. On the station platform, he swears loyalty to her, but as soon as he arrives in the capital, the seductive provincial wreaks havoc. His insatiable landlady, all the saleswomen of the shop where he is hired as an accountant, at the slightest pretext, solicit him, undress and abuse him. Finally arrives the boss, Joëlle... who is the exact double of Yvette, without her pigtails! Julien then loses his head and falls in love with the double.
La chatte sur un doigt brûlant
A number of strange characters come to Corecheux, in France: the Lalyre famille, an homossexual notary, a severe-looking governess, a female witch, a veterinarian, a journalist, and possibly the most chaste of them all, a few young girls ready to lift their skirts up at anything... A young priest takes over the mission to preach at this country estate village - but maybe he is too vigorous for the task.
Don't Change Hands
A well-known politician receives a tape showing her son in a porno movie. She decides to hire a female detective to figure out who is trying to blackmail her.
La veuve
C'est bon pour la santé
La soubrette perverse
Gilles, who operates a money losing garage, teams up with his friends Max, who operates a scrap yard, and lawyer Xavier to open a brothel catering to women. They get the idea from Gilles' secretary Irma, a former prostitute. They are assisted in the implementation by Max's wife Juliette and Sabine who is mad for Gilles. Unfortunately Gilles has fallen for Florence the daughter of the conservative Prime Minister and his wife. When the Prime Minister tries to shut down the brothel Gilles decides to stand against him in the election.
The Couples of Boulogne
In order to receive their part of an inheritance, Barbara and Bernard must find the other beneficiary, Jean-Pierre. As they search for him, they arrive at Boulogne, which they will find is used by rich people as a place to be sexually free in total privacy. There, they will be led by other couples to fulfill their most daring fantasies.
One Morning in June 1940
18 June 1940: German troops sweep through France. The cavalry school at Saumer is ordered to withdraw, but the director resolves to stop the enemy on a 25km front with his students.
Et avec les oreilles qu'est-ce que vous faites?
Two friends, Arthur and Jérôme, want to make a film. After much hesitation, they give up their primary aspirations and opt for a trendy theme: eroticism! Benefiting from a tidy sum of money, all they have to do is find the ideal cast. But the tandem is far from imagining that this somewhat crazy project will completely change their existence.
World's Best Whorehouse for Women
There are plenty of whorehouses for randy men, but lusty women don't have the same options, an inequity that prompts an entrepreneurial guy and his sex-obsessed friends to launch a business to fill the niche. By catering to an all-female clientele, they've got the best kind of cathouse -- one in which they get to sleep with whomever comes through the door next. Philippe Gaste and Anne Libert co-star in this slice of erotica from France.